
I'm not going to give you the warning because I don't want to give anything away, but this is rated R for a reason and is also not rated higher for a reason. This is dark, but in no way explicit.

Bit AU/AR. Ryan used to be a child model. When his parents divorced, he chose to live with his father so he wouldn't have to model anymore. Also, Brent doesn't exist and Jon is, basically, Brent.

“Shut up.” Cadence repeated. “I showed a friend of mine the Christmas picture your father sent me of you and your girlfriend, whatserface. Jackie or whatever.”


“Whatever. Anyway, he’s interested. He thinks you’d be a great jeans model.”

“Fuck you.” Ryan muttered.

“Excuse me?”

“Fuck. You.” Ryan repeated, louder this time. “What, am I supposed to be fucking thrilled? You know the only reason I picked Dad over you is because of the fucking modeling. Well, that and the fact that you’re a first class bitch. I can barely stand Jac modeling. Like I’m going to fucking do that shit again.”

“You’re lucky you’re even getting a second chance!” Cadence snapped. “Do you know how rare that is?”

“I didn’t want the first chance!” Ryan yelled, standing up and kicking his chair over. He stormed out of the restaurant and flagged a cab.
  1. Lights, camera.
    First and only part.