Status: Unactive for now

Weight of the World

Chapter 7

"Who were they?" He questioned after nearly a hour of silence.

"Who?" I asked

"Don't play dumb, them guys you was with before. You seemed all cosy with" He said as he slammed his hand down against the steering wheel.

"They are my friends, met them the other day at that gig you said you was coming to but bailed on me, as always"

"Don't turn this around on me, tell me the truth who are they?" He said gettng angry

"I told you, they was the band i met the other night"

"Are you sleeping with one of them?" He said ignoring what i just said

"What did you just say" How dare he accuse me of cheating with him " I'm the one that put up with you every time you cheat on me, and you have the nerve to accuse me?!" He went silent. " Even if i have, you would have to forgive me" I shouldn't have said that. Next thing i saw was Kyle's hand come flying at me. I sat there in shock, hes never hit me before but i wasn't going to let him think he can get away with this. He tried apologizing but i wasn't having any of it

"Let me out of the car" I told him. He didn't slow down. "I said LET ME OUT" I screamed. He soon slowed down. Once i opened the door he didn't say anything to me, so i slammed the door and began walking. Lucky for me where he dropped me off was a 10 minute walk from Kimmie's house. After 5 minutes of walking i felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Gus.

'Hey, hope you got home ok
I had fun tonight, hope to see you again soon :)

I started smiling like mad. I quickly texted him back and placed my phone back in my bag. I wish i was still with the band and the twins. I should have, damn Kyle he always has to ruin a good time. I should have just stayed and caught the later train back. It would have been better than that car ride with him. I didn't realise i was crying until i felt tears stream down my cheeks. Once i got to Kimmie's house, I noticed that there was no lights on. I looked at my phone, god i didn't realise it was that late. I texted her to come to the door because i wasn't sure if anyone else was in the house. Within a few moments the front door opened, and i was met by a worried Kimmie.

"You ok?" She asked. I shook my head "Did he do that to you?" She said pointing to the red mark on my cheek. I nodded slowly as i began to cry again. Kimmie pulled me into a hug and brought me into the house. "Go sit down, i'll make you a brew and you can tell me what happened"
Within 10 minutes she knew everything what happened tonight. All she kept saying was that i had to end it with Kyle. Its easier said than done. She dying to see me and Gus together, she said she can feel something between us. Well i do kinda like him, kinda who am i kidding. I liked him a lot and he must like me too if he kissed me. Kimmie was right i had to break up with Kyle.
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Bit short
next chapter will be better and longer hopefully lol