A Lesson Learnt

Chapter Two

Mike was somewhat anxious by the time Wednesday rolled around. He had butterflies in the pit of his stomach and he couldn't figure out why. Checking out his hair for the millionth time that hour, he scolded himself for feeling the way he was. 'She's only a baby for Christ sake,' he muttered. 'I CANNOT like my student.'

But as two o'clock came closer he couldn't help but feel excited about seeing Tiffany again.

Mike watched the clock in dismay as two o' clock came---and then went and before he knew it, Tiffany was over an hour late for her lesson. He gave up hope for her turning up when it got to three thirty and so went into the kitchen to make himself some lunch.
Whilst sat on the sofa, trying to eat, Mike heard a knock on the front door.

'What the fuck?' he thought as he looked through his peep hole and saw the blurred outline of what looked like a female.

As he opened the door he was surprised to be greeted by Tiffany.

"I'm so, so, so, so sorry Mike," she gasped. "Me and my boyfriend had a bit of a fight so I was late leaving the house. Am I still ok to have a lesson?"

For reasons unbeknown to him, Mikes heart dropped when he heard her mention 'boyfriend' but he pushed the feeling aside to tell her that he had some free time on his hands. "Yeah sure," he said. "Come on in. Better late than never."

"Thank you so much," Tiffany replied, relieved.

Mike beckoned her to follow him to the music room and his heart beat furiously all the way.

"I'm really sorry," she said again when they had set up for the lesson. "I don't want you to think that I'm not serious about this, coz I am. My boyfriend can be a bit overwhelming sometimes."

"Relax. It's ok. You're here now that's all that matters."

"Thank you! Again!"
Hey, no problem. If anything you're doing me a favour---I'd only be sitting around eating! Now let's stop talking and play some bass!"

Tiffany nodded enthusiastically and picked up her instrument and waited for Mike to start her lesson.

"Well I have to say; I've seen more potential in you than I have in any of my other students," Mike said excitedly as they packed away. Tiffany had really surprised him with the talent she had.

Tiffany blushed at his compliment and giggled like a little girl. "Thank you."

"How long have you been playing?"

"Just over a year."
"Get outta here! Seriously?! You must just have a natural talent for playing an instrument. I've been playing for over twenty years and I still get stuck!"

"I don't believe that for a second---you make it look so easy!"

"What can I say---I'm a good actor!"

Tiffany giggled again as Mike flicked an imaginary mane of hair. The two then left the music room and made their way to the front door.

"Well I guess I'll see you next week," Mike conceded. "Good job today."

"Thank you again. I've really----oh shit!" Tiffany cried as she saw the downpour that was happening outside.

"What's wrong? Don't you have a car?"

"No. John took it to go to work in." She sighed in annoyance and began to pull her jacket over her head.

"Well do you want me to take you home?"

"I couldn't ask you to do that."

"And why not?"

"Coz I've done nothing but fuck you about today. You don't have to go out of your way, I'll walk."

"Don't be ridiculous! I've told you, it's not a problem for me---you're doing me a favour. You'll catch your death of cold anyway if you walk home and then I'll be the one in trouble!"

"As long as you're sure that you don't mind."
"Honestly, I don't. I could do with a drive anyway, I've been in the house all day!"

Mike proceeded to grab his keys from the side table and run out towards his car.

"I didn't realise you lived this far out," Mike said whilst pulling into Tiffany's driveway. It had taken them a good three quarters of an hour to get to her house.

"I hope I haven't messed up your other plans."

"What plans? I'm just glad to be out of the house. I've enjoyed your company." Mike made a mental note to hit himself for sounding like an old guy.

"Well thanks for today---I've had a great time."
"Until next week."

Mike watched as Tiffany climbed out of the car and ran up to her house. Once the door had closed he slumped against his steering wheel. 'I've enjoyed your company,' he mimicked himself. 'I'm thirty not a HUNDRED and thirty!'

Sighing, he started up the engine again and made his way back home. But instead of going to his house, he decided to pay Billie a visit to tell him about the success he had had with his lessons---Tiffany in particular.

It was when he reached Billie's house that he realised that it had not taken him half as long to get through the city, as it had when he was taking Tiffany home. Walking up to Billie's door, he had a strange feeling that perhaps she had made him go the long way home on a purpose---