Status: And I was in a really good mood when I wrote this. lol.

Picture in Our Heart-Shaped Lockets


We can kick it here for hours and
just mouth off about the world

Come on, Eni. Let me take you out tonight.

Why Chris? Why now? Why me?

Because Vienne. I've wanted you since that day. The night before high school. My heart stopped. Chris... No. My heart is stone. Cold, lifeless…

The night you changed. I immediately regretted it.

In the cold you look so fierce but I’m warm enough
because the tension’s like a fire

Chris got a very annoyed look on his face and started to unzip his pants! I stood there shocked. As his pants and belt fell to the ground, he pushed down the front of his boxers really far, and then he stopped.

Look closer. He told me. Throwing caution to the wind, I leaned in. In beautiful lettering was "For Vienne Hughes." with an arrow pointing downward. I stood straight and looked at him. I grabbed his keys off the front of the car and headed to other side of the car. I unlocked the passenger door and got in. I rolled down his window.

Where are we going? He smiled and pulled up his pants.

To my house.


He took me up to his roof garden that he had his 15th birthday party. Two bottles of unknown liquor sat on a blanket surrounded by food. He laid on the blanket and patted the spot next to him. I sat next to him and grabbed a glass, pouring my self a drink.

Let’s make a memory tonight, Chris. He nodded and sat up with me.


pass me another bottle honey, the Jaeger's so sweet
but if it keeps you around, then I'm down

Whoo! I shouted as I threw a burning rose into Chris' pool. We were having so much fun lighting things up, making out, drinking, eating, and best of all, throwing up. He flat out asked me several times if I wanted to have sex. I always turned him down. But I did let him strip us both down to our underwear.

He wrapped around my waist and whispered a sexy slur of Colorado Sunrise in my ear. Then, it was hot. Now, all I can remember is his breath.

We got wasted. But that wasn't our memory. And neither was sex.


time to lay claim to the evidence
finger prints sold me out....

overdressed and underage
do you really need to see an ID?
This is embarrassing as hell...

hiccup. Take the bright light away! I yelled at the officer that had taken my mug shot.

Ma'am, please go to your cell.

As I was escorted to the rest of the "ladies", I told him Fuck you. With a smile. He shook his head sadly.


So, you want to know what the worst night of my life was? You want to know my memory?

Someone saw me throw a rose and thought I was trying to burn down Chris' house. When the cops actually got there, me and Chris we arrested for underage drinking and attempted arson.

My mom came and visited my when I sobered up. She said I was such a fuck up. She asked why, after all these years, I messed up. She told me she was always surprised that I did well. She said she was relieved when I bitch tripped.

I'll see you whenever, my little mistake.

I spent Thanksgiving in a Boulder PD jail cell. What a memory.