Status: First story on here.

Taking or Breaking


At home only Hanna was there. She worked from 4 to 3 everyday at a bar about 10 minutes away. Of course Mary was still at her job of being a club bartender and she wouldn't be home till about 1am. People love to drink in this town a lot, so it was easy to become a bartender here.

"Hey Hanna?" I said.

"She speaks!" Hanna said jokingly," Whats up?"

"You remember Jemma from the nurse?"


"She wanted to know if I could spend the night at her house like a-"

I didn't finish because Hanna tackled me to the ground in a hug. Her hugs are death intended.

"Yes you can sleepover at her house. I'm so happy you have a friend now!" Hanna smiled.

She went back to her room to do what she was doing, while I went to my room to change my clothes and pack a bag. I changed into white skinnys and a purple Boys Like Girls shirt. I slipped on my black low tops and put a white headband in my hair. I finished putting my stuff into a bag and grabbed the car keys off the counter.

"I'm taking the car!" I yelled to Hanna.

"I'm off tomorrow anyways! Take it!" she yelled back.

With that I was out the door to the parking garage. I unlocked the black Mercedes and got in. Jemma hand written on my hand where she lived so it was pretty much easy to find.

I got there about 5 minutes later, she told me to be there early because the guys will probably already be there with her brother. I parked in her driveway and headed up to her house, which was pretty big. I used to live in a house like this but I had to live with my stupid fucking alcoholic mother.

The house was probably 2 stories tall with a basement. None the less, she was kind of rich, but she was still a nice girl compared to most snobby bitches whose parents let them be spoiled. I walked up to her house and rang the door bell. Moments later I heard her running into the door.

"No parents all week!" Jemma squealed.

"Awesome!" I said. I've been parent-less for awhile now.

"Come on just drop your stuff here, we'll get it later." she seemed out of breath.

"Having you been running a lot?"

"We're playing hide-n-go-seek tag. Alec is it so come on."

She jerked me to the kitchen and pointed to the top of the fridge. I helped her up and she sat up there ready to jump and run at anytime. I just hid in the walk-in pantry, little did I know someone else was in there.

"Sara, thank god your here now. Its girls vs boys now." Aimee's voice said, "Where's Jemma?"

"On the fridge. Are we winning?" I whispered.

"Don't know, all I know is the guys are it. And why'd you break-down at school?"

"Coach tried to raped me." I shivered at the thought.

"He's such a perverted bastard."


We hear foot steps and voices outside the door and we went silent. You could only here the small breaths of me and Aimee in the small pantry. They were standing right by the door talk like nobody was on the fridge or in the pantry.

"Okay dude I have no idea where they are." Dylan said,"Those 2 are fast."

"I don't care." Trevor's voice said.

"Your just upset because Sara isn't here."

"Am not!"

"Dude when you saw her cry today it hurt you, the look was on your face." Alec said.

"Are you indicating that I like her?"

"Maybe? You also have stood up for her twice now."

"Maybe I'm tired of all Adien's shit."

"Dude you like her, you wanna be with her, and would do anything for her." Dylan said.

It was quiet for a minute. I could tell Aimee was smiling and knew Jemma was for what the were saying. I just stood there silent as realization hit me. He had stood up for me, comforted me when I cried. Cared about me. I've know the guy for a day and he already likes me? Some love story that is. My thoughts were interrupted by a yell from Jemma.

"AHHH!" Jemma yelled then their was a thud,"Oww..."

"Number one caught." Dylan said.

"Not fair, you guys made me smile and then I got distracted."

"By what?"

"Smiling because of Trevor and distracted because of.... not gonna say."

"Say what?"

"Oh did I fail to mention Sara is here."

I knew Trevor's face went somewhat pale and the guys smirked at him.

"Where is she?" Dylan asked, " I'm sure she would like to unite with her lover."

Silence means glares. Haha...lover.

Aimee got out her phone to read something then smiled evily. She pushed me back and opened the door so that it covered me up. I barely breathed, is she nuts? I looked through the crack in the door and saw her and Jemma exchange grins before they both grabbed Trevor and threw him in the pantry. They shut the door and locked it from the out side. Assholes.

Trevor turned on the light and started to pound against the door, failing to notice me smirking and watching him. Then I glared at the ground realize that they had put us in the same room. Bitches.

"You two aren't coming out until I here some sort of a happy vibe coming off in there." Jemma said.

"The two?" Trevor quietly said before turning to me, "Oh shit."

"Hey." I smiled weakly.

"Were you in on this?" he said angered.

"Hell no. I wouldn't be caught dead in a room with if I had my way."

"Ouch. That hurt." He held his hand over his heart.

"Is there anyway out of here?"


Grrr. They were both going to die when I get out of here. Trevor came closer to me, so close he could have kissed me but he reached above for something instead. A bag of chips, of course. I should have known he wouldn't kiss me, wasn't like I wanted his soft, warm looking lips on mine.

No, bad Sara, don't think like that. You've known the guy a day even though he's done so much for you, you do not need to love him. I mean Trevor did have a nice side, but his reputation proceeds him, the man-whore player.

"So, Sara why are you so quiet?" he asked while putting some chips in his mouth.

Okay this is the second time he's asked that so I have to answer him now, great...

"Because of my past life." I said quietly.

He set the chips down now interested,"What happen in your past life?"

"Mainly my mother before. She's just...."

"Just what?"

"She's an alcoholic and prostitute."

He looked at me and gaped some. A lot of people used to do that when we would tell them, but when they met my mother they thought I was lying. She was bitch, a slutty bitch and thats all I knew. I couldn't believe I was telling a guy I barely know this.

"Thats....terrible. Has she ever....abused you?" he asked.

"Once but... wait you believe me?" I ask.

"Of course. No one usually lies about things like that."

"Everyone else thought I was lying. Thats why I just keep my mouth shut, I mean whats the point of talking if know one is gonna listen."

"My dad's been married 6 times now. I don't know my real mom, neither does my brother."

"Really? Jesh, thats quite a few times. I'm sure my mom's slept with hundreds of guys."

"I sometimes wish my dad would just stay with one woman, so I could actually call her mom."

"I guess both our lives suck some."


It was quiet for a minute, I guess we were both processing each others lives. I guess having a mom is good if your Trevor and bad if your me. At least he has his father though to love him, unlike me. I looked back over at Trevor and he was laughing sort of.

"What?" I ask sort of smiling too. Laughing is contagious.

"I was just thinking of a way for them to let us out of here." he said.

"What is it?"

"I was thinking...can you moan?"

"Yeah, sure."

"I was thinking maybe we could make it seem like we were doing the dirty, since I'm famous for it."

"Nice dude. I guess its our only option." I smirked.

He smirked to and slammed his back into the wall, like guys do to push girls up against walls to make out. I moaned Trevor's name and tried to hold in my laughter. He was smirking as he banged on the wall some more. There was scurrying outside the door and then a click. They opened the door and me and Trevor ran out, he chased after Alec and Dylan dissapearing and I glared at Jemma and Aimee.

"I'm your friend for a day and you already lock me in closets with guys?" I smirked, " New record."

Jemma was smiling and so was Aimee. Dumbass bitches. I decided to chase them too around the house and soon I lost them, or got lost. I didn't know my way around, so I came to a stop in the middle of the dark hall and stood there waiting for someone.

About 3 minutes later I see a guys figure running this way. I wave at him sort of but instead he ran into me. Ouch.

"Oww..." I groaned.

"SARA!?!? Oh god, I'm sorry I-" Trevor started.

"WOAH! Trevor is apologizing!!" Alec yelled from around the corner.

"Everybody has to try something once." Aimee said coming out of a room.

"Help anyone?" I asked.

Trevor helped me up. I smiled at him, he just stuck his tongue out at me. So childish.

"I'll cut it off." I smirked.

He put it back in his mouth and looked back at everyone else. Now what are we going to do? Chasing people hurts too much.

"Okay, can we go play a calmer game or something, My arm hurts." I complained.

"Fine little miss Beary. I wanna play Life anyways." Jemma said.

"Whatever." Dylan said.

"Wait! You have to partner with someone of the opposite sex!! No siblings!" Alec yelled. He was just as happy as Jemma. They would make a good couple.

In the end I was stuck with Trevor, and he was stuck with me by force, and Dylan and Aimee were together, and Jemma and Alec. Alec was very happy about this game now. We played for about 2 hours, everyone was bored and couldn't stop laughing at me and Trevor's car compared to everyone else's. We had filled are car with all kids, most of them pink little things.

"What have you too been doing?" Jemma exclaimed, laughing.

"Something you wish you were doing!" I replied sarcastically.

We stuck our tongues out at one another and got up. We were gonna watch movies for the rest of the night. We all got pop corn and headed to their TV room to watch what the guys wanted. Scary movies.

I kept gripping onto Trevor the whole time while Jemma did the same to Alec, who was just as scared as her, yet Aimee was fine laughing at the killers with Dylan. Trevor thought it was funny how I held on to him so he would laugh every time I grabbed him.

I eventually punched him with my good arm in his arm, and he then threw popcorn at me. Thus starting the popcorn war. It was everywhere in the room, especially on us. We turned off the movie we had given up watching and finally we all fell asleep.

When I somehow ended up cuddling against Trevor, it felt right.

Life finally felt right.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now you know a bit about Trevor and Sara. You'll learn more later.
Is it a good thing to like someone in a day?
I am going to skip the rest of the weekend cause nothing happens except Sara going to work and her sisters fighting like usual.
Anyways I have 3 subscribers, YAY.
