
Chapter 3

Chapter 3


I started to pack a bag furiously, anger filling me up with every item. I called my house phone with my cell, and then hung up, but picked up the home phone.
“Mom, dad, its Patty. Can I sleep over her house tomorrow?”
A few seconds past and then came a reply:
“Sure, just be polite.” Called my father.
Just to make sure it was ok, I called Patty’s house.
“Patty its me, I can go to the concert, just is it ok if I could sleep over?”
“Uh, sure Gilda, just come over with me after school tomorrow.”
I thanked her and hung up the phone. It was all going perfectly, I could go to the concert and mom will never know. All the pieces were falling in place.
“Gilda!” Called my father.
“Could you come down here for a moment?”
I trotted down the stairs to find my father, sitting on the sofa.
“Yeah dad, what is it.”
He stood up and started hugging me.
“Dad, I’m kind of busy, so could you hurry this up?”
“Hon, I know things are rough with you and your mother, but please try to understand that she loves you, and you’re her life.”
“Please…dad….” I hated it when he played the guilt trap.
“Hon, just please try to except your mother’s ways and maybe you too could be friends again. Remember? When you were three?”
When I was three, my mother and I were like the best of friends. We would do anything and everything together.
“OK, dad. Just try to be a little calmer about mom too. You know when I came in today she was wearing an ice pack.”
“That was Mrs. Wendell and you know it.” He laughed, his eyes twinkled and I realized that he hadn’t laughed in months.
“I love you,” I said.
“I love you turtle neck,” he said using one of mom’s words. We both laughed and sighed at the end and he kissed my cheek.
As I walked up the stairs again, I remembered what I had done before and smacked my forehead with my palm.
“Stupid,” I muttered under my breath.
I plopped myself down on the bed, and stuck my feet up on the wall. Just a few inches above my feet was my A-girl poster. A-girl, or Samantha Kennedy, was smiling down at me. Her face was splattered with freckles, and her pink hair was puffed up in two buns, and then two braids hung at her ears.
I was amazed that she was only eighteen, and I was only sixteen. I wish I were that gorgeous. Her belly ring was a rock, literally. It even shone on the poster. I once read that her parents actually wanted her to get a belly ring. I turned over on my stomach, and wished I had one.
As I kept on turning over in different positions, trying to get comfortable enough to read my Teen magazine. Erica Mica, a singing rival of A-girl, was singing out on the front cover. I stuck my tongue out at her, and smiled when I thought she might be hurt from it. I clicked on my TV to see a news reporter struggling around a large group of girls.
“This is Ace Wethersfield reporting with the six o’clock news. Everyone is over excited about the A-girl concert Friday night. Although many other people, like the singing rival Erica Mica, however are not.”
It then showed a video clip of Erica, with her hair, a shiny crimson, and her almost yellow eyes darting back and forth.
“I’m not jealous of Sam’s natural singing abilities; it’s just a competitive singing gig that she wants to do.”
“No she does not!” I yell at the television. “And you don’t deserve to call her Sam!”
I cooled down a little bit when I switched the channel to MTV. There, on TRL A-girl was talking about her new album, Baby if You Love Me.
“Yeah its really cool, and I just wanna say thanks for all the support I get from my fans. I’ll see you guys on tomorrow!” Her smile almost reached to her eyes. She was gorgeous.
I sighed deeply in jealousy and thought about what the concert would be like.
Big flashing lights and a thousand people screaming in my ear. Although none of that would matter, because I would actually be in the presence of A-girl! It would be heavenly.
“Hey Gilda!” She would say, as she pulled me up on stage.
“You know my name?”
“Duh, you’re like my biggest fan!”
Then we would sing together, and then I would actually be noticed, and then when I got home, mom would apologize, and say,
“Darling, I’m so sorry I got mad, and got you upset. I will stop my freaky rituals.” Then she would hand me the car keys, and I would drive off into the sunset with Mr. Delgado in the passenger seat kissing me.
Ok, ok, big dreams I have. Blah, blah, blah. At least I have them, unlike Patty, who dreams about pink filly things. Those aren’t dreams people! They’re nonsense!
I feel asleep thinking about the concert, and woke up to the ringing of my alarm clock. Friday! Tonight is the night of the concert!
I threw on a random assortment of clothes, and grabbed a pop tart on my way out the door. Upon heading out, I almost ran into Mrs. Wendell, who was reaching for the doorbell.
“Sorry Mrs. Wendell! Have a lovely day!”
I heard her snort an “hmm”, and I chased after the school bus.
In the school courtyard I saw the “flavors”. Remember the chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry? They’re biggest clique. They were out playing hooky yesterday for a shopping spree.
I stopped dead and saw them starring at me. The head honcho, Beverly Wellington, a blonde with blue eyes flecked with hazel, that some people say that they can pierce though walls. Beverly was one of the prettiest girls ever, besides A-girl of course. She always had to have a minni skirt on even in the dead of winter. She body sprays herself every night. It would be funny if she turned black, but she is a nice bronze. She is currently dating the quarter back, Josh Brandy, but their relationship has gone on and off like a light in a thunderstorm. She claims she loves him, but he looks at other girls, I don’t know why because, well, she actually is really pretty.
The vanilla, the chocolate’s BFF, is Bunny Rodriguez. (Yes her name is Bunny.) She has an I.Q. of 1.6, and her darker bronze skin gives her black wavy hair edge. She is a very stylish chick, and rumors have it that she is suppose to be in college.
The last but not least, strawberry. Kayla P. Johnson. She has deep brown hair, which almost looks black, kind of like her skin. Her eyes are yellow like her favorite singer: Erica Mica. (With the help of special contacts.) Now, she has a lower I.Q. than Bunny. Kayla use to live in Kansas before her dad got a job in the government. She was a farm girl before the two devils took her under their wing. You can see why her I.Q. is so low. Before anyone could do anything about it, she is now a popular princess, and now as spoiled as ever.
Seeing the Flavors the first thing in the morning meant having the worst day possible.