Status: Chapter 12 is Here

Everyone, I'm a Vampire.

A Talk with Mom and Dad

Renesme’s bedroom is perfectly organized. Books are where they should be, her bed is made. Nessie sits on the bed her head in her hands, her tears dropping into her palms. Renesme flicks a piece of fabric from her bed. It floats up into the sunlight from the window. Renesme watches it in amazement. She puts her hand up into the shaft of light and twists it watching the faint diamonds sparkle off her skin. Why can’t I have skin like Mama and Daddy? Then I would understand why I can’t go to school, She thinks still looking up at her hand.

She gets herself quietly off the bed --- knowing her parents downstairs can probably still hear her, a fact she doesn’t like --- and walks over to the full length mirror her Aunt Rose got for her. Looking herself over in the mirror she realizes, or thinks, that she is just an ordinary child. But her thin, adult-looking face and frame make her a liability. Her chocolate brown eyes grow wide as she realizes this. Her lips begin to quiver again as she thinks it over more.

A hard knock on the door makes Renesme wipe the tears from her eyes and turn around. Mama and Daddy face her now, but are still at the door. Bella’s shield is around Edward, so they can exchange thoughts. What do we say to her? They both think in unison. Bella looks up at Edward, her gold eyes conveying a big question mark to him. Renesme just watches in confusion. What’s happening, she thinks.
Edward and Bella slowly move closer to Renesme, nerves plaguing their every step.
Edward speaks first, “Nessie, love, are you okay?” He whispers gently, putting out a hand to Nessie.

No I am not okay, Renesme thinks but takes his hand anyway and lies. “Yes Daddy, I’m fine.”
“I’m so sorry we upset you, Renesme.” Bella says, her gold eyes growing sad. But we all know it’s the best for us if you don’t go to a real school. Bella adds mentally.
“It’s okay, but I still don’t understand. I could see if I was like you, Mommy, Daddy, but I’m not. I don’t sparkle like you do. I know the rules.” Renesme says through clenched teeth. She turns her eyes on her father, trying to dazzle him.

Her eyes, Bella’s human eyes, stare up at me. It pains me to see her hurting. I want to give her everything, Edward thinks, looking at his daughter with wide eyes. “Honey, I understand why you’re upset. I’m sorry, but regular school is just not safe. Not while you’re growing up at such a fast pace. Later on you can go to school, but for right now we think it’s best that we home school you.” He says as gently as possible. Nessie looks up at him again pleading. He melts, and so does Bella. They both look at each other in agreement and say together, “Well, alright you can go to school.”

Yes! Renesme thinks as she twirls around her room, mommy and daddy in toe.
♠ ♠ ♠
The third person perspective on this chapter is a little experiment for me. Normally, I like to write in first person, but I hope you enjoy it and give your comments.