Status: First story on here.

Taking or Breaking

A Different Day

I had my uniform on, books in hand, and toast about to pop out of the toaster. My average kind of morning, except today my sisters left early so I don't have to listen to them fight. Thank God.

I love my sister, Mary and Hanna, to the end, but man they fight like an old married couple. Its over the stupidest of things too, like, Mary going to clubs, Hanna not driving Mary somewhere, Mary forgetting something. I never fight with them, I barely speak really.

My thoughts of them fighting are interrupted by the toast flying out of the toaster. I move in the small kitchen of the apartment and butter it then head out the door.

I walk to my private school, since, its like 5 minutes away and I really don't like using my car. I like being different, its what makes me, me. I might have no friends, or anything but I have me and thats all I'll ever need.

I see my stupid private school, and all its clicks outside by their cars. Yes, I go to private school, thats why I'm wearing this stupid uniform and my choice of shoes. My white low tops.

I get a few glares from people for no reason and keep walking into the school. I walk straight to my locker and through my books in. They weigh like 20 lbs each, stupid teachers.

I'm saying stupid to much. Stupid.

I slammed my locker shut and started towards class, but someone stopped me.

"Hey You!" some guy yelled at me.
"What?" I said.

This guy pushed my books down and shoved me against the wall. My back ached now, and my eyes filled with fear. The guy was a jock, no doubt, and his friends and girlfriends were down the hall or around him chanting him on. Somebody help me?!?!

"Your quite a pretty girl, up-close." he said.

I spit in his face and kicked at him, but his grip didn't loosen, he just evily looked at me. What did I do? Why was he doing this to me?

He twisted my arm back wards and laughed when I yelled out in pain to a cracking sound. My arm.

"Ahhh!!" I yelped in pain.

He shoved me into the wall even harder. It felt like he was suffocating me, when it suddenly went away. He was on the floor 15 ft away with... Trevor Stewarts??? on him, beating him to a pulp. I slide down the wall in pain as I watched Trevor and the guy fight. A girl and her friend came up to me with slightly worried expressions.

"Come on, lets get you to the nurse." The girl with brown and blonde highlighted hair.

"Noo..." I said weakly. I was in pain to much and I was seeing little dots of color everywhere.

"Aimee, help me pick her up."

I guessed, Aimee, sighed and helped me up. My arm was bent a different direction, which made them both cringe. Finally, they took me down the hall to the nurses office as the principal showed up to separated Trevor and the dude. His friends shot a look towards me and so did Trevor, before he was taken by the principal.

They laid me down in the nurses office as she looked over me. I was in so much pain, it wasn't even funny. The brown-blonde haired girl stayed with me, but Aimee had to leave. She seemed pretty nice too me, maybe I could make a friend?

"Your sister will be here soon." the nurse said, " She'll be taking you to the hospital."

I nodded lightly, trying to stay awake. I knew you weren't supposed to fall asleep, until the doctors look at you, so I stayed up.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm Jemma, by the way." Jemma said. Finally, I know her name.

"Its okay. I'm Sara." I said softly.

She smiled slightly and the door flew open, revealing Hanna, my crazed sister.

"When I see who did this too you I'm going to kick his..."

"Can we please go, I'm in pain here." I said, interrupting her ranting.

"Yes." she turned to Jemma, "Thanks for helping my sister."

"No problem." Jemma smiled, "And his name is Adien, the guy who hurt her."

"Thanks." she looked at me,"Can you walk?"

"Yeah..." I sat up, letting my arm go limp with pain. Grr..

We walked past the office on our way to the car. I saw Trevor and Adien, look up from where they were sitting, watching me slowly walk. Adien can go die in a hole.

I slid into her car carefully as she sped off to the hospital. Time to get a cast.

What I didn't know, was that this was just the start of a whole new life for me.
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Hope its not to short! Love ya's