Status: only a few chapters left

Kill Me.


Callum yawned, sighing as he approached the City Sun office building. He’d left only three hours earlier and yet he was back. A large part of him, the most sensible and less infatuated part, almost convinced him to turn and leave. Lee was busy, obviously, or he would have allowed Callum to stay, or would have at least called to tell him he’d left the office. But as it was, he hadn’t and Callum had decided instead to pick up his boyfriend- he could do that, they’d been together for a while- and take him to dinner.

Which was why he found himself on the elevator, not entirely remembering the walk to it but going on up anyway. He looked around at the familiar walls and shadows he still remembered, from the days that he’d been the one staying impossibly late. From the days before Lee had so perfectly fallen into his life.

Hearing someone call his name he froze, frowning briefly. In the moment it took him to hesitate in taking the next step the voice had registered and he was running. Lee. That was undoubtedly Lee’s voice and he’d sounded terrified. A horrified part of him wondered what he was about to walk into, what would have scared the boy so thoroughly.

Looking into Callaghan’s office he saw the man nearly leaning on the wall, Lee smashed in between. It was completely rational, his mind told him, as he stormed forward and grabbed his boss by the back of the neck and yanked him backwards as hard as he could. The man went stumbling even as Callum grabbed Lee’s thin wrist and tossed the boy behind him.

“What the fuck is going on?” he screamed, livid and daring Callaghan to move.

“Lee and I, we were just talking about his job performance. There’s no need to be so angry Mr. Stone,” Callaghan said, hands out in surrender.

“It didn’t seem like much of a discussion,” Callum growled, eyes dark. “It was pretty obvious Lee didn’t want to be in that position either.”

“He’s a beautiful boy. It’s hard to resist sometimes. I’m sure you must understand that with your relationship,” he urged, looking at them pointedly. “They aren’t a fan of inter-work relationships, you know, especially not with an employee as new as Lee is. I’d hate to see him suffer for this, you know.”

“Don’t you dare threaten my Lee,” Callum growled, the haze in his vision nearly making him sway.

“Cal can we just go?” Lee asked meekly from behind him, eyes wide and glassy.

“You bastard,” Callum nearly screamed, launching himself at Callaghan at the sight of Lee’s tears. He was gone, fists landing repeatedly into his shocked boss’ face and body. Any place Callum could he landed a punch, reveling in the pained groans echoing from the man. Even when he let out a particularly loud plea, hands weak on Callum’s arms, he continued. Only after Callaghn stopped fighting, head lolling uselessly to the side did Callum even begin to pause, taking another round of punhes to truly calm down.

He shoved himself roughly off the ground, glaring down at Callaghan remorselessly. It was only then that he heard the soft cries and whimpers coming from the corner of the room and he turned to see Lee, watching with wide eyes. Guilt flooded through him at the sight, the boy hugging his legs to his chest desperately, eyes barely peeking above his knees to see the sight.

“Lee,” Callum said softly, walking towards him slowly, stumbling forward. “Lee I’d never hurt you. I love you,” he said quietly, collapsing next to him.

“Callum we have to call the police! He doesn’t even look like he’s breathing. Oh God what if he’s dead?” he exclaimed, terrified. “Cal?”

“Good. If he’s dead he won’t hurt you,” he hissed, anger flaring back up briefly before he shook his head, clearing it. “I’m sorry Lee. I didn’t mean to do that. I-“

Callum frowned, looking at his boyfriend huddled terrified in the corner in confusion. Surely he knew Callum would never let Callaghan get to him. At the thought he frowned, wondering what had happened to the lecherous man before deciding to lean down to Lee instead. The younger man recoiled from the touch and Callum flinched back, eyes wide. Never had Lee done that before. Surely he hadn’t welcomed the advances. He couldn’t be angry at Callum for scaring the man away, could he?

“What did I do Lee?” he asked softly, hurt. “Why are you scared?”

“Y-You just attacked C-Callaghan,” Lee responded, incredulous.

“No I didn’t. I wouldn’t do that, not in front of you. I know you hate violence.” He followed Lee’s terrified gaze, turning around and staring in shock at Callaghan’s body, limp and bloody on the ground. “Call someone! Lee why aren’t you calling?” he demanded, frantic.

“C-Callum are you ok?” Lee asked, eyes wide.

“No! Why aren’t you calling? Why isn’t someone here!” he exclaimed, nearly yelling and Lee nodded, dialing 911 immediately to give the information. Callum rushed to Callaghan, desperately feeling for a pulse and finding none. The more he searched, the more frantic his movements became until he was shaking in fear. “W-what happened Lee? Why is he dead? Who did this?” Callum felt himself choking, hating the smell of death that seemed to pervade the room though he knew it was only in his own mind. The tang of blood was unmistakable though, even as it congealed on Callaghan’s split cheek, his swollen lip.

Callum was still frantic when the police arrived, all efficiency and business. They took a single look at him before nearly pouncing and he suddenly found himself with his hands behind his back, cuffs clinking on. They were talking, all loud and unnerving as Lee looked on with wide eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks.

“Lee!” he yelled as they tried to wrestle him from the room, ignoring the officers. “Lee what’s happening? Tell them Lee! This isn’t my fault! What’s going on?” he screamed, heart aching when Lee’s cries turned to complete sobs. He saw himself in the glass as they lead him out, eyes desperate and flickering, hands behind his back. He shivered as he passed one of Callaghahan’s walls, which had a mirror, eyes catching sight of his blood clothing, his hands.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry this took so long for me to get out but it's been a bad two weeks. We had a death in the family and my college/life plans seem to be unraveling way faster than I was expecting. Honestly, I just haven't been able to muster up the energy to write this so I'm really sorry for any errors or the overall badness of it.
That said, if you all forgive me and want to make me smile, please check out my newest story Teach the Heart There's some slash and some het (involving different characters) and I like where its going.