Status: Chapter 12 is Here

Everyone, I'm a Vampire.

Wanting, Loving, Missing You

I really miss Forks. I miss the alien forest with its ferns and big spruce trees. I even miss the rain. New Hampshire is a wonderful place, it really is, but it just isn’t home. I miss my family back in our home in the woods. I miss the cottage. I miss my human home. I watch Renesme sleep at night and I know she misses home, too. She misses Jake. We all have constant contact on the phone, but it isn’t the same as seeing the beautiful faces of my family and friends. My human friends of Forks High School have all gone their separate ways. Mike and Jessica are back together. Angela and Ben are still together. I’m happy for them.

Edward comes in to watch me watch Nessie sleep. He wraps his arms around me and sighs quietly in my ear. We walk over to Nessie’s bed and, very gently, we lay our heads on her bed and place her hands on our faces. I place my shield around Edward, to let him into my head, just as Nessie’s dream plays through our heads. We watch as Nessie is sitting at a desk, writing. Her face is shining. She looks so happy. Then the scene changes and she is taken out of the room, and her dream fades out.

“Edward,” I whisper, “she wants to go to school.”

“We can’t send her to real school, love. It’s too much of a risk. She grows too quickly. Maybe we can all teach her.” He whispers back, rubbing my shoulder.

We talked to Alice, Jasper, Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, and the wolf packs. They said that they would all help teach her. I was so excited I could hardly contain my excitement in the morning when Nessie came down into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes while Edward and I are cooking breakfast.

“Guess what, Renesme!” Edward says while serving her an omelet.

“What Daddy?” She says back, looking up at Edward, her eyes bright, excited.

“We’re going to tutor you, Renesme.” Edward and I shout at the same time. Nessie’s face fell.

“But I want to go to real school.”

“Nessie,” Edward says in a calm voice, “ We can’t do that. You grow too fast, learn too fast. It would be a liability to us. It could get us in big trouble.”

She just throws down her fork and it bends from hitting the counter so hard. Nessie stomps up to her room. Edward goes to follow, but I stop him. She needs to be alone.