Status: First story on here.

Taking or Breaking

May I Have This Dance

"Superman wins!" I yelled during P.E.

It was officially Friday! My cast was off finally, Adien was suspended for 3 days, and I had a free P.E. period because Coach was gone and the substitute had nothing for us to do. This whole week had been great except for Monday. Stupid Adien.

I was still questioning in my head why Trevor would stick up for me. I mean he is supposed to 'dislike' me right now, not stick up for me and beat up Adien. I was thankful for it though. I would probably have a cracked skull if it weren't for him.

"But Batman is soo much better!!" Jemma yelled back.

We had got a few peoples attention, but some had ignored us. Dylan, Alec, Trevor and Aimee were watching us intently seeing who would win. I knew who would....

"Superman doesn't buy his stuff!!" I said.

"Well at least Batman isn't afraid of a rock." Jemma said.

I glared at her and she glared back. Obviously both of us were equal in this argument. Well we were until one of Cassie's friends, Gabby, walked past us.

"I think the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beat them both." Gabby said and continued to walk.

Most of us gaped at the fact she talked to us, but I didn't gape. That was such a true awesome fact!

"She's so right!" I said.

"I know!" Jemma said.

Aimee and the guys gave us confused looks.

"Sara, you hate the populars though..." Aimee said.

"No...I hate Adien, Cassie, Beth, and Adiens friends. I said nothing about Gabby. She's actually nice to me." I said.

"When the hell did you talk to her?" Dylan asked.

"She was in one of my classes last year. She would talk to me even though I wouldn't speak back."

"Like talking to a wall." Jemma smiled.

"Running into them is funner." I said.

Right when we (or most of us) stopped laughing my phone vibrated in my pocket. I checked to see who was calling quickly. Hanna Maneater. My sister, of course.

"Ello puppet!" I said with a British accent.

"Nice to speak with you governor can I have a word with my sister?" Hana replied with the same accent.

"No you may not. Obey your governor and tell me what you want."

"I need to know where to drop off your dress." Hana said still Britishly.

"Oh let me give the tele to my peasant Jemma."

Jemma scowled at me then rolled her eyes and took the phone. Everyone else seemed to be confused. No one used to ever get me or my sisters relationship anyways.

"You have a British friend or something?" Alec asked first.

"Yes, he's my British stripper." I said.

"Your letting my sister talk to him!!!??!?!" Dylan yelled.

Me, Aimee and Trevor started to laugh. Dylan and Alec can be such idiots at times.

"Welcome, heres your governor." Jemma said.

I took my cell back and changed my voice back to British again.

"Ello again governor!" Hanna said.

"Ello again puppet! Did she give you enough info?" I said.

"Bloody hell she did. I will see you tomorrow governor! Oh, and next time I'll be your governor."

"Good day puppet!" I hung up.

I looked a Jemma and Aimee they were smirking back and forth. Dylan and Alec were too. The only clueless people were me and Trevor. Is there some freaking secret going on here? Of course all questions get answered right after you ask them and Jemma yelled.

"Sara and Trevor your it! Partner Tag Time!!!" Jemma yelled taking off.

Everyone else took off towards the school except me and Trevor. Oh, so thats how were going to play? Sticking me with him. Grr.

"Coming?" I asked taking off towards the school.

"Whatever." Trevor said running behind me.

We had to stay together, which sucked like ass, in order to tag some one. We ran down so many halls I got confused and lost Trevor. Dammit. I started to walk around and I hear some noises coming from the stair well. I opened the doors quietly and shut them back just as quiet. I looked over the railing some to see if I could find anyone, but all I saw was some couple making out.

Wait...that couple is Aimee and Dylan!!!! Oh my gawd!! I put my hand over my mouth, but I squeaked anyways with excitement. I was so focused on the fact that they were making out that I didn't feel Trevor's presence beside me. Not knowing he was there I screamed really loud, freaking everyone out.

"SARA!?!?!" Aimee and Dylan screamed at me.

"And Trevor." Trevor said smirking at Dylan.

"Its not what it looks like." Aimee said.

"It looked like you to were sucking face."

I couldn't help but laugh. Sucking face, haha. I'm so weird.

"You two are so cute together!" I squealed at them.

They of course both blushed. Idiots. I looked at Trevor and we both got the same idea. We went down to them and I hugged Aimee saying how I was happy for her and Trevor did some high five thing with Dylan. Now we had officially tagged them. We both back away slowly then yelled.

"Your it!" We yelled at them and took off running.

We ran quickly down the halls and to an empty classroom. We caught our breathe and sat down on the floor. Hey, they were clean enough. I sighed and looked at the ceiling. It was much funner to run.

"You going to the dance tonight?" I asked out of the blue.

"By force." Trevor said.

I laughed some,"Same here."

"Stupid friends?"

"Yup." I popped the 'p'.

We both sighed and stood up at the same time. The bell for school to end was in a few minutes so I had to go find Jemma, my ride to her house. I had nothing to put in my locker so me and Trevor just walked around. We walked until he stopped me, as in pinned me to the wall.

"I'm sorry." We both said.

"Wait, why are you sorry?" We both said again.

"I'm a liar thats why." I said.

"I'm a stupid guy." he said.

"So are we cool again?"

"I long as you tell me the truth."

"Fine. I wanted you to kiss me so badly that I thought I would die."

"Thats what I'd thought you'd say."

The bell rang and he released me.

"Later Trevor!" I said walking to Jemma's car.

"See you at the dance!" he yelled back from his car.

Jemma was by her car smiling. Great now I get to be a personal Barbie doll for the next few hours. I got in the car and Aimee was there too. Jemma put the car in reverse and me were off to her house.

1 hour till dance

I had been tortured in every girly way possible by Jemma and Aimee. The only thing they weren't allowed to touch was my hair which only had a black headband. They had white eyeshadow on my eyes and the usual eyeliner. Thank gawd for no lip gloss though. They did my nails black with white specks. I had slipped into my dress about 15 minutes ago and now I was managing to put my knee high converse on. I hate heels so they let me wear them.

I was getting my way a lot, more than I expected. All that was left to put on was my mask which we'd put on before we leave. The dance was being held at this mansion/museum place in town about a 15 minute drive to it for Jemma's house. I was tapping my fingers on the table waiting for Jemma and Aimee to finish getting dressed.

"We're ready!!" Jemma yelled coming slowly down the stairs.

She handed me my mask and help me put it on correctly. After that they put theirs on and Jemma wanted lots, I mean lots, of pictures. About 50 pictures of Aimee, she took 100 of me and we took like 50 of her too. I just was special enough to get 100.

20 more minutes and we could leave. I could care less since my mind was else where as Aimee and Jemma talked, probably about Aimee and Dylan. I was thinking about Trevor, like I've been doing the last few days. He can be so bipolar sometimes, but he's really an awesome guy. I hope I can see him tonight though. It might be hard with all these stupid masks, but I'll find him anyways.

10 more minutes and I was dying to leave. Actually me and Aimee were begging Jemma to leave since she was our ride there.

"Can we please leave?!!?" Aimee begged.

"Please?!?!" I added.

"Get off the floor you'll ruin your dresses!" Was all Jemma replied.

Finally time was up and me and Aimee high tailed it out the door. We almost jumped into the car, but that would ruin the dresses so we didn't, in fear of Jemma beating us. Jemma got in, not as fast as us, and started the car heading to the place.

The whole ride there we annoyed Jemma with our singing along to Escape the Fate, All Time Low and some other band. Jemma was trying to look pissed at us for singing, but she could help but laugh at our awfulness.

We got out of the car and walked to the mansion museum thingy. Once inside my heart matched the beat of the music and I was ready to have fun, something I loved more than ever now.

First me, Aimee and Jemma danced to Paramore's Cruchcrushcrush song like idiots and tried to sing again. Miley Cyrus's Party In The USA came on and I pretended to die. Aimee found Dylan eventually and left me and Jemma to dance alone. We yelled at them and took off running, to go dance again.

About 15 more songs played and it was already 10:30. I wasn't tired at all, just sort of bored. Figures, if you bring me to a dance that I would get bored. Around 11 Alec found Jemma and they slow danced with every other couple out there. I sighed and got up and tried to make my way through the crowd.

It seemed like everyone had someone except me. I was alone, like always. I hadn't been able to find Trevor all night. Where was he anyways? Maybe lip locked with another girl? Not even here? I wasn't paying attention when I ran into someone, who was tall. 6 feet exactly.

"Trevor?" I said.

He looked at me and said,"Sara?"

"Wow, you look wow."

He was wearing the tux thing like every guy here, but his mask was the thing that made me smile. It was a batman mask, of course.

"No superman for you?" I smirked.

"I'm batman all the way." he said.


"Well this loser thinks your beautiful tonight."

"Thanks..." I blushed.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked with his hand out.

I took it and he led it from there. We were both in sync to each others movements yet we never broke our gaze from one another. His eyes looking right into mine felt perfect, like the right connection was there. The song started to fade out along with the couples, but not Trevor and I, we just stood there looking into each others eyes.

I guess you could guess what happen next. He put his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him and I put my arms (just barely) around his neck. He leaned down and I leaned up to him our lips meeting finally.

His lips were soft warm and smooth. It was like kissing an angel, if that was even possible. The kiss made sparks fly off my lips and go throughout my whole body. I felt like the world stopped and he was the only one there with me. I felt... complete love.

All moments have their ends and mine came to quickly. We both let go and back away a few inches. He had the same look on his face as me. That 'oh my god did we just do that' look.

"Trevor..." I said.

"Sara..." he said.

"I loved it."


"I loved it. Every last second of it."

"Really? I thought you were going to yell at me for stealing your first kiss..."

"Why? It was with someone so amazing, I thought I would die when we let go." I said the full truth.

"Where does this put us though?" I asked unsure.

"Sara, would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"Yes!" I wrapped myself around him.

Sure I'd known him about 2 1/2 weeks, but the heart wants what it wants. If it happens to be him, then oh well, at least I like him. Maybe more than that.

We danced to the last few songs together in harmony knowing we had each other finally. Maybe I should thank Jemma later for convincing me to come here. I rest my head on his chest as we danced softly to the calm music.

Back At Jemma's House

"Jemma please just let me change." I said again for the 10th time in 5 minutes.

I was dying to get out of all my stuff and her not unzipping the back wasn't helping me. No, she'd rather bug me about how I kissed Trevor and about how our kids would look. The little bitch.

"Fine I'll unzip you." Jemma said,

"Thank You." I said relieved.

She unzipped it and I let it fall to the ground. I quickly changed into my black pj shorts and superman tank top. Take that Batman. Jemma was already dressed and smiling again. Which turned into a scowl.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't picture you having kids." Jemma pouted.


"No its not! I pictured you boy and girl already!"

"Maybe I'm just not meant to have kids. I can already picture you and Alec's kids." I smirked.

Jemma's mouth fell open and then she glared,"You did not just say that!!"

I did what my instincts told me to do. Run like hell woman!! I ran out the door of her room and down the hall, her running right behind me. The guys were in the basement with Aimee so I just had to make it down there. I sharply turned the corner and literally missed half the the stairs I was running down.

Only a few more halls to the basement door, I thought as I reached the bottom. I was sadly, and painfully tripped though. I fell smack down on the floor, Jemma tripping over me. We started to wrestle on the floor until I managed to get away and run to the kitchen. I when straight for the sink and grabbed the sink hose.

"I'll shoot." I threatened smiling.

"Hold on real quick." Jemma said walking into the pantry.

She came out a minute later with a huge bag of flour. I knew exactly what was about to happen. I shot her with the sink hose and she tackled me. She managed to get the hose from me and sprayed me all over. I was wiping my face with my hands when all the sudden everything was white.

Did I just black out or something? Then I saw Jemma about ready to burst with laughter and I knew this was real. We both went into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. We looked so stupid with all white bodies and messed up hair.

"You got a little something on you..." Jemma said smiling.

"Really? I hadn't noticed Jemma." I said sarcastically still smiling.

"I'm still mad."

"Oh get over it, its not any better than you doing it to me."


She got up and grabbed something off the counter that wasn't covered in flour. Her ipod and speakers? She turned it on to Family Force 5's Fever and walked over to me her hands behind her back.

"Would you care to dance with me my sugar coated friend?" she asked smirking.

"Sure...wait I'm flour coated." I said confused.

"You can be both."

She pulled a bag of sugar out from behind her and dumped it on me. My mouth dropped open and I grabbed the bag of powdered sugar off the counter that was slightly visible. I dumped it all on her head and smiled confidently.

"Now we can dance like idiots." I said.

We danced and laughed like idiot because it was about 12 in the morning and we were covered in white dancing. We are freaks. I fell to the ground and so did Jemma.

"Was it good?" she asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Kissing Trevor as your first."

"Jemma it was unexplainable, thats how amazing it was." I smiled at the thought of it.

I touched my lips randomly like his were still there, but they weren't. What was so important downstairs. Jemma decided to get up to go get everybody to help us clean this mess, but she slipped instead. She hit the cupboards and drawer behind her cause the drawer to fall out spilling the silverware all over. Great, more mess.

Not even seconds later we heard foot steps running up the basement stairs. First Aimee, the Trevor, and last but not least Alec and Dylan appeared in the kitchen entry.

"It looks like a fucking white paint bomb went off in here." Aimee said.

"Really? I thought it was pretty and purple!" Jemma yelled making Aimee jump.

"Holy crap! Didn't see you. What happened here?"

"If you can't find me how the hell are you supposed to Sara?!"

"Hi guys!" I waved from my spot on the floor.

Trevor and the guys came into the kitchen and looked around a bit. Trevor stand on his feet and knelled down to my level. Alec and Dylan going to get cleaning crap.

"I guess we created a bit of a mess..." I smiled innocently.

"You bet. Whats on you?" he asked.

"Flour, a bag of sugar, and some powdered sugar."

"Sugar huh?"

I was about to say something when he kissed me. The warm tingly feeling came back, my stomach doing little flip flops. He let go and moved away smiling and helping me up.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"You taste like sugar."

I have one thing to thank for this night.

Saying yes to dancing with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
She got her first kiss awww!!!
Sorry if I didn't go very deep in detail of the kiss, I'm not really a romantic kissy face kind of person anyways.
Well I have this book, the next and the one after this planned out.
I just need a name for the last one.
I'll figure it out later, just hope you liked this update!!
