
Chapter 4

Chapter 4


The same day I saw Patty constantly and we chatted forever about the concert.
“I can’t wait!” I practically yelled.
“I know! It doesn’t seem real!” Patty giggled.
As we walked into homeroom, Mr. Delgado gave a frown in my direction. What had I done? Did he know about my lie? I was terrified and I didn’t even feel like looking at his beautiful face. Although Beverly was giving him all the attention he needed.
“Mr. Delgado, when is the next dance?” or, “Mr. Delgado, are your eyes black or like really deep brown, cause they go on forever.”
He kept on blushing, and turning away.
“Don’t you already have a boyfriend?” I ask Beverly.
“Ha, no. I broke up with him. And I’m not flirting with the teacher! He-llo!”
Bunny and Kayla giggled while Beverly gave me a smirk.
“Loser,” she whispered.
At the middle of the lesson, a boy walked into the classroom. Please excuse me for being boy crazed, but he was cute! He had swayed back black hair which bounced when he walked, and light blue eyes. He handed Mr. Delgado a note, but when I saw him next to Mr. Delgado I thought the boy was hotter!
“Class, we have a new student. This is Jacob Morris. He moved here from New York. Jacob, why don’t you tell the class about yourself?”
“Hi, I’m Jacob as you’ve heard. Um, I really don’t like school, and I like rock and jazz music. I play guitar.”
He chose a seat behind me, and I started giggling. I don’t know why, but he was cute and shy. I turned around.
“Hi I’m Gilda. Welcome to West Chester. It’s boring here but you’ll hopefully like it, well actually you said you don’t like school, so yeah.”
I shut myself up and quickly turned around. I blushed really hard. I heard the populars laugh, and I squeezed my eyes shut. If Jacob was an ice cream, I’m certain he would be a mint, or something. A pee snow cone could never be with a mint. I had to remember my status.
Patty gave me a shrug and a pout, so I couldn’t talk to her. I started to doodle on my desk, and waited for the next period.
When math was over I trudged over to my lockers. I felt eyes bore into the back of my head and I spun around to see Jacob.
“Hi, Gilda right?”
I swallowed really hard and spoke roughly.
“I was wondering, what periods do you have?”
I gave him my schedule list, and he checked his. We had at least five classes together. I prayed thanks in my head.
“Thank you God!”
We spent most of the day hanging out together. At ninth period, we sat next to each other in reading.
“What are you gonna do over the weekend?”
“Well, I’m going to an A-girl concert, and then just hang out hopefully.”
“A-girl? Huh, I guess she’s OK.”
Was he kidding? She was an amazing singer! I couldn’t believe my ears! At least he though she was OK.
“Yeah, I’m going cause my friend is dragging me along.” What? Did I really just say that?
“Oh, that’s nice.”
I sat the rest of reading in science. I made Jacob a number of questions to get to know him better. Here they are:

1. What’s your favorite band?
I have lots: FOB, MCR, The Academy Is…
2. Do you have a girlfriend? (OK very personal, but you don’t have to answer.)
It’s OK. No I currently do not.
3. What are your hobbies?
Reading, listening to music, and hanging out with you.
4. Do you have siblings?
Yeah sadly, a little sister (5) and a littler sister (2)
5. What are your favorite words?
Yo, Tippo, and tranquility.

Ok I adore question three! He likes me! Well, as a friend anyway, and the word tranquility, that’s a cool one I guess. After I read it I asked him what ‘Tippo’ meant. He said it was dude in Spanish! That’s so cool! Plus he doesn’t have a girlfriend, and he’s not afraid to share his feelings! I adore this guy. Well, as a friend anyway, (for now.) This proves that a pee can be with a mint! Ha! Take that Beverly!
Thirty minutes later it’s the end of the day, and Patty and I ran to her bus. I was totally ecstatic! When we reached her house I tore out all the clothes I brought and we tried on outfits. We applied loads of make-up on then took it off, because it looked horrible, then reapplied it again, using a light amount. I tied up my hair in a ponytail, and Patty pulled hers in a braid. Patty showed me her new purple striped top and mini skirt, while I tried on my skull shirt with a FOB hoodie. It was so much fun.
Patty, being a year older than me, drove us to the concert, and we sang out, practicing our voices, with A-girl’s CD. We giggled and ate chocolate bars we found on the floor of the car. We didn’t care because we’re going to the concert.
Am I really doing this? I thought. No, no negativity. You live your life, mom shouldn’t control you. Gilda Green, get a hold of your self.
“Get a grip.” I whispered to myself.
“What was that?” Patty asked, turning towards me.
“Get a grip on the steering wheel! You’re sliding off the road!” I shouted.
Patty gained control, and thanked me multiple times. I drank some of the water Patty had given me before we left. I shivered a couple of times, because it was freezing in the poor minni van.
When we pulled to the concert hall we screamed really loudly. Something in my gut told me that this was going to be awesome. A million cars were parked around the building, and we had to maneuver around them. When we handed over our tickets, and walked inside, we were in awe at the billions of girls and boys cheering. We quickly found our seats, but when the lights dimmed, we stood up and shouted along with the other fans.
“A-girl! A-girl! A-girl!”
Smoke started to form on the stage, and rainbow lights flashed on and off.
“Are you ready to rock?” Said a voice, lost on the stage.
“Yeah!” The whole stadium shouted.
“Suddenly A-girl appeared on stage, and she smiled happily. Voices, louder than a foghorn replied, rejoicing to her smile.
“Oh yeah!” She said.
“It’s A-girl!” We screamed.
“Oh baby, oh can you see me? I love you I love yo-u!” She sang, just like I did two days ago. Patty and I were total freaks singing along, but so apparently was everyone else.
The concert was amazing, and at the end, we were almost asleep driving home. At once we collapsed on our sleeping bags in Patty’s living room, dreaming about the best day of our lives. I felt happy and glad I went.

Mrs. Green

I woke up on my bed. It was still night and Gilda was at Patty’s. I yawned and pulled on my robe over top of my over-alls.
“Dick?” I croaked. “Dick?”
I slowly walked downstairs to see him watching TV. I plopped down next to him, and he kissed my head.
“Why is parenting so hard?”
“Hon, not even God knows.” He laughed.
“Dick, God had Jesus. Jesus lived without sins. Gilda however has committed the sin of not respecting us.”
“I talked to her about it. She’s a good girl.”
I smiled and leaned on his shoulder. “Maybe I should call Mrs. Beezle, just to make sure she’s OK.”
I walked toward the phone and dialed the number.
“Hello? Mrs. Beezle. This is Urleen… yes, I’m fine, how are you? …. Good to hear. Listen, can I talk to Gilda?”
“Oh no sorry dear, you just missed her. She just left for the concert with Patty.” Came the cheery voice of Veronica Beezle.
“I’m sorry…what was that?”
“She just left for the A-girl concert. I’m sure she’ll call you in the morning!”
I snapped awake. My blood started boiling hot. How dare she do this? I could not believe my own daughter has disobeyed me!
“Oh…. OK. Thank you Mrs. Beezle. Have a good night.” I slowly hung up the phone and walked casually to Dick.
“Gilda, has betrayed us yet again.”
“What?” He turned to me, shocked.
“She has gone to the…A-girl concert.” The words touched my tongue like acid. I sat down and sobbed again, harder, and the tears came more easily.
“I’ll go get her.” He said, standing up.
“No,” I cried. “I’ll talk to her when she gets home.”
We spent the rest of the night in sorrow, till the first crack of dawn.