Status: First story on here.

Taking or Breaking

Talking For The First Time

Ugh, I have English now. I don'ts need none of dis dang class, me talkin be good. Ha, I still hate this class, mostly for the teacher and the people in it.

Ms. Hillard hates all people younger than her, even other teachers younger than her. Shes never been married and if she was she probably kill the man with her giant ass. Ms. Lard should be her name.

This class is also full of stupid preps mostly, and skater kids. Trevor just so happens to be in here with me too. I mean usually he's with his group saying things about me across the room, but today he's officially a nobody, like me. I mean he was actually sitting next to me right now.

I still needed to thank him from the day before. I owed him that much even though he probably hates me for ruining him. Jemma told me it wasn't my fault, but I didn't believe her. I barely know her still, plus I know I ruined him, my heart can tell me that much.

"Okay class, today we're starting a project." Ms. Hillard said, " I will put you with a partner and you will work together without complaints. The project is to make up your own story with you and your partner in it. It can be about anything that doesn't involve sexual purposes, or a lot of gore."

I sighed. I was probably going to be doing all the work, like usual in projects. I barely speak to anyone so they just let me do it.

After a few names were called I heard my own being called.

"Sara and .... Trevor." Ms. Hillard said, saying Trevor's name in hatred.

He is a trouble maker, so I don't blame her for not liking him, but paring him up with me, your kidding. He never does anything except goof off... wait everyone does that in here. Oh well time to go buddy up with Stewarts.

I was about to move my desk next to his like other groups had done, but he moved instead. He had his notebook out ready for me to start I guessed. Wow, Trevor wanting to do notes, what has the world come to.

"Hey, are you just gonna sit there or are we gonna work." he said.

"Yeah, just thinking about what we should do." I said.

"I was thinking of a classic fairytale. You know Cinderella or something like that with a twist."

"Thats a good idea, better than what I could come up with."

He wrote my name at the top of his paper and I gave him a questioning look. Then he took my note book and wrote his name at the top of it. I was very confused.

"We have to be the characters, so I need to know about you, and you need to know about me." he said smirking.

Great 20 questions.

"I'll start then. Whats your favorite thing to do?" I said.

"Kiss girls." he smirked. Great Mr.Player.

"Thank you, Mr. Player."

"Your welcome, Bear. Whats your favorite thing to do?"

"Listen to music."

"Favorite song?"

"None. All equal."

"No they aren't."

"Says the guy whose to busy kissing girls instead of listening to music."

"Its not like I waste my time listening to music, when I can be kissing someone."

"I would never kiss you."

"Probably because you've never kissed anyone."

"I'm waiting on the guy I'll be with forever."

He looked at me and chuckled shaking his head back and forth. What? It was true, I only want to kiss the guy I love and he loves me back forever. Like a fairytale, that really isn't coming true right now. Trevor stopped laughing after a few minutes and looked like he had a light bulb above his head.

"I got an idea for our story." he said.

"It is..."

"Its gonna be about a quiet girl name Sara and shes under this curse. Who ever kisses her gets horribly sick and some of the people die. But one day a guy named Trevor comes and plays her, her favorite song on his guitar. When he kisses her after though, he doesn't get sick, because the song broke the curse."

How he said that all in one breath was beyond me, but I liked his idea. Sure it was a little stupid and not really a fairytale, but who cares I likes it. I wonder if he does play a guitar though?

"Do you really play guitar?" I ask.

"Yea, but not really." he shrugged,"So you like my idea?"

"It was sort stupid but I like it."

He laughed a bit and grinned at me. I took this chance to look into his eyes. They were a electric green color that fascinated me. They were so pretty, unlike my ice blue eyes that resembled a cold heart.

"Your eyes are very beautiful Sara, or Bear?" Trevor said.

"How'd you know that my nickname is that?" I asked.

"I heard you and Dylan's sis talking in chemistry."


"Why are you so quiet usually?"

Dammit, I hate when people ask that. I think I'm gonna change the subject. Um...oh I have to thank him still.

"I almost forgot, thank you." I saved myself from his question.

"For what?" he asked.

"Helping me the other day. He probably would have done more damage." I said holding up my casted arm.


Then the bell rang. Thank god, being quiet for so long I think i forgot how much i used to love to talk. Trevor wasn't to bad to talk too either, like Aimee, sort of calm I guess.

I started to walk to lunch and Jemma and Aimee caught up with me. I didn't say anything about me and Trevor being partners to them, in fear of them making fun of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
4 readers, I'm pathetic. Oh well.
This chapter was just them talking some, more stuff to come that will be more interesting then talking.
Maybe an intense game of tag-hide-n-go-seek or hot make out scenes?!?!?
You will find out later. :P

-Kenny <3