Status: Chapter 12 is Here

Everyone, I'm a Vampire.

Sleep Tight

My head is on Edward’s chest and my eyes are closed. My mind is just enjoying this time we are spending alone together. It’s about one o’clock in the morning, Renesme’s asleep and Jake is off running around as a wolf. My vampire family is off in the big house doing what they normally do at night, and my human family is asleep in their beds.

My shield is formed around Edward, letting him hear my every thought. How nice it feels to be home for the day, how good I feel with him holding me, our hunting trip this morning in Alaska. Ah Alaska, we had run there and hunted, quenching our thirst with bears. I ripped another one of the dresses Alice had given me taking down a bear. I guess I’ll never be as neat of a hunter as Edward.

“You will eventually, love. It takes a lot of time and practice, but you’ll get it. You’ll see.” He smiled down at me. He’s so beautiful, and he’s mine forever. I don’t think I’ll ever fully understand that.

“You’ll understand.” He says and slowly kisses me. Fire burns up under my skin, and I kiss him aggressively back, reveling in the heat of the flame. This never gets old.

Suddenly, a sigh escapes Renesme’s mouth as she rises out of bed, headed toward our bedroom. We separate, connected now only by our hands. We both sigh as the door opens and Renesme walks in holding her teddy bear Emmett got her and her voice rises through the room. “Momma, Daddy, I had a bad dream. Is my Jake okay?”

“Of course, my little Nessie. Come here.” Edward opens his arms and Renesme climbs into them. “I can hear his thoughts right now. He’s talking to Sam.”

“Daddy, I had a dream the Volturri came and Jake got hurt by them trying to protect me.” She placed her hand on our faces as she explained.

“That would never happen, Nessie.” Edward and I said at the same time. “We would all protect you. No one would get hurt.”

Her chocolate brown eyes, my human eyes, drooped and she fell asleep in between Edward and I. We smiled down at our beautiful child that we had created.
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There was supposed to be a Christmas chapter before this chapter, but I think that I'll put it after this one