You wear me like a locket around your throat


"You what!" I gasped jumping off the couch. Spencer nodded a wide smile appearing on \

his face.

"I actually talked to him! And he flirted back! Nikki! Oh Jesus I'm just so excited!" Spencer


"So, tell me all the details sunny boy." I smiled sitting down on his lap. He giggled and his

cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Well, I was walking through the halls. I saw him and he dropped his books. I helped him

pick them up, we walked a little. He has the most amazing smile in the world and ah! He

said he would definitely see me around!

It was just one of those small conversations that shouldn't even show up on the radar But it

was just so perfect." He told me all in one breath before finally gasping and placing his

hands over his heart.

"I am so happy for you Spence." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "You proved

me wrong. I said he wasn't gay and yet here you are telling me this fucking awesome story!"

I laughed. He nodded and we sat

against the couch and started watching the movie that we had abandoned when we first

started talking.

"I hate work." Ryan said in a sing song voice from the top of a ladder while hanging up

some new posters.

"Me too." I replied. The doors were locked and it was about 11 PM. Ryan and I had decided

to lock up letting the girl who usually locks up go home early for a change.

"So, Joys back at my house." He announced stapling a corner of the paper into the wall. "Or,

well I'm more like in her house. It's not exactly safe at my house and I couldn't just let her be

there alone."

"Oh really? I knew you guys talked at the mall but I didn't think that much progress was

made." I stated picking up a box of new Cd's that had to be placed on the shelve.

"Yeah, I guess shes just ready to finally deal with some of this shit. I kind of don't know if I

can really forgive her all the way though. I mean I love her and I ant to help her but this whole

deal has kind of broken our trust. I know people take death in different ways but I still just

cant really wrap my mind around that fact." He jumped off the ladder and walked over

towards me. My heart fluttered a bit at his words. I liked Joy and all but I ha to agree with

him. That was a bit nuts.

"I know what you mean." I smiled dropping the now empty box and kicking it into the air.

"Can we just have fun right now? It seems like I haven't had fun in ages." He laughed

jumping in front of me and kicking the box into the air again.

"Well Mr. Ross, I think we can manage that." I hopped the counter and set in a 'something

Corporate' CD and skipped to 'Punk Rock Princess' turning the volume up way past what it

should have been set to.

"Dance with me Ryan." I asked laughing as he threw the box up trying to catch it but ended

up tripping over a movie stand.

"Anytime darling." He picked himself up off the carpet and spun me around. We were both

terrible dancers but that made it all the more fun.

"Will you be my garage band king?" I asked him shouting over the music.

"Only if you were my punk rock princess." He replied bringing me in close before spinning

me out again.

OK, just do it. When he spins you back in, kiss him.

He spun me back in and crashed his lips into mine.

Well, that definitely works too