A Lesson Learnt

Chapter Four

"Right---so if she has a good lesson what do you have to do?"

"Stroke her arm and smile whilst looking in her eyes."

"Yes. And what have you NOT to do?"

"Let the fact that she has a boyfriend get in my way."


"But Bill---what if she doesn't pick up on it?"

"ALL women know flirting! Adrienne saw through my techniques straight away!"

"You threw up on her shoes! How do you class that as flirting?!

"Whatever dude---I'm the one who's been married eight years! But TRUST me on this! Have I ever let you down?"



"No Billie you haven't."

"Well there you go. She'll be itching to sleep with you in no time."

"I don't want to sleep with her---I just want to brush her hair and feed her strawberries she's so cute!"

"Michael Ryan Pritchard! I NEVER want to hear you talk like that again! You're THIRTY!"

"Yeah but she just has that effect on me!"

"Well I suggest you snap out of it coz she's here---"


"Its two o' clock---time for her lesson."

"Oh shit. Oh Jesus."

"Just relax. Nothing has to be different just yet. Remember everything that I've told you and you'll be fine---now give me some love!"

The two men hugged just in time to hear a knock at the door. Mike took a deep breath as he pulled apart from Billie and opened the door. As expected there stood Tiffany, smiling and ready for her lesson.

"Hey Mike," she said stepping into his house. "How are---oh my god!" she gasped when she saw Billie standing smiling at her.

"Hey, I'm Billie Joe Armstrong," he said smoothly, offering his hand to shake.

"Yeah I know who you are! Oh my god! This is surreal!"

Mike, Billie and Tiffany stood smiling bizarrely at each other for a minute or so before Billie announced that he had better be leaving. "Its nice meeting you Tiffany---enjoy your lesson."

"I always do!"

"So does Mike---" Billie purposely murmured loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Billie!" Mike felt his cheeks flush as he childishly punched his friend in the back.

"Laters!" Billie laughed heartily and he exited the house and left Mike and Tiffany stood in an awkward silence.

"So---ummm----shall we get started?" Mike asked nervously.

"Yeah no problem."

With that they headed towards the music room.


Mike managed to follow Billie's tips to a tee throughout the lesson. He made eye contact with her whenever possible, and when she was stuck on a certain chord he made sure he leant far into her body when helping her position her hands.

The killer move came after they finished packing away.

"How have I done today then Mike?" Tiffany asked.

"You've done great," he said before taking a deep breath and gently reaching out his hand to stroke her arm. "I'm really proud of you."

He felt Tiffany jump at his touch and saw her smile widen as he spoke. A surge of electricity ran through him when she responded by placing her own hand over Mikes, squeezing it in gratification. 'Result,' he thought to himself.

"You should be proud of yourself---if I'm good its only coz you're a good teacher."

'Oh god Billie didn't tell me what to do for this part,' he panicked inwardly as she continued to squeeze his hand. But slowly his mind cleared and he let his natural instinct take over; he took hold of her hand and linked his fingers with hers. He then stepped into her body and wrapped his free arm around her waist. Noticing that she wasn't doing anything to fight him off, he bent his head down and lightly brushed his lips with her own.

Stepping back after the kiss, he noticed that Tiffany bore a surprised look. But he didn't have time to dwell on it because she wasted no more time in taking hold of his shirt and pulling him back into her.

It took Mike a couple of seconds to actually respond to what was happening before he slid his hands round Tiffany's back to further limit the space between their bodies. Then relaxing into the kiss, he gently massaged her tongue with his own, enjoying the way she pulled harder on his shirt every time their tongues came into contact.

Mike began to lose himself completely in the kiss, that was until Tiffany suddenly pulled away and gasped. "I-I'm sorry," she breathed. "I shouldn't have done that! Oh my god! I'm so sorry." She began to grab her things and make her way out of the music room.

Mike leapt out in front of her before she could open the door. "Don't be sorry," he said. "I shouldn't have kissed you first."

"B-b-but, your MIKE DIRNT! I can't just kiss you like that! I'm sorry---please let me go home."

"No Tiffany, honestly I'm glad you kissed me! And it wouldn't make a difference if I was the President---I'd still be glad you kissed me!"

Mike stepped away from the door and towards Tiffany. He could see the fear in her eyes as he did so. "Sshhh---I'm not gonna hurt you. It's only me---"

"Yeah----that's what the problem is." She pushed past him rushed out of the house, leaving Mike stood alone and confused as to what had just happened.