Status: active. comments sound nice though. =]

Miss Bipolar, Ultimate Controller

As Shallow As a Shower

FF> Next Day> 5:58 am

I grabbed my iPod Touch and connected my headphones. Looking across the hall I saw my sister putting on makeup in front of her vanity. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. She's the kind of girl all the shallow guys would kill to date. But, she's just as shallow.
That reminds me of a song. 'The Curse of Curves' by Cute Is What We Aim For.
She certainly inherited that curse. It's not that I haven't, I just don't go around flaunting off my body like some necklace. It's so disgusting how girls like her put themselves out there just so shallow jerks can drool all over them.
I walked down the stairs, my backpack on my shoulder. It was only 6. I set my backpack down by the table and got out a Monster. My mom barely let me drink any anymore. Sarah 'accidentally' threw a baseball at the TV and blamed it on me. From drinking too many energy drinks.
I only had like three a day. Now I only get like two a week. It's not fair. She gets whatever she wants and never gets in trouble. My parents are complete idiots.
To my sister, its always 'blame the emo.'
And that's seriously what she says to her friends. I'm shocked I haven't already gotten expelled from school because of her. I sighed and drank my energy drink as Sarah hopped down the stairs, grabbing her purse off of the hallway table next to the staircase. Her denim miniskirt was barely covering her, making her white and pink blouse even more slutty. I laughed at the thought of her getting dresscoded and falling to her knees, balling and graveling not to get RPC'd. I smirked at the mental image of her pool of makeup and tears surrounding her and covering her ensemble. She fixed her lipgloss with the reflection on the microwave.

"Self-Obsessed." I coughed. I coughed a little more, acting. "Sorry, *cough* had something in my throat." She grimaced and looked at me.

"Sorry that you're just so jealous of me, Emo."

Why does everyone keep calling me that?!

"Tch. The only thing that's jealous of you is- wait. Absolutely no one!" A car horn honked outside. She looked at the window on the door.

"Oh, well that's my ride. Gotta go. See you at school, sister." She skipped out of the house like she was victorious. She left the door half opened like an absent-minded imbecile.

Again, not saying she isn't one.

"See you at school, Barbie." I muttered. I heard her talking to someone outside, but couldn't tell who.

"Just go inside, gosh." I barely heard her snap. Footsteps were headed up the pathway to the front door.

"Is she in there? Are you sure?" Someone said.

"Yeah, that's what Sarah said." I took another drink, amused by their conversation.

"Yes, because if Sarah says that a mummy is about to kill us, there must be a mummy about to kill us." I laughed a little.

"Well, it's not like anyone else told us where she was! Look, the doors open, we'll walk in and call her down if she's upstairs."

"Ugh. Fine."I set down my drink and hopped up so I was sitting on my island counter. The dark blue marble was hella cold, but I didn't flinch or anything. They walked in and saw me. I smirked at them.

"See, I told you she was in here." Craig stuck his tongue out at Max.

"I thought you guys were gonna be here at 6:10..?" I broke up their argument. They looked at me.

"Well, we saw Sarah walking out and didn't feel like waiting." Max shrugged.

"Yeah, and it's already 6:08. Close enough." I jumped down and walked to them, leaving my monster behind.

"Well, glad you came over, bye." They shook their heads.

"Nope. You're coming with us to the bus stop." Craig disagreed.

"Why?" I couldn't find one reason.

"Cause it would just be so horrible if you were kidnapped. And cuz maybe with a few adjustments, you could be like your sister." My eyes widened.

"The only reason you want me to hang around you guys is so that I could become like my sister?!? That's so incredibly shallow!!" They started laughing.

"Calm down, Skye! Jeez." Craig joked out. "I was just joking. You must really hate her."

"It's more than hatred. Trust me." Max was silent.

"Well, we gotta get to the bus stop, so whatevs." They walked out as I got my backpack. I followed them, shutting and locking the door behind.

FF> World Geography> 9:14 am

I had filled almost a fourth of my notebook with a story. It was amazing how much you can write in a class you don't pay attention to. That was until a folded piece of paper flung onto my desk. I opened it, reading carefully, and in confusion.

Hey. Do you wanna hang out after school or something? Just you and me. Not Craig. --Max

I looked over at him. He was the desk right beside me. He motioned for me to answer. I looked back down and wrote my answer.

Sure. Why not? I folded it back up and threw it on his desk.

FF> After School> 2:35 pm

I was walking home with Max, since Craig had band practice on Tuesdays.

"So watcha wanna do?" He said, braking the silence.

"Well, first, I wanna know why you even wanted to hang out. I thought all you guys liked to do was make fun of me." I looked up at the clouds.

"Well, y'know, you're new and all, and it doesn't seem like you're talking to anyone else, so, why not? Sides, it's hella boring without Craig."

"You guys live together?" I practically just ignored everything he just said.

"Nahh. He lives next door. But we hang out whenever we can. Which is like 24/7. One day I spend the night at his house, the next at mine."

"Oh cool. Do you even really want to get to know me?"

"Well, yeah. That's why I wanted to hang out with you. Let's stop by my house and drop our things off, then go up by the pond. It's awesome to hang up there." We turned to go to his house.

"Okay. Sounds good I guess." I was still unsure about this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, that sounds lovely.
I wish Max would take me to his house. Dx
And, yes, maybe for those reasons you perverts xP

Chapter Title: Curse of Curves- Cute Is What We Aim For