A Lesson Learnt

Chapter Eight

"Mike. Can I ask you a question?"

"You already did!"

"No, I mean a REAL question."

"Sure buddy go ahead."

"What's going on between you and Tiffany?"


"You and Tiffany. Is anything happening between you?"

"James, buddy, you can't go saying things like that---"

"Why not?"

"Because---because your cousin has a boyfriend and we don't want him to get the wrong idea now do we?"

"He's already got the wrong idea. He made her cry yesterday---"

"What? How?"

"They picked me up from school and I started talking to Tiffany about our bass lessons and John said that Tiffany couldn't have them anymore. And then Tiffany said that she could, so John started yelling really bad at her. Swearing and stuff. Then he said that she couldn't have lessons because he didn't trust her being alone with you. He was pretty scary---"

Mike was angry, scared and speechless all at the same time. James might have only been ten but he had an old head on his shoulders, if he could see that there was something going off between him and Tiffany, then John MUST know.

"Tiffany and I are just friends. We have fun together during lessons that's all---"

"Well why can't you be more than friends? I like you. John is scary."

"Umm---well---I'm sorry pal but if Tiffany loves John then there's nothing much I can do about it---"

Mike could feel the beads of nervous sweat form on his forehead. He had never been one for confrontation.

"Well can't you TRY to get Tiffany to fall in love with you?"

"James please---talk like that is not acceptable. What would Tiffany think if she heard you?"

"She'd probably agree with me that you're better than John. Please Mike, please go out with her?"

The desperation in the boy's voice upset Mike. He could see how worried the little guy was for his cousin. He so badly wanted to tell James everything, but knowing the possibility that he could open his mouth to the wrong person was too much of a risk.

"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do. It's up to Tiffany to decide---"

"Well will you come to my birthday party at the weekend? She'll be there---and besides, I'd like you to come anyway so you can talk to my mom about how great I am at playing now!"
Mike laughed at the kid's determination. The hopeful look in his eye was too sweet to turn down.

"I'll come for a little while---but NOT so you can set me up with Tiffany ok!"

"Thanks Mike! You're great! Wait till I tell Tiff---I mean my mom that you're coming!"

Mike laughed and handed James a piece of paper so he could write down his address.

"I'll see you on Saturday then yeah Mike?"

"Yeah of course. I'll be there at seven thirty, sharp."

"This is gonna be the best birthday party EVER! See you later---"

"Bye James." Laughing, Mike closed the door.


"Mike! You made it!"

"I told you I was going to come didn't I? Happy Birthday." Mike reached into the trunk of his car and pulled out a rather large package, laughing at James' confused expression.

"What's this?"

"Take it inside and open it---"

James did as he was told and Mike followed him into the house.

"Mom! Mom! Come and see me unwrap Mike's present!"

A second later, a small, stout woman entered the living room, announcing herself as James' mom. "Thanks for coming Mr Dirnt. James has been excited all week!"

"Call me Mike and I really don't mind. I'm glad I can be here. He's a great kid---"

Mike and James' mom turned their attention to the little boy sat on the floor. He was grinning demoniacally when he realised just exactly what Mike had given him.

"Wow Mike, this is really great!" he gasped as he pulled out one of Mike's own Fender Precision bass guitars. James had always eyed that one in particular when having lessons. "But I feel rude accepting it!"

"Don't be silly! I want you to have it! Now you really can be like me!"

James jumped up from the floor and flung his arms around Mike's midriff, taking him by surprise. "Thanks so much Mike! It's the bestest present EVER!"

"Now, now, son---let go of Mike and lead him out to the garden with everyone else."

James did as he was told and signalled for Mike to follow him through the house to go outside, where he was immediately greeted by what seemed like a thousand other eleven year olds.
Mike laughed graciously as he signed autographs and talked to the other children.

"We thought that James was kidding when he said you were coming!" one said.

"We didn't think he was cool enough for you to come!" said another.

"Well James is one of the coolest people I know and I'm only too glad that he invited me!"
Mike turned and winked at his little friend who was stood with a huge grin plastered to his face. "Now, if you'd all please excuse me I need to use the bathroom. James can you show me where it is please?" Mike excused himself. The adoration was becoming a little overwhelming.

After doing his business, Mike made his was back down stairs where he noticed that another certain someone had arrived.

"Ah Mike, I believe that you also know James' cousin Tiffany," James' mom said upon his entrance to the kitchen.

"Yes, she's another one of my star pupils," he said smiling in her direction.

"Shut up Mike. Stop embarrassing me!" she giggled, returning his smile. "He's never given me anything of his though!"

Mike had to stop himself from saying something dirty to Tiffany's last comment but instead laughed along with the rest of the adults. It was amidst the laughter that he saw another male walk into the kitchen and drape his arm around Tiffany. His heart sunk when she turned round and kissed him.

"Mike I don't believe we've met," the man said. "I'm John, Tiffany's boyfriend." He held out a hand ready for Mike to shake.

Mike unwillingly took the invitation and forced a smile onto his face. "It's good to meet you at last. Tiffany's had a lot to say about you---"

"I'll bet she has---"

Mike cast a sly glance at Tiffany's expression, it was distant, like she was trying to block out what was happening. Nevertheless she caught Mike's eye and gave a small smile. He returned the smile then turned and headed back out into the garden.


It was when he was in the kitchen getting another drink, that he and Tiffany had their first alone time of the evening.

"Hey," she said, nervously.

"Hey," he replied, just as timid.

They held each others' gaze for a second, both contemplating what to do next.

"You didn't show for your lesson on Wednesday," Mike whispered finally.

"Yeah---I umm---had to work. I should have called."

An awkward tension filled the air as they both became silent again. "Why are you lying?" Mike finally broke.


"Why are you lying about why you didn't come to the lesson? It's not like you not to call me either---"

She sighed in defeat. "You know why---" Tiffany nodded outside to John.

"So why lie?"

"I don't know. I guess it just comes easy to me these days."

"Well we don't have to lie about anything----"

"What're you saying? That we should tell people?"

"No---we could end it. Let's face it, John's not happy about us taking lessons together. Week after week he's getting more and more pissed off at you and it scares me to think what he could do to you. If we end it, the lies stop and you're safe."

"B-but I don't want to---end it I mean---" Tiffany was cut short by John shouting for her attendance outside.

"See what I mean---he hates us being together---it's too risky---"

"Let's not make brash decisions, Mike. Look, give it another half an hour and excuse yourself, say you have to go home, then I'll meet you there a little while after so we can talk."

"And what about John?"

"Don't worry about him; he'll be too pissed to care where I am."

Mike watched as Tiffany opened a bottle of beer, downed half of the content then topped it back up with some vodka. He had to laugh at her scheming.

"So I'll see you properly at yours later?" she asked.

"I guess so."

She hurriedly kissed his cheek, and then went back outside to John; leaving Mike to battle with jealousy and sadness as he wondered what was going to happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
I fucking love Elvis Presley.


Many thanks for reading XD