Status: First story on here.

Taking or Breaking

I Trust You

I got home Saturday morning and went straight to my room. No one was home and I knew it. Hana was probably with Blake doing...god knows what. Mary was probably at the bar already for work or with her newest boyfriend, considering she had one every week.

My phone went off vibrating in my pocket so I pulled it out. Trevor's name appeared on my screen so I opened up his text. It read...

Hey, meet me by the pond in the park.

My heart fluttered at the thought of Trevor. My first kiss, and now boyfriend. It felt good to call him that, finally. I have to admit, I should have let him into my life a long time ago. His lips on mine is so magical, I might as well be floating every time we kiss.

I slipped my white high tops back on and my white hoodie and locked the apartment and headed downstairs to the lobby. I walked out down the street, took a left, went straight, then right and left. Taking a total of about 15 minutes, I made it to the park.

I walked a few more minutes to the pond and stood by the big tree by it. Where was Trevor? I slumped down and sat on the ground and looked up into the leaves. It was only 11, I'd spent most the morning goofing around at Jem's, and the sun wasn't completely out. My vision of leaves was soon blocked and replaced with bright green eyes.

"Hello there stranger." I smiled.

"Hey. Are you this nice to all strangers?" Trevor said.

"Only the ones I date."

"Good for me then."

He sat down next to me and he was still freaking taller than me. Grr. I laid my head on his shoulder and looked out onto the calm pond waters.

"Why'd you want me to come here?" I asked.

"Just to talk." he replied.

"About what exactly?"

"I just wanted to let you know more about me."

"You trust me?"

"I have too. What kind of a relationship doesn't have trust?"

"A bad one..."


I snuggled a bit closer to him as the wind picked up some. We live in freaking Minnesota, could it not be windy for on day?!!? Trevor brush my hair out of my face and he started to talk.

"My mom was only in my life for 3 years." he said,"Dad had an affair and she left him saying she would never come back."

"Trevor you don't have to-" I started to say.

"Its fine, I want to talk. Now let me go on." he said hushing me,"Me and Alec are friends because my mom, but when she left we separated some. When Dylan moved in we started to be friends again. We three have been stuck together like glue since then."

"What about Jemma and Aimee?"

"Well Jemma was really shy and quiet and Aimee hadn't moved in yet. Jemma actually had a sort of crush on Alec then too."

"Of course..."

"Anyways, in 8th grade my dad was on with number four. It was the same year you moved to town and I took a huge step up from loner ville. At first Alec, and Dylan didn't want to join me, but they changed their minds quickly. And as you know we've been with Adien since then, but not anymore."

He turned me so I was looking him in the eyes and said,"Sara, I've done so many things I wish I could take back when I was with Adien. If I could re-do everything and just be able to be with you, I'd be the happiest guy alive. I wish I hadn't lost my virginity to a slut, or my first kiss to a girl who now hates me. I wish my first everything could be with you, but.... it can't."

"But my first everything can be with you... I mean I don't care what you've done. It doesn't matter to me. What matters, is that you actually feel sorry for those things. Sure you were stupid, but you have a new life now. Just start over like I did when I moved here."

"I can't just start over. Thats impossible for me."

"Nothings impossible dumbass. Even I know that. Just treat everything you do like its you first time doing it. I used to think I couldn't trust anyone, now look at me. I'd freaking trust a hobo if he said he was rich!"

"You make everything to simple."

"How would you know? We've only been going out for a day."

"I'm just magical like that."

"Well now that you have poured your heart out onto the floor, I should too."

I mean he does trust me with his life story, so I should trust him with mine. So what if we've dated a day. I still trust him, and I can usually tell when someone lies to me. He was telling me from his heart the truth. I don't care what he's done, all that matters is he's mine. All mine.

"Well I don't even know my dad, but I know that he's Mine and Hanna's father, but not Mary's." I started.

"How does that happen, since your the youngest and Hanna is the oldest?" Trevor asked.

"Well my mom married my dad and had Hanna, but 3 years later mom got pregnant with another man and he left. He came back though 3 more years later and got my mom pregnant with me. he stayed for about 2 months and then decided to leave us for good. Thats about when mom became... a prostitute."

"Thats pretty fucked up."

"Yeah, well when I was 5, and in kindergarten, I met my best friends Kerri, Zac and Clay. Kerri was the best of them all, she was always there for me, almost like a third sister, and the guys were like brothers, but when I refused to tell them what my mother would do to me, they got a little mad." I took a deep breath,"My mom once a week at least would come home drunk and beat me. Kerri was the only one who ever found out, I left Zac and Clay in the dark."

"How come you say this like you aren't friends anymore?"

"We aren't. Clay moved 5 months before me, Zac just hates me because I would go out with him and Kerri... was killed."

"How? Don't cry." Trevor's voice soothed me.

"She...was shot. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time and...then she was gone for good!" I started to cry some.

Kerri was the best friend I ever had and then she went and died the night before I left. I had just gotten out of the hospital for an injury my mother caused. I wiped my tears and started to talk again.

"Anyways, about a week before I moved here I was injured mentally and physically." I said,"Mentally because I was almost raped by one of my moms 'boyfriend' and physically because my mother threw a glass vase at me, which I block with my arm, and it shattered."

"You were almost raped?!!? How close?!?!" Trevor exclaimed.

"He managed to get everything except my underwear and bra off before my sisters barged in and got him away from me. That scarred me for about the first year I was here, but I had to get over it eventually." I said shrugging.

"You act like it was nothing."

"Shit happens and nobody gave a damn. I have no right to cry or care about it anymore."

"I give a fuck, Sara."

"Just let me go on, I'm fine. Well... my mom mad me have to get about 70 stitches on my arm and 5 days later Kerri died and I left for here. I knew you were a popular guy when I moved here and I wasn't even close to you, so I just stayed out of yours and everybody else's way. I guess thats my life story too."

"Your life is way more fucked up than mine." Trevor said.

"Leave the past in the past unless it comes back to haunt you." I said.

"Nice motto Sara."

"Just came to me in a vision." I smirked.

"See anything else?"

"Yup. It says I should trust you to kiss me."

"Then I should obey your vision."

I laughed slightly and leaned in with him. Kissing Trevor yet again gave me those amazing feelings, even those butterflies fly away when I kiss him. Its like the other half of you, finally found. The only thing to ruin the moment is my phone. Fuck.

"Hello?" I answer and Trevor starts kissing up along my neck.

"Hey, Sara! I need you to come home now!!" Hanna said.

"Whats the matter?"

"Just come home!"

"Okay okay! Bye."

I hung up and Trevor stopped kissing my neck. He gave me a confused look, so I answered it.

"Sister called. She needs me now." I said looking sad.

"I can drive you." He said smiling slightly to make me happy.

"Alright." I said as he helped me up.

We went to his car and he drove us back to the apartments. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and waved good bye to him. I ran up to our apartment and opened the door. I walked in and saw Hanna scolding Mary. Oh great.

"Where were you?!?!" Hana exclaimed.

"At the park with Trevor." I said holding my hands up defensivly.

"With Trevor? No one else?"


Give her a second....

"YOU HAD YOUR FIRST KISS!!!!!!" Hanna and Mary both yelled.

Mary seemed a bit tipsy, but that was okay.

"Yes..." I said.

"FINALLY!" Hanna hugged me.

"You need a man in your life..." Mary drifted off.

"Thankies...?" I said,"So why'd I have to come home?"

"Okay first off Mary is going to a rehab center for a while to help her with her drinking. And second off I'm quiting my job and going to work with Blake at the gym." Hanna said.

"Kewl... ?" I said.

"WHAT?!?!" Mary said," I'm not going into rehab! I f you think I'd waste a damn, OWWW!"

"Thats what you get for drinking! Hangovers!!! Your going and thats final!" Hanna said.

Mary hmphed and I went to my room. I really didn't see the point in that little meeting. I mean Mary getting help is good, but I really don't care much. Mary never really bonded like me and Hanna, so I don't really have much sympathy for her.

It was only 3 in the afternoon and I was already tired so I kicked off my shoes and shimmed off my jacket and fell onto my bed. I just let sleep over come me and blacken out my world that I was starting to enjoy again. I at least learn something today.

I trust him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked this update too!!
I wasn't able to update the past 2 days cause of a stupid book report.
I will be updated like 3 times this week end maybe, but the chapters coming up will most likely just be non sense chapters.
Oh well!!!
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-Kenny :)