Status: First story on here.

Taking or Breaking

Truth or Dare

"Alright everyone! Go get changed!" Coach B yelled to us.

We all ran into the locker rooms, me, Jemma and Aimee went straight to the back where our locker were. I opened up my little gym locker and there was a note on my clothes. I picked it up and stuffed it in the pocket of my hoodie and changed back into my uniform.

I waited for Jemma and Aimee to finish getting dressed, when The queen bitch herself decided to come over to us.

"I heard you and Trevor got together." Cassie said.

"I guess you heard correctly." I said.

"Well listen here bitch. Trevor is ours and ours only."

"I didn't know he was considered a property."

Cassie scoffed,"If he was, I'd own him first."

"You mean keep him as a sex slave?"


"Yes!" I mimicked her voice tone.

"Just fuck off him, or shits going to happen to you that you'll regret Sorabella!!!"

My mouth dropped. How'd she find out about my real name? No one ever found out my real name except family and Kerri. I hate my name, its so stupid. Thats why I stick with Sara.

Cassie walked off in victory and left me with the questioneers. Jemma was the first to pounce of course, even though I really wished to run from her.

"Your name is Sorabella?!?!" She yelled.

I covered her mouth,"Shhh!! I don't want the whole world to know!!"

"Sorry. Thats such a pretty name! Mines Gemini like the freaking star."

"Mine was from my drugged up mom..." I mumbled.

We started to walk out of the locker room to meet the guys when Jemma started up again.

"How many people have that name?" she asked.

"Probably no one." I shrugged putting my hands in my pocket feeling the note.

"Buts its so beautiful Sara!!" Aimee joined in.

"It just sucks, okay!!"

Aimee and Jemma backed off a bit.

"Sorry... we didn't mean to-" Jemma started.

"No, I'm sorry. I just, don't like my mother okay." I said a bit calmer.

"Hey, what wrong with Beary?" Dylan asked as we approached them,"Throwing a bitch fit?"

"Fuck off Dylan."

"You know Dylan used to be called Dillard by our parents." Jemma said smiling.

"Its not funny!" Dylan whined and Aimee grabbed onto him,"At least I'm not named after a star."

"Why are you guys even talking about names?" Alec asked looking a Jemma.

"Because Cassie was bitching to Sara, she still hasn't learned her lesson, and she somehow knew Sara's real, oww, pretty name." Jemma said.

I elbowed her to shut up towards the end.

"Real name?" Trevor raised an eyebrow at me.

"What is it?" Dylan asked.

"Sorabella..." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Aimee said.

"Sorabella." I pouted.

"Thats an awesome name!" Alec said.

"Yeah, which one of your parents came up with it?" Dylan asked.

Of course only Trevor knew about my mom, and he shot me compassionate looks. I took a calm breathe and spoke.

"My mother, but she was on a bunch of pain killing drugs so it doesn't matter." I said.

"Alright," Trevor interrupted anyone who wanted to speak," I'm ready to leave for my house. Anyone coming, come now or forever hold your peace."

"What are we at a fucking wedding?" Dylan said sarcastically, earning a hit from Trevor in the arm.

I got into the passenger side of Trevor's car and he took off towards his house. We rode in silence since I was clearly pissed at my name. My mother had no right to name me. Nor did my father.

"Your name is beautiful." Trevor said breaking the silence.

"To what? A whore?" I said ignorantly.

"No, to me, but I can be classified as one with my record."

"My freaking mother named me! Its not even a fucking name to me. Just a bunch of fucking letters put together!"

We were both silent and we reached his house, which as just as big a Jemma's, maybe a bit bigger. I slammed the door shut and met up with Aimee and Jemma at the front door. Trevor unlocked the door and we went in, and the guys let us look around for a minute.

"Nice house." Aimee commented.

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Soo, what do you guys want to do?" Jemma asked.

Alec and Dylan opened their mouths to speak.

"Not people." She said.

"Hide-n-go-seek like always?" Aimee asked.

"How about 7 minute in-" Dylan started.

"Stop trying to get in Aimee's pants!!!" Everyone, but me and Aimee yelled.


"Why don't we just play a board game?" I suggested.

"Which one? Trevor has tons." Alec said.

I put my finger to my chin and made a thinking face. I really didn't have any idea what to play, but I really didn't want to play a board game at all.

"How about Truth or Dare?" Dylan smirked.

"Dylan no."Trevor said also smirking.

"Why not?" me and Jemma asked.

"Our games of Truth or Dare are pretty perverted." Alec smiled sort of looking down.

"Lets play then." Jemma said.

We all went upstairs and sat down on the couches in the T.V. room waiting for one of the guys to start the game. Of course Dylan started.

"Jemma, truth or dare?" Dylan asked.


"If you had to choose between making out with Adien, Alec or Sara, who would you chose?"

"Defiantly not Sara or Adien!" Jemma yelled, "I guess... Alec."

jemma blush and looked down and Alec and Dylan smiled in victory. Jemma lifted her head back up and looked at Alec.

"Alec, truth or dare?" Jemma asked.

"Truth" Alec said smiling confidently.

"Wimp." Trevor muttered next to me. I laughed softly.

"Okay, what would you do in my closet with me for 7 minutes?" Jemma smiled looking down again.

"Fuck...." Alec said pissed at the question.

"Dude! You would not fuck my sister!!" Dylan yelled.

Me, Aimee and Trevor started to laugh as Dylan glared at Alec. Jemma was glaring at her brother. I don't see why her and Alec won't just get together. I mean they would be perfect almost, with their happy personalities.

Me and Trevor are complete opposites though, yet we fit together so perfectly. Like night and day coming together to form the afternoon. I smiled at the thought and came back to reality.

"Can I whisper it?" Alec asked Jemma.

"Sure!" Jemma said excitedly.

Alec went over and whispered what he want to in her ear. Her face went from a smile to an ecstatic happy dancing face mixed with excitement to do what he told her. Alec when back his spot and sat down smirking at Dylan. Dylan just glared daggers at him.

"Sara!" Alec said looking at me," Truth or dare?"

I'll take a risk,"Dare."

Alec smirked at Jemma and Aimee. They nodded back. Do they read each others minds or something!?! Dylan and Trevor looked just as confused as me and then Alec told Jemma to get something.

I don't want to know my dare anymore. I shouldn't take risks either. I need to just stay in the safe little corner of my life. I thought of this and soon Dylan was back with a whip cream can. I really don't want to know now.

"Here you go Trevor." Dylan threw the bottle to him and Alec whispered something to him too.

Trevor's expression was so hard to read, like a blank page. He just smiled at me and pointed his head towards Alec.

"Could you please give me my dare?" I said.

"Alright, I dare you to lick whip cream off Trevor's tongue." Alec said.

"What?!! Why?!"

"Cause your dating him and you chose dare."


I turned to Trevor who was ready with whip cream on his tongue and in his mouth. I pulled my hair back and licked the whip cream off his tongue first. I licked my lips and smiled. They tasted like sugar. I kissed Trevor again, no licking involved, tasting his sweet lips.

"Sara, if you want to do that Trevor has plenty of closets in this house." Dylan said smirking.

"Good, maybe I'll find you and Aimee in one." I said siting back in my spot.

He shut up and I was thinking of who to dare next. I guess Aimee since I didn't really want to dare Trevor and I just gave him some pleasure anyways.

"Aimee, truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare." she said.

"I dare you to sit on Dylan's lap for the remainder of the game."

"Fair enough." Aimee smiled.

I was to nice to make anyone do anything bad for a dare. Aimee was just fine with sitting on Dylan and he looked equally happy.

We played for about another 2 hours and soon most everyone had to do something stupid. Dylan ended up getting a lap dance from Aimee, Trevor had to tell us about his naughtiest dream and Dylan and Jemma got into a wrestling fight.

I was the last one left there so Trevor drove me home. It was yet again quiet. I didn't want to be quiet around him so I turned to him in my seat when he stopped in front of the apartments.

"You can go Sara." Trevor said looking at me.

"One more thing. Please!" I said.

"Fine, what is it?"

"Truth or Dare?"


"Kiss me."

Trevor smirked and we both leaned in. I ran my fingers through his hair as he tried to pull us closer together in his car. I pulled away though and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry about earlier this afternoon." I said getting out, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"I guess you will." Trevor smirked and drove off.

I went to our apartment door and went in. Mary left for rehab yesterday and Hana worked till the gym closed at 8 now so I was by myself for now. I went to my room and started to draw. I started to draw again about a 2 months ago, just nature scenes and my sisters, but now I'd been drawing my friends mostly.

I decided to draw the group of us. The guys were hugging us around our waists and we were giggling back in response. It looked pretty realistic to me when I decided to stop drawing and chill. So, with a pint of ice cream and a movie playing, I fell asleep perfectly fine.

Until I had a nightmare of my past.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to get out.
Its sort of a filler-ish chapter, so I hope you like it.
