You wear me like a locket around your throat


Chapter 10-

Nikki's POV-

'Maybe its me, but it feels like there's a lot of shit going on lately' I told Ryan bent over my steaming cup of coffee. Ryan who was tapping his foot on the cold checkered floor that layered the small coffee shop we sat in, simply nodded his head. "Maybe a bit".
"So, let me get this straight. Your best friend of 5 years, her parents die, she ditches you without a word for some random guy she barley know and is know living with him?" I asked taking a small piece of his untouched muffin, which was quit stale by the way. Ryan
nodded yet again, moving on to tap his long fingers against his white mug sitting in front of him. 'Marge' our waitress with the awful salmon onsomble came and delivered our check. Ryan reached for it but I quickly snatched it up before him. Usually he would fight and refuse
to let me pay but this time he just shrugged his shoulders and allowed me to slip marge a 10. Damn this girl has got him all fucked up. Marge and her extra large booty waddled to the register leaving me and Ryan yet at peace with the empty dinner. "You want to talk about i?"
asked only to be yet again answered but a shrug of his shoulders. Its to late for this shit.
OK maybe I should have just left it at the shrugging. I sat on my bed with a curled up Ryan leaning on my lap. The small figure was fast asleep with tear stains all down his cheeks. Every once in a while his head or chest would twitch or his mouth would give a whimper.
I felt so bad for him. The poor guy had spilled it all out. His thoughts, his fears, his memories, his whole life. He told me. And know hes curled up, crying, squeezing me for life, anything. All i could do was hug back and tell him it would be OK. Everything happens for a reason. I knew
his life was bad but not this bad. Joy was all the kid really had. His mom was gone, his dad beat him, no one at school really knew him and Joy, well Joy just dropped him like a hot biscuit. Ryan twitched and agusted himself so he was know resting his head on my chest. I'm
not going to lie and say this wasn't awkward. I stroked his hair and whispered 'it all happens for a reason' in his ear. I quickly fell asleep after that. Next to the boy who has my heart, and I hate how his already belongs to someone else.

{hey guys sry i havent updated in forever. schools been taking over my life and ive been sick but heres a new chapter for ya. i would rly appreciate some comments =} thnk! }