Piano Boy

He's playing the piano

I watched from behind, his back was straight as a board and his neck was slightly tilted. His hands were unseen, but you could hear the music they were making. I heard Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart, Czarny, Bach. If only I could see his long fingers playing 4 octave scales, see the way his eyes close as he plays Moonlight Sonata.

Reflecting lights shined on my face, reflecting off the black piano. I suspect he saw my face in the piano, he abruptly turned around and faced me.

"You like Chopin?" said his sweet, musical voice.

"Of course." A smile played upon my lips, but was not returned. Seconds later I heard a magical variation of Fantasie Impromptu. I still stood from behind, I had an urge to come up closer and take a peek at his...fingers, face...everything. The beginning of the song was fast, scales up and down. My ears had to catch up. His body swayed back and forth as the sounds went higher and lower. I stared, until it became slower, more peaceful. He swayed slowly from side to side, passion erupting.

Fast. Slow. Fast. Slow. The patterns of the song were never ending, I was enjoying every minute of it. I sighed as he played the last chord,


"He was." he answered sharply.

"So were you." And he looked at me, his eyes questioning. I smiled, and sat beside him on the small piano bench. I began to play Minute Waltz. In the midst of the song, I look to see him swaying again, his eyes are closed and I feel him put his fingers on top of mine. We play together, until it ends and I let go of the pedal of the last chord. He calmly says,

"So are you." His blue eyes looking straight into mine. My finger slipped on one of the keys, it was a high A.

"Oops." I say, embaressingly looking down. He takes his long, thin, pale fingers and gently touches my face. I see him leaning in, I see his eyes closing, i see his body moving towards me.....

I get up and scurry away as fast as I can. He sits there, and while I hide behind a wall, I hear Moonlight Sonata slowly playing as I depart.

Slowly mending a broken heart.