You wear me like a locket around your throat


Chapter 7-
Ryan's POV-

I'm not sure if I was happy or pissed that Joy came to pick me up with morning. Happy because if she hadn't come, I would have had to hoof it 3 miles in 20 minutes but pissed because i know shes keeping something from me. And why the hell is she with Jon?
They aren't even that good of friends. Why didn't she just come to me?? I chucked my backpack into the car and slid in. Brendon awkwardly fallowed from the other side. "Morning." I mumbled reaching over and buckling myself in. I have to admit, this was a nice car. Jon nodded, Brendon half smiled and Joy stayed silent. "Joy? You OK? Why aren't we in you car?" I asked. After a few minutes of still silence except for the hum of the car's engine, she said she didn't want to talk about it, flipped up her hook. Never once looking at me. What the fuck? I needed to talk to Nikki. She helped me this weekend when queen bitch I mean Joy wouldn't pick up her phone. Speaking of phones, mine started ringing from the comfort of my pocket. The caller ID read Nikki. Jeeze am i psychic? I answered just as we pulled into the student parking lot. "Hey snow hoe." smiled to myself and hoped from the car. I saw Joy talking to Jon on the other side and then walked away. What is with her? This is really not like her. "Hey yourself. Where are you?" She asked. "Parking lot. You?"
"Right behind you." She said clicked of the conversation. "Yo." The familiar voice said. I spun around looking at the girl and some random boy. "Ryan, this is Spencer." She said. The boy smiled and I returned it. "Hey Ryan? Do you need a ride home since Joy," Brendon asked
coming up behind us. "ye-" "No. I'll take him home." Nikki quickly said. "um OK never mind." I laughed giving her a questioning look. Brendon looked a bit hurt, "OK well, see you around then." and he walked off. I saw Spencer follow him with his eyes. "Who was that?" He asked.
"Oh that's Brendon." I answered. "Hes cute." Spencer confirmed earning himself an odd look from yours truly. "Don't worry Ryan. Your not his type. And Spencer honey, I hate to break your heart but Brendon Urie is no way gay. Sorry." Nikki explained. Spencer shrugged his shoulders "Doesn't hurt to daydream."
'Whats up with you today?' I texted Joy during math class.
'Id rather not tlk bout it ry. not yet' she replied after about 10 minutes
'whats that mean?'
'it means im not ready to tell you. im sry.'
'but u can tell jon??'
'its complicated'
'whats to complicated about it? you tell ur best friend not some guy u bairly now!'
I really hate being an ass to her but seriously, what so wrong about telling your best friend something? She knows I hate secrets between us!
'trust me ry. you dont want to know right now. im doin this 4 u'
The bell rang. I slid my doodle covered binder into my backpack and jetted out of the classroom trying to catch Joy in the halls.No luck. I passed her class and saw her sitting there, talking to Jon. I know she saw me but did she bother to come tak to me? you guessed it.
I decided to text Nikki.
'hey I need advice.'
'how did i now tht was comin?'

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