Status: First story on here.

Taking or Breaking


I had my bright neon green cast now. It felt like 7 extra pounds added onto my arm. I had stayed home from school for a day to 'rest' as the doctor put it, when I actually ended up just going to work at Journeys.

I was shoving books in my locker when someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned to see Jemma and Aimee.

"Hey, your back!" Jemma said happily.

"Cast and all." I smiled slightly.

"Yeah, was that your sister from the other day?"

"Yea, I live with her and my other sister."

"Thats so awesome! I have to live with my stupid parents still and stupid brother."

Aimee hit Jemma in the arm when she said that about her brother. I think she must like him.

"Well, I gotta go, later Jems and..." Aimee said irritated at Jemma.

"Sara or Bear. Which ever ones fine."

I loved being called bear. My sisters used to call me that and some of my old friends. Sar-Bear, Beary, Boo-Bear, and lots of other things, god I miss my good life.

Aimee and Jemma laughed bringing me out of my nickname thoughts.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Bear?" Aimee said, still stifling a giggle.

"My sisters and friends used to call me it..."

"Thats so cute! Trev--" Jemma started but stopped.

Was she going to say Trevor? As in the Trevor, popular emo/scene guy? Nah...

"Okay, so I'm gonna go now...Bear." Aimee laughed. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"I'll cut it off, if you don't put it back in your mouth!" Aimee yelled down the hall.

I quickly put my hands over my mouth and Jemma laughed. She is a very happy person, ain't she?

"Ready for class now, Bear?" Jemma giggled.

"Now if your going to mock my name, I will come up with one for you too." I said.

"Whatever. So, why did he attack you yesterday?"

Subject changer.

"I really don't know. He just came and slammed me into a wall."

"Thats weird, I mean sure Adien is an ass, and he picks on us freaks, but never like that."

"I was just an anger releaser probably. Egotistic bastard."

"It doesn't matter, even though you destroyed their friendship."


"Adien and Trevor aren't friends really anymore, my brother told me yesterday. Its because Trevor stood up for you and fought back at Adien. Trevor, Alec and my brother are sort of like us now, loners."

"I ruined his life..."

"Not really, but sort of. I mean its Adien's fault for attacking you, but it was Trevor's fault for getting in the way. You were just, you apparently."

" does he hate me?"



"Psh, no. My bro and Alec said he's a whole different person. Not as jerkish, and bitchy."

"I guess thats good."

"You bet."

We sat down next to each other in the lab as the bell rang. I looked behind us and saw Trevor, Alec(I guessed) and apparently Jemma's brother(he looked sort of like her). Maybe they won't bother us, I mean I just made friends, and I really don't want to lose them again.


Wow. That felt great to say.

The teacher came in and started our lesson, but halfway through I felt someone's eyes on me.

I quickly shook the feeling away, but I knew they were still looking at me.

Trevors P0V:::Back tracking some....

"Guys could you just drop it." I said annoyed.

"Never." they bother said, like girls, in union.

They kept bothering me about how I care about how Sara was hurt. Like I care if some loner scene chick was hurt. Sure I had lost a huge group of friends, but I didn't do it for her, I did it to prove Adien wasn't as tough as he thought. I should have never told him to go find someone to show how tough he was.

Am I feeling guilty? I never feel guilty, but I did sort want to know if Sara was okay.

"Can we just go to class, before your sister gets there." I said to Dylan.

"Sure, I need to copy her homework anyway." he replied.

Alec just shrugged and smiled at the thought of Dylan's sister. Dylan and Jemma were born in the same year so they were only 10 months apart, Irish twins. Dylan was protective over her sometimes so Alec didn't dare ask out her, plus she was a big loner.

I guess we were loners too now, considering Adien is pissed at me,and I gave him a broken nose. He's such a wimp.

We all got up and walked to the lab. I hate chemistry with a passion, I really don't see why
I was in a hurry to be there.

Was it the fact that Sara had that class with me? No.

I wanted to make sure she was okay? Nope.

I liked her? Hell no.

My internal questions made me run into the lab door causing Alec and Dylan to laugh like idiots.

"Shut up." I said.

"Then don't walk into doors dumbass." Dylan replied.

"He's just mad because he knows he loves..." Alec started.

"Stop." I said in a serious voice.

We all sat down, well me and Dylan sat together and Alec sat behind us. I can't believe I'm in here early, usually I come in late or skip. Something just told me to come here.

Me and Dylan talked about random shit for the next 5 minutes when his sis, Jemma, came in with....Sara??

They sat down in front of us and Sara glanced back at me. Her eyes felt as if they were going to melt into mine. They were a beautiful ice blue. Wow, she has pretty eyes...wait what am I thinking?!?! Sara, pretty?? Heck no!

I shook the thoughts away as the teacher came in. Ugh, teachers, and Ms. Nimmons is the worst. She like deaf and blind I swear.

Throughout the stupid lesson I couldn't keep my eyes off Sara. She seemed to notice because she shook off a feeling. I can read girls like books. I've dated so many girls, Sara is just another loner girl that will fall for me.

We had 15 minutes of class left so Mrs. Nimmons let us talk. Other people in the room, jock, preps, nerds, all talked away while us loners were kinda quiet. That was until Jemma almost fell on the floor with laughter.

"I'm never going to get over that." Jemma laughed.

"Its not funny." Sara pouted.

They both got us 3's attention.

"No its not, its cute. I'm sure your future boyfriend would love to call you that."

"Only if you want my face to glow 10 different shades of red."


Jemma started to laugh again, and Sara gave her a little glare and crossed her arms. Her arm! Their was a neon green cast on her left arm.

That bitch Adien, hurt her. He was so going to pa....wait why am I thinking like this today? Whats wrong with me?

"Your name is Bear?" Dylan said to Sara, interrupting me.

"Yup, call me it if you wish or anything else. I personally don't give a shit." Sara said.

"Nice mouth."


And before I could even open my mouth the bell rang and everyone was out the door.

Smiling Bear and all.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Love ya'll and I'll update faster next time.