You wear me like a locket around your throat


"Dude, really whats been going on with you? All you've been doing is hanging out with that

Joy chick. Are you two fucking?" I asked the thought breakthroughing into my male teenage


"No Brendon, we are not fucking and I don't know. I just like spending time with her that's

all." He explained as we moved our trays down the lunch line.

"Doesn't she have her own friends? Are they hott?" I asked grabbing myself a tuna


"Brendon you are such a perv. Seriously control yourself puppy." He laughed.

I think this was the hardest part about pretending I'm not gay. I have to act like i care if a girls

friend are hot or not. To be honest, I really don't care.

"What, I'm just asking." I played innocent. handing the lunch lady some cash.

"Well, to be honest. I haven't really met any of her friends besides that Ryan Ross kid." He

told me after we sat down at a empty table. Thank god Joy has a different lunch or I would

never get a chance

to talk with Jon.

But hey, he said Ryan was Joys friend and hes hott. AHA! She does have a hott friend. I

think hes gay too. Hm, this could work to my advantage.

"Brendon? Bren, BRENDON URIE!." Jon clapped his hands in front of my face. "Oh, sorry." I

mumbled taking a bite of my tuna.

"Zone out much?" He asked smirking at me.

"Eh, shut up Walker."

"Oh fuck." I grumbled bending down to pick up my books that were now spilled across the


"Here." Someone handed me my math book. I thanked them not even looking up.

"You might want to look into getting a backpack." The voice laughed. I could feel their eyes

on me.

"Yeah, I should do that." I smiled looking up at a boy wih shaggy dirty blond hair and electric

blue eyes. "I'm Brendon." i tell him with a smile.

"Spencer, " He replies picking up my last book and handing it to me.

"I uh, should be getting to class. Mrs. Dahlburg hates late students." I lamely tell him

shutting my locker door and attempting to spin the Daile of the lock with my wrist.

Spencer steps forward and gives the small Daile a spin for me. "Thanks again." i laugh

giving him a cheeky smile.

"No problem. Well see you around?" He asks starting to walk backward in the opposite

direction of my class.

"Yeah, definitely."

Hes cute. hes nice. I'm getting the vibe of a jokster and I think hes new. I like those odds.

The bell rang as I was half way to my class. "Shit."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of updates!!
and comments are love =]