Two Strangers Linked As One

Two Strangers Linked As One

She screamed at the sight before her. A painful scream that pierced the silence of the black night. He was lying in a pool of his own blood. She couldn't stop screaming, unable to move or do anything else. All he had done was save her from the man who had been advancing on her. The gun in the perverts hand had been doing all the talking. That sick man had tried to rape her at gun-point. All he'd done was try to save her. As she looked down at him, she saw him cough. She stopped screaming and bent down to him.
"I'm so sorry..." She sobbed, as she laced her fingers with his. Two strangers linked as one.
"Shh...It's okay. He's gone now." he said, trying to calm her while he died. His grip on her hand was tight, as if he was holding onto his life through her. A cold wind picked up and he looked her in the eye.
"If I could have one last thing before I die, would you give it to me?" he winced as the lights behind his eyes, began to fade.
"Anything....anything at all." She sobbed. This man was going to die because of her own stupidity. Why had she entered that alleyway? Why didn't she take the long way home? Why had she taken the risk?
The young man before her groaned. He had been shot in chest. The blood leaving an angry red stain on his pale blue shirt. His whole body had turned pale, except his lips which contrasted beautifully with his face, turning a dull pink. He started to tremble as the life he had lived slowly abandoned him. He gripped her hand and pulled her close.
"Would you please, just kiss me? I want to feel the warmth of someones lips against mine, one last time, so I will never forget." She felt honored to be the last person to ever kiss this brave man's lips. She nodded, a single tear slipping from her cheek to meet with the cold, hard black tar he lay on. She leaned down and pressed her lips against his, in a gentle, loving kiss. Two strangers linked as one. She kept her lips against his until his grip on her hand slackened and his dull pink lips turned cold. She knew he appreciated that she honored his last wish. They were two strangers, never had they met before, never will they again, but without ever knowing his name, she would remember him forever. For hours after his death, she stayed and held his lifeless hand, crouching over his dead body, smiling greatfully at him. Seeing the peaceful smile on his face. Two strangers linked, forever, as one.