Status: First story on here.

Taking or Breaking


I woke up on Monday immobile. I was too tired to go to school today, I'd rather just sleep all day. Hanna came in and jumped on my bed like a 4 year old so I had to get up. Grr, I'm not a morning person.

"Get your lazy ass up!" She yelled happily.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked sitting up.

"I met a guy yesterday..."

"Whats his name?"

"Blake Stewarts. He is the best guy ever! He works at the exercise place down the street and he-"

"Has a brother named Trevor Stewarts."

She looked at me with wide eyes then she smiled. Oh no, thats not good.

"You could date him! Then we would both have a brother of the Stewarts family! Do you like him? Is he cute? Wait, of course he is, he's a Stewart! " she hugged me.

"I don't like him. He's just the guy that beat up Adien for me."

"I like him already then."


"Come on, you know you like him. I mean not many guys stick up for the quiet girls Sara. Either that or he likes you."

"Psh, yeah right."

"You've never had a boyfriend so how would you know. Maybe he actually likes you."

"Fine whatever. Now get out I have to get dressed."

"Love you!"

"Right back at you!"

I went over to my closet and got my uniform out and my black low tops. I have like every color of them. I put on my uniform and head out to the kitchen where Mary is sitting on the counter whining to Hanna.

"Why can't I go? He's a nice guy!" Mary yelled angry.

"He's just some douche bag trying to get in your pants!" Hanna yelled back.

"Well at least he's better than the guy your dating."

"Don't bring him into this."

"I bet you guys have already done it and Sara's gonna do his brother like the sluts we are."

"We're not like mom Mary. We will never be like mom."


"Fuck off Mary."



"Sara!" I yelled randomly.

"Wow, she speaks." Mary said sarcastically. Hanna just flipped her off and went back to making her waffle.

I got out my cereal, milk, bowl and spoon and started to eat. Meanwhile, my sisters continued bickering and fighting. Mary really knows how to ruin a good morning, bitch. I finished up my cereal and grabbed my bag. Hanna grabbed her keys, since she was driving me to school today and I was walking home.

I got into her car followed by her and she grr'd when she pulled out of the parking garage. Now she was going to rant about Mary, like usual.

"She is such a bitch whore mother fuckin-" Hanna started.

"My Ears!" I yelled.

"Shut up." she laughed lightly."Oooo, pot smokers!"

"Random thought?!!?"

"I used to skip school like that pot smoker."

"Really? Smoke Pot?"

"Na, I just skipped with some of my friends and went shopping or to there houses. No pot involved."

I chuckled at the thought of my smart sister, skipping school. How the hell did she pass high school and get into college? I kept wondering this as she pulled up to my school. I saw Jemma, Aimme, and the guys waiting at her car. Probably for me.

"Later sista." I said.

"No! I'm yo gay ass brotha!" She yelled back. We used to yell that at each other before.

I walked over to Jemma's car and she smiled when she saw me. Either that smile meant she was glad to see me or she wanted me to do something. Lets hope its the first one.

"Hey Sara? Could you skip school with me today?" Jemma asked. Dammit.

"Why may I ask?" I said.

"I really don't feel like being here and neither do the guys but they won't come with me."


"I have a huge test, and my parents said I need to pass it or I will never see the light of day again." Aimee said.

"I-I guess I could sk-" I started.

"YES! Thank you thank you thank you!" Jemma squealed, "Anyone else wanna come now?"

"I'll come." Dylan said.

Trevor nodded his head saying he would come and Alec said he had a test as well. I hopped into the the passengers side of Jemma's car, while the guys got into Trevor's car. We pulled out of the parking lot a few minutes before the bell was supposed to ring and headed to the mall. Of course.

Jemma wasn't even wearing her uniform in the first place, yet I was. She told me she had some clothes I could wear, and that I could change at the mall. She pulled into a spot and Trevor pulled into the one next to us.

We all got out and Jemma handed me a bag with some clothes. The guys had their own to change into also. We ran into the mall into the bathrooms, Jemma laughing her ass off at our awesome running.

I came out 5 minutes later and the guys were already done. I was wearing purple skinnys, a black Offspring shirt, and still my black low tops. Jemma winked at me as Trevor looked at me like I was something spectacular.

"Okay! First were going to Hot Topic, then Journeys, then were ever your hearts desire." Jemma said.

"Whatever you say sis." Dylan said.

Trevor didn't take his eyes off me as we went to Hot Topic. It sort of reminded me of the day I came back last week, he was watching me, weirdo. I got 3 shirts, 2 skinnys, and some jelly bracelets, while Jemma got 4 skinnys, 5 shirts, a red studded belt, and more jelly bracelets than me. The guys, being the losers they are, only got a few shirts and like a pair of skinnys.

We headed to Journeys for mostly shoes. Jemma made sure we each had at least one pair of high or low tops each. I got knee high black ones, Jemma got purple high tops that I already had and the guys got red and blue high tops. Mine were the awesomest.

At 1 we were all already tired and hungry. My arms her from carrying stuff and Jemma was whining about it too. No wonder guys don't buy much, they don't wanna carry stupid bags.

"I'm hungry." Dylan complained for the 13th time in the past 2 minutes.

"We are in the food court. Just go get some food." I said, my own stomach growling.

"Food courts have food in them now Dylan." Trevor said sarcastically.

"Shut up." Dylan said.

"Love you too." Me and Trevor said at the same time.

"Aww..they talk at the same time!!" Jemma squealed.

"Shut up." We both said again.

Dylan and Jemma were dying of laughter now and my face was turning red. I looked away from everyone and got up to get food. I ended up going to the pizza place and getting a slice of cheese pizza. While walking back to them I noticed a cop watching me. That can't be good.

I sat back down at our table and they also had food except for Jemma who was more eager to shop than eat. The cop was still looking at me, he sort of looked creepy and suddenly I wasn't hungry.

"Whats wrong?" Jemma asked.

"That cop keeps looking at me." I said looking down.

"He always does that. Creeper."

"I think he's going to catch us ditching."

"Why would you say that? He never comes after us."

"Then why is he coming this way?"

And he was, no lie, almost running so we couldn't run away. Me and Jemma split up from Trevor and Dylan to different sides of the mall. Me and Jemma ran around the corner and into Victoria Secret. I hid in the slutty dress area while Jemma hid in the night shirts section.

The cop came into the store. Dammit. The store lady gave him a weird look, but he said he was looking for 2 girls. His voice was the gayest thing I had ever heard, I was going to laugh but held it in. He started to go through the pj section close to Jemma's hiding spot. Shit.

He started to go through the pj shirts when Jemma fell out and took off running. But no, he had to go looking for me still in this stupid store. Do people really need fancy bras? He got closer to the dresses and I saw Jemma in another store on the other side. He got a few inches from me and the worst thing happened. My phone rang.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. You have got to be kidding me! The cop pulled me out and had one of his cuffs around one hand when I stopped him. I needed to answer my phone. He nodded and rolled his eyes.

"Hello?" I ask.

"SARA!!! GOSH WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?! THE SCHOOL CALLED ME AT WORK SAYING YOU WEREN"T THERE?!!? WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" Hana yelled through the phone. She must have been on her break.

"I"m at the mall. Me, Jemma, Trevor and Dylan skipped today."

"WHY ON EAR-...Wait you were with Trevor?"


"YAY! Your off the hook for now, but don't expect hugs and kisses from me at home."

"Okay? Um..I have to go now I sort of have a cop on my ass." The cop gave me a glare.

"I'll come pick you up in an hour. It'll take him that long to find the others too probably. Bye Bear."

"Bye Hana."

I shut my phone. She knew that I wasn't with them of course because she would have heard cursing probably. I still can't believe she let me off the hook because I was Trevor. What the freak?

"Okay come on. I have to find your friends too." he said in his gay little voice.

He still hadn't put the other cuff on and I was wondering when he would. I always wondered what it would feel like to be cuffed. My dream was crushed when the cop grabbed Jemma by her arm out of Pacsun and cuffed her to me. She smirked evilly and I knew what she was thinking too.

She push the cop on the ground and we ran like idiots in the other direction. We made it to the build-a-bear store out of breath because we both ran at different paces and we were stuck to one another. The cop pulled Jemma down and I fell with her. We held in laughter as he yelled at us with his gay voice, but we instead broke into a fit of giggles.

"Come on." he said furious.

He pulled us to a room with small cells, like in prison, except smaller. He put us both in the same cell and we both fought over the small bench in there. We realized we were still attached so we sat together.

"I'll be back with your friends soon." he said and left.

He sounded like he was going to eat us or kill us. That would be so awesome and bad at the same time! I looked at Jemma, our hair was messed up and our clothes were a little dirty, but we still burst out laughing.

"I always wanted to be in a jail cell with one of my best friends." I laughed.

"Me too. That was the most fun I've had in a mall ever." Jemma said.

"My sis will be here to get us in an hour."

"She blew your cover. Are you in trouble?"

"Nope. Thank god."

"That cop scares me. Thats torture enough."

We just kept talking and laughing for the next 20 minutes when in came the guys and the cop. They were all wet. What the hell happened?

Trevor's POV back tracing a bit.

We had split up in 2 different directions. Me and Dylan ended up in Pacsun. I hid in the hoodie section and Dylan in the shirts. I peeked through the coats and saw Sara and Jemma running into Victoria Secret. At least we picked at store we liked.

"Dylan! You see them and the cop?" I yell whisper.

"Yeah!" he whispers back.

The cop walked into the store and the ladies gave him funny looks. Then he started to go through some racks. He was near some sort of shirts when Jemma popped out and ran off, leaving Sara in there. Jemma ran into Pacsun and sat in the window sill. Dylan whispered her name and made her jump.

"What the hell Dylan? I'm trying to help Sara!" she yelled quietly.

The cop was going through, what looked like dresses, and then he stopped and pulled out Sara. He cuffed her non casted arm and then she....took out her phone?!?! He let her talk for a minute the said something to her. He walked her over here and took Jemma off guard cuffing her to Sara.

They smirked at one another evilly. Thats not good. Jemma pushed the cop down to the ground and her and Sara took off running. I saw Dylan fall out of the rack and the cop get up and look at him. He ignored Dylan and went after the girls.

"What the fuck?" Dylan said,"Are we not important?"

"Girls are easier to get." I said.

"Whatever lets get out of here."

We got out of Pacsun and ran the opposite direction they went. We got onto the escalator and rode down to the bottom floor. We started to run for the biggest store we saw which was, Dillards, on the other side of the mall. The cop appeared from nowhere and ran towards us. If its a chase he wants, then we might as well give him one.

Me and Dylan ran towards are destination the cop closer than we thought. The fountain was coming up and we didn't have time to go around it so we jumped in it. The stupid cop did too, still chasing us. He managed to tackle Dylan down and cuff his left arm. He jerked him up and came towards me.

I dodged him when he tried to tackle me, thus getting him and Dylan even wetter. People were watching and oooing at us. The highlight of the day would now be, cop and teenage boy fight in fountain, they might belong to the insane asylum!

In my thought of this the cop tackled me and let go of Dylan. Me and the cop rolled and hit one another as Dylan and other people watched. This was pretty fun, probably the most fun I've had in a while.

About 5 minutes later the cop had me pinned down and yelling at me. He cuffed me to Dylan and we tried not to laugh at the dude. He had a gay voice, like it beat being gay by a lot, thats how funny it was.

"Dude whats up with you voice?" I asked.

"Seriously." Dylan chimed in.

"I have a vocal problem, now shut up punks." he said trying to sound more masculine.

He failed and me and Dylan laughed our asses off till he took us to the little cell place in malls. We heard laughter and saw Jemma and Sara in one of the cells. Their faces were priceless when they saw us.

"Have some hot sex guys? You look awfully sweaty." Jemma said.

Dylan gave her the finger and the cop put us in a cell together. I chuckled at Jemma's comment.

"My sis is coming in a while guys!" Sara yelled to us.

"Thanks!" we yelled back.

30 minutes later the blonde girl I saw come get Sara last week came in and got us. Apparently her name is Hana and she's the girl my brother is dating. No wonder he's been so damn happy, he has a girl again finally.

Before we got into her car to leave Sara made one last comment.

"Nice sex hair." She giggled and got in the car.

I smirked and got in to. She was so cute when she giggled.

That was the last thought I had of her before we were off to our houses to face our beloved parents.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love gay people! They are so awesome!
I should have given the cop a ppl give me one!!
Since school is on Monday I'll probably update every other day. K?
Thanks for reading!! Rate/Comment!!!
