Status: Chapter 12 is Here

Everyone, I'm a Vampire.

Where There's Rain, I'm at Home.

As always, it’s raining when we return home from visiting Renee in Jacksonville. It gives me a sense of a true homecoming from the hot, sunny Florida vacation. As long as I’m in Forks, I don’t have to worry about my diamond skin attracting attention in the sunlight. The cloud cover and rain are our protectors.

Edward puts Renesme’s raincoat on as we drive through the thick forest surrounding the Cullen house. They smile at each other as he zips her up and puts the hood around her head. Renesme is sitting on Jacob’s lap and he’s playing with the bracelet on Renesme’s wrist, which my mom gave her. His face is priceless: a huge wolf like smile on his lips. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jake’s face go sad for a moment, and then he composes himself, pulling his lips into a grin again.

Oh, how I wish we both wouldn’t have those memories to come at us at strange moments. My silent heart aches for Jacob, all the things I did to him. I thought they were forgotten, but now I see that they still eat at him once and a great while. Renesme’s bracelet must have reminded him of how, long ago, he gave me a similar one in hopes that I would chose him over Edward. I didn’t chose him and that broke his heart. I loved Jacob, needed him in away, but Edward I loved and needed even more. How could I be so stupid as to think that Jake would be perfectly fine after all that. My foot slams on the brake. The car jerks to a stop and I’m hunched over the steering wheel.

Edward’s voice comes from behind me, full of concern, “Bella, love, are you alright?” He places his hands on my shoulders, rubbing small circles into them.

My voice cracks when I answer him, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You’re going to have to lie better than that, Bella. What’s going on?” He and Alice switch places in the car, so now he’s in the passenger seat, his hands holding my face so that I have to look at his eyes. “Bella, tell me the truth.” His eyes smolder, and I give in.

“How could you not see the pain in Jake’s face just now, Edward? He’s hurting because of what I did to him.” I say frantically.

Jake leans into the front seat, his face on my shoulder almost. “Bella, what are you talking about?” He says into my ear.

“You were looking at Renesme’s bracelet and your face went all sad for a minute. You didn’t think I saw, did you?” I explain, nearly having a panic attack.

“Bella, I wasn’t thinking about what happened between you and me, I was thinking about what might happen between Renesme, Nathaniel, and I.” Jake says sincerely.

I calm down immediately, “Oh my Jacob, you know I’ll chose you.” Renesme says and grabs Jake’s hand.

“Well that answers your question, Jake.” Edward says with a grin, looking Jacob straight in the eye. Jake winks at him and looks at Renesme.

“My little Nessie, I know you will, I just get doubtful sometimes.” He tickles her and we all laugh. I start the car again, drive to the garage, pull in, and we all head into the house.
Carlisle and Esme are waiting for us and greet us with hugs.

“How was your mother, Bella?” Esme asks.

“Great, she’s doing really well with all the supernatural stuff. She even liked it when we sparkled.” I giggle and everyone else joins in.

“Grandma, Grandma Esme, look what Grandma Renee got me!” Renesme says suddenly, running up to Esme and holding up her wrist holding the bracelet.

“Wow, Nessie. It’s beautiful.” Esme coos and looks at the bracelet carefully. “Just like your momma’s, huh?”

“Huh uh, now we’re twins.” Renesme reaches for me and I grab her from Esme.

“Yes, you two are twins.” Esme complements.

Emmett and Rosalie come in the garage door. We thought they would’ve been gone a few more weeks, so we’re all surprised to see them back so soon from their vacation on Isle Esme. Renesme jumps out of my arms and runs to them.

“Auntie Rose, Uncle Emmett, I missed you!” She hugs herself to both of their legs. They each put a hand on her head.

“We missed you too, Nessie.” They say together and bring her up into their arms, holding her between them.

“How was the Honeymoon?” Edward asks and we all laugh. We all know how fun it was for them to be alone.

“Brother, it was great. How were the national debates here at home?” Emmett chuckles at the innuendo of Edward and I’s sex life. I growl.

“Whoa, little sister. I’m sorry.” He puts his hands up in defense.

I snap out of it when Edward holds my hand. “Oh Emmett, I’m sorry. It was kind of funny.” I laugh and Emmett puts down his hands.

“Welcome home, everyone.” Carlisle and Esme say to us.