Status: only a few chapters left

Kill Me.


Callum sighed upon walking into his small office. After a late night, he really didn't want to deal with all of the backed up orders that were stacked haphazardly on his desk. God, he hated the employees around here. They were so damn useless. Ignoring the thought, as it would get him no where in decreasing the number of files, he walked to his desk and slumped into the chair.

He spent the next three hours doing what was probably somebody else's job they had forgotten to do until he reached the last three files. They were the only ones actually pertaining to his position at Rock Publishers. Go figure. Flipping through them, he saw a request for a story on the recent spike in retail stores, one for a story on the city's latest killer, and a folder that once more had Lee Simms taped inside. Boring. Repetitive. Necessary.

This in mind, he quickly skimmed the first article, titled oh-so-creatively as "Rising Retail." Just as unimportant as he had originally thought. He threw it into the recycle bin after typing a name into the rejection slip he had brought up on his computer. He had gotten so tired of writing them, he had made an automatic one that he only had to sign.

Then he read over the one about the crimes, rolling his eyes as he read over nearly the same thing he had heard on the news the other morning. The writer could have at least had more current facts considering it was date stamped yesterday afternoon. The people in this city were just dripping with unoriginality lately. He typed up yet another rejection slip and printed both out, signing his name briefly on the bottom. He glanced at it and shrugged. The signature was hardly legible as two names, let alone his own. Then he put them in the little basket by his desk for the receptionist to mail out later.

Finally he was able to open up the information on Lee Simms, the only thing that was actually different from the standard day mail. In it was sticky note, saying the interview was arranged for the next afternoon. He had to admit he was impressed. Most interns bought as much time as they could, trying to anticipate every question and come up with a suitable answer. Already he liked this Simms kid. He probably would have liked him more if there hadn't been randomly doodled smiley faces all over one of his printed out articles.

Callum shrugged it off, knowing it was probably going to be the least of his worries if the ended up with a new kid to potentially show around. Hopefully he'd be able to just show him the ropes and not have a tag-a-long for the next six months. And if that kid was a morning person… Already he was dreading it.

With a yawn, he stuck the yellow sticky note to his calendar board and crossed off another day on the white-board calendar below it. One day down, four more to go before the weekend. Then he'd be able to find his sister and her friends and have a good time out somewhere. Of course, that might slow down now. She was terrified the killer would somehow choose them, out of all of those in New York, to murder. What were the odds anyway?
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I am so so so sorry this took so long. It won't happen again! And I'm sorry its short. I'll have longer updates soon