She is her own worst Enemy

I am a girl.

She is trying to be happy, to hold back her tears, to fight the fears that are inside. To fight the Paranoia.

She thinks too much

She walks down the dark alleyway that only seems to maker her feel lonelier. She realizes that this mess she is in is all her fault. She tries to think happy, but she is always negative. Her blue eyes are dull, choking up on tears.

She looks around her. She may just sleep here tonight. All alone she is, but she likes it that way. Then again she also can’t stand it. She comforts herself with her own self-pity and low self esteem. She moves towards hate. She hates what she has become. It’s all because of her retarded mind.

She starts to run away, away from her life, all the drama and the happy memories. She doesn’t want to pretend anymore that she has these problems. IT’S HER FAULT. She stops pounding down the alleyway and drops to the cold stone floor and cries. She cries till there is nothing left. She focuses on the negative, not having the will power to do the opposite and think positively.

She tries to battle the voices in her head, it’s like a war. She is happy, she isn’t going to die everything will be okay. Deep down she knows that. She stops crying slowly, wiping the bleeding mascara away from her eyes and smooths back her brown locks of hair.

She tries not to think about it too much, but also tries to think of it in a new, happier light. It’s hard, but she can do this, she can be happy and love herself again. She has hope. She won’t let herself tear into pieces

Her own thinking, she thinks way too much… her own way. She needs to stop analyzing things before she gets paranoid. “Live with out warning.” As she tries to regain balance standing up she smooths down her clothes. Mildly happy.

She turns around walking towards the lighted street. From there she walks away from the horrible underground, not looking back. She walks back to her mansion, wishing she had a simple life, only with everyone she loves. But then again this life is everything, it is her life. She is a spoiled bratty rich kid to the outside world. But on the inside she is a sad lonely teenage girl.

She loved the underground. The fever it gave her, the passion the people had for their minority ways. The music and the happiness they have.

She met a guy there. He was like her, he had another life, came from a totally different world. He was the one with the most secrets. She didn’t say goodbye to him but he will understand her. They will meet again someday.

She thinks again to the hell of life she now has ahead of her. After all she is her own worst enemy.