Status: Chapter 12 is Here

Everyone, I'm a Vampire.

Hello, I'm the Undead

I'm sitting in the front room of our cottage. Edward holds my right hand, ice and ice, and Jacob holds my left, fire and ice. Our family and friends sit around us on the various couches. Many in my vampire and werewolf family, including me, are frozen with stress. We have no idea how this is going to go. Alice might know, and judging by the look on her face, she does. Edward, Alice, and Jacob are all fine, smiles playing on their lips. Nervousness plaques me.

My family and friends look at me, eyes wide with shock. I have certainly changed. My eye color is a red-gold mess. I have contacts in to keep me looking as human as possible, not that it matters anymore. Tonight the truth will come out. We're Vampires. The Quileute boys are werewolves. So, if you see giant wolves in your back yard, don't shoot, they're really giant boys. We're going to tell them about the true origin of Renesme. They aren't going to believe us. But they can see the obvious changes.

Maybe they'll run away screaming like Edward expected when he told me about his family. That would be best for them. Stay away; I'm a dangerous newborn vampire. As in control as I am, I could still slip up. I can hear their heartbeats, the blood gushing... Stop. No thinking about blood. My throat burns, a flame of thirst. I let my shield go around Edward, not to protect him but to let him in. He read my thoughts, looked at Jake, and their hold on my hands tightened.

Edward whispered in my ear, "We'll protect you, love. Don't worry." He kissed my forehead. The thirst subsided, lust and love taking it's place. Edward sighed and whispered again, "Control yourself, love, we have company. We have all night for that later." We smiled at each other. Everyone waited.

"Edward, we'd better get to the reason why we're here." I whispered. Edward turned and spoke to our family. If I had a heart beat, I would not have been able to hear his words.

He spoke with caution, "Bella and I have some things we would like to tell you. You must follow only one rule: Tell no one." He smiled at Jacob and I. "I'm sure have all heard the story of my family. That is only our public face. In order to keep our secret, we have made up the story so we can live in your world. My family is part of the legends that have been passed through the Quileute tribe. The stories are true, all of them including the stories of the wolves." He stopped and waited for someone to speak, or breathe, for every human in the room had gone still.

When my father, who had been told some about our world, spoke, I felt a deep sadness. His face had a look of betrayal for me not letting him in. " You're the cold ones, vampires? Why didn't you tell me?" He looked at me with wide eyes, his lips mouthed 'oh no.'

"Yes. We didn't tell you Charlie because it puts you in grave danger. That is why you all must tell no one. We all will die if our secret is let out." Edward answered, sounding a little ashamed and a little amused at the same time. My father looked frightened. Oh no.

"Jacob, what is your role in this?" My mother asked, quite. She was frightened.

"We would be the wolves, Renee." Jacob let out a little laugh and look over at the pack, who laughed along with him.

"Oh." Renee managed to say and smiled. Thank God. If I‘d known she would've taken it this good, I would've told her sooner. " How did this all start, how did we come connected? Bella, what are you? Why are you telling us this?"

"I was the one who started it all." Jacob said. " I told Bella about the vampires. Bella drew her own conclusions, and she fell in love with Edward and here we are." He punched Edward shoulder and we all laughed.

"Mom, everyone, I'm part of Edward's family. I am what they are. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I thought you'd be afraid. I mean, with how I look and everything. Up until a month ago my eyes were red. I'm a newborn vampire."

"How do you guys survive? On human blood?" Angela asked, looking like she really didn't want to know the answer.

"We survive on animal blood, we're vegetarians." Edward smiled. Angela laughed, relieved.

"WOW. Vampires. Werewolves" Jessica and Mike said in unison. " Coffins?"

" We don't sleep, at all." Alice smiled.

"We have all night for extra curricular activities, like having debates." Emmett howled, a growl erupted from my throat. He went silent along with everyone else in the room. Oops.

"Jeez, Bells." Jacob laughed.

"Bella, love, control yourself, please, you would frighten your family." Edward sighed. In my mind I was picturing ripping Emmett's head off.

"Sorry, if I scared you everyone, as I said, I'm a newborn. I'm not as in control of my emotions as the rest of my vampire family." I smiled.

Edward laughed. " Bella actually has more control than any other vampire I've ever seen. She's amazing." "I love you so much. We did it." He whispered.

"I love you, too." I said. I love you more than anything. I thought.

We all turned when footsteps wandered down the hall. Now it is time to introduce Renesme as our daughter, not our niece. She walked over to us on the couch and climbed into Edward's arms. Everyone smiled.

"Hello, everyone." Renesme smiled. Everyone looked astonished at her maturity.

"We have some things to tell you about Nessie." Edward said, looking at her like she was a Goddess. "She is our daughter, not our niece. Bella had her when she was human and it nearly killed her. I had to save her so I turned Bella." He spoke my name with great love and then went on, " Nessie is half human, and half vampire. As you can see she grows quickly. Nessie also has extra talents, like my mind reading, Alice's premonitions, and Jasper's ability to control emotions. She can relay her thoughts through touch. She's very special. " He kissed Renesme's nose. She giggled.

"She's beautiful, Bella." My friends said. "Do you have a power?"

"Thank you. Yes I do. I'm a shield. I can protect people's minds from attack. Up until recently, Edward couldn't read my thoughts. But I learned how to let him in."

"Daddy, I want to go to Jacob." Renesme said to Edward. He sighed and let her go. Jacob pulled her close. "My Jake."

"Ah, all the love." Emmett teased. Edward growled, then laughed.

The night was dying down nicely. My friends left with promises that they'd call. Our family was socializing.

My parents came up to us and hugged all four of us on the couch, including Jacob. Then they hugged just Renesme. "You're beautiful, our special love, just like your father." They smiled at Edward. Renesme put her hands on my mother and father's faces. They froze then smile. "You're very special, indeed." My mother turned to me. " I will always love you. You all are very special to me." My mother's eyes filled with tears. She turned to Edward. "I love you, Edward. You are the son I always wanted and more. Bella deserves you."

My father turned to me. " Bells, it doesn't matter what you are. You'll always be my little girl. I'll love you forever and ever." My head filled with sadness. Having them know everything took a huge weight off my shoulders, but it still hurts because I know my parent will die. They will die, and I would've had the power to stop it. I would know I didn't use it.. I wonder if Edward would...?

Edward heard my thought and whispered, " We don't have to worry about that yet, love. Maybe will we talk to them about it and, of course, ask Jake." He looked seriously at Jake, who looked torn.

"I'll love you two for as long as I'll live." I said to my parents.

They then went to hug my vampire family, and then the pack. "We love you all, too."

Edward kissed my lips while Jacob tickled Renesme. She giggled. " Well, you three, let's get going. Nessie needs her sleep." Edward said and pulled us off the couch.

Renesme in Edward's arms, looked up at him, her face pleading." Daddy, can't I stay up longer. I want to spend more time with grandma and grandpa. Please Daddy. I'm not tired." Her chocolate brown eyes smoldered. Edward smiled. Her dazzling was working on him. He worshiped the ground she walked on.

Edward, I thought, she needs her sleep. They'll be here tomorrow. He looked at me, his eyes smoldering now. He was trying to dazzle me now. It worked. Okay, I thought.

Jacob, Renesme, and Edward laughed. I joined in. " I can't believe you did that to me, Edward!"

"Guess what, Nessie. You can stay up." Edward cooed to Renesme.

We all went back to the party.

"So, Jake, why did Edward growl when Emmet said 'ah, the love.'? My father asked.

"Wolf thing, you see, there's this thing called imprinting. Love at first sight times a thousand. Nessie is everything I ever wanted and more. She's my gravity. I'll always be there for her." Jake smiled at Nessie in his arms. She smiled back.

"How do Bella and Edward feel about that?"

"Edward understands it, but he's not really all that happy about it. Bella attacked me when she figured it out. But now, she's just happy to see I'm not hurting anymore." He smiled but with sad eyes.

Renee came over to us. Charlie joined her. We hugged and said our goodbyes. I told them they were welcome back tomorrow. My mother told us how happy she was that we had each other. They left. Jacob left with the pack after we put Renesme to bed.

Edward and I spent the night together.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was wondering what it would be like if Edward, Jacob, and Bella decided to sit everyone they know down, and tell them the truth. So, I wrote this to just explore Breaking Dawn a little bit more. I love the Twilight Saga very much. Stephenie Meyer is amazing.