Status: First story on here.

Taking or Breaking

Plan In Action

We all decided just to stay at school today, but mostly because we didn't want anymore encounters with the gay cop. I walked over Sara's locker were she was talking with Aimee. I just need to talk to Aimee because, man do I have the best plan ever to get Sara and Trevor together.

"Hey guys!" I smiled brightly.

"Hey Jemma." They both said.

"Can I borrow Aimee right now? I need to ask her questions about Math class from yesterday."

"Sure. I have to go get my other work from my other classes anyways." Sara said and walked off.

Aimee turned to me with a questioning look. She knew the me of all people was NOT looking for some stupid math answers.

"What do you really want?" she asked.

"Lets get the guys first." I said and dragged her down the hall.

We went down to the front hall where the office was and back out to the front yard of the school. Alec and Trevor were arguing about something and Dylan was listening to his ipod. Boys and their stupid pity fights.

"Alec! Dylan!" I yelled,"Come here! Now!"

"Oh shit the little bitch is mad." Trevor smirked.

"Shut up Trevor. Whats up sis?" Dylan said.

"Come on! I need to talk to you guys." I said in a hurry.

"Why not me?" Trevor asked.

"It doesn't pertain to you." I stuck my tongue out at him.

Before he had time to say something back I had everyone following me to behind the school. It was the only place people could come to talk privately, considering gossip was the school's favorite thing to do. Everyone was waiting on me to talk, so I did.

"Okay have you guys heard about the Halloween Dance?" I asked.

"Not going sis. Dances are gay." Dylan said.

"Just shut up and listen. Well I think its the perfect way to set Sara and Trevor up to get together."

Aimee and Dylan were laughing there asses off when I said that. Alec was just smiling like and idiot trying not to laugh.

"Stop you guys, I'm serious! Its a masquerade dance so they would never know who they were dancing with until one of their masks come off." I said," Its the perfect love story."

"Jemma, Sara and Trevor are polar opposites. He's loud and a player and she quiet and always single." Aimee said.

"Actually, Trevor hasn't been with anyone in a month." Alec said.

"True that." Dylan said.

"So...will you guys help me get them closer in the next week and a half?" I ask.

"I guess I'm in." Alec said.

"I'm in. Trevor needs to settle down with someone for a while anyways." Dylan said.

We all turned to Aimee. She looked hopeless and gave in to my awesome plan.(jk, it wasn't the best plan)

"Fine I'll help." Aimee caved," But if if this fails miserably, your taking the blame. Not us."

"Yes!" I squealed," Now lets get to class where, you two will help me with phase one of the plan." I pointed to Dylan and Alec.

They shrugged and we all walked back into the school. Aimee left for her first class and the rest of us went to chemistry. Sara and Trevor were already there barely uttering a word to one another. This was going to be tough.

The bell rang and the stupid deaf teacher, Ms.Nimmons, came in and gave us our assignment. Which happened to involve partners. We would only have one group of 3, so I smiled evilly when she called my name to ask who my partner was.

"I'll be the group of three. I want Alec and Dylan in my group." I said.

Alec and Dylan shrugged, but Sara and Trevor glared daggers at me. Correction to before, this was going to be fun. Ms.Nimmons went through the whole class and Trevor and Sara were the only two left. Yes! Sara smiled slightly, but Trevor had the same look as when he say her yesterday at the mall. That stupid little crush look guys give girls most the time.

I moved over to my group and we watched them. In the beginning it was boring, but soon he made her giggle. She blushed when she did giggle at him and I was SO going to hold that over her head later.

Sara's POV:

I can't believe I had to work with him again! In a different class! Stupid Jemma and picking his stupid friends and sticking me with stupid him! Ugh...

"You ready to start partner?" he asked as he sat where Jemma used to be.

"Yup. Lets just finish this up quickly." I sighed.

"Whatever you say."

We finished the assignment in under 15 minutes and now all I felt like doing was talking. Its like a habit now, and I can't get over it. I've been too quiet, for too long.

" here about the dance?" I ask.

I shouldn't have said that. I hate dances, always have always will. I suck at dancing and I personally hate dresses. They all make me look fat.

"Yeah, not going though." he said coolly.

"Why not? Its a masquerade dance, they'll be plenty of girls there to fuck up later." I said.

"You know me so well." He said chuckling at my description of girls he likes.

"Do you think I shout go?"

"Not unless you wanna get raped by random guys who can't see your face."

"I really like being a virgin now."

"Your a virgin?"

"Yes...Is that hard to believe?"

"Its just your kind of...."

"Kind of what?" I pressed.

"Kind of...beautiful."

My mouth wanted to drop, but it didn't. I giggled and blushed. Woah! Hold up! I did what now? Blush and Giggle? At Trevor, man-whore/savior/hot scene boy? Crap, I just said hot didn't I...great. Jemma is going to hold that giggle over my head all day, even the guys heard that. I'm such an idiot.

"Sara? Earth to Sara. Come back to planet earth please!" Trevor said trying to get me out of my daze.

I mean why would I even blush at him? Sure he has helped me out this past week, but its not like I'm going to fall head over heels for him because of one stupid little gesture. Right? Gawd dammit hormones!

"I'd like to see you in bed.." Trevor whispered in my ear seductively, to get me out of my trance.

"Woah, keep your pants on dude." I said freaked out.

"I like 'em off. You would probably like them off too."





"How am I a slut if I'm a virgin?"

I really didn't like this kind of Trevor. The other was much nicer and caring.

"Whatever, you say.." he said.

"Just a minute ago you called me beautiful and now I'm a slut? What the fuck am I?!?!" I whisper yelled.

"A beautiful bitching slut, that wants my pants off." he smirked.

"Love you too, Trevor."

I sighed and the bell rang. I grabbed my crap and got out of the room and to my locker as fast as I could. I opened it and through some books out for English class, even though I knew I wouldn't need them. I felt someone approach behind me so I turned around.

"Hey." I greeted Jemma, then I glared remembering Chemistry.

"Oh, sorry about chem. I really wanted to be with Alec and my bro." she said.

"Whatever." I shut my locker.

"So what did Trevor make you giggle about?"

"He called me beautiful and then we got into this perverted conversation, ending with me being sarcastic. I swear the guy has mood swings from normal to perv."

"Its hormones trust me. When you have a brother like mine you get used to it."

"It doesn't matter, were not really friends." I really didn't know.

"Yeah you kinda are. He saved you from Adien!"

"Doesn't mean anything except that he likes to defend girls."

"Thats the first time HE has defended a girl."

"I don't care if its the millionth time he has, we're not alike and we don't like each other."

"You guys are alike! Your both scene, hot, and you already have shared secrets."

How did she know we shared secrets in that pantry?

"How'd you know we shared secrets?"

"I'll tell you later, I have get to class. This conversation is not over!" she started walking away.

"Never said it was!" I yelled back at her.

I started walking to English getting there as the bell rang. Maybe Trevor will be his normal self again. Probably not.


After throwing my stuff into my locker and trying to find Aimee and Jemma, I gave up. No use in wasting my lunch hour looking for them. I went to ala cart and got a water bottle and headed outside to the big oak tree in the courtyard.

I used to come here everyday and eat my lunch about a week ago. I sort of miss it, but not really. Having friends is better than a tree.

About 5 minutes later I saw Trevor walking out towards me. He was okay in English, the occasional perv comment, I had a few of my own, but he was pretty normal. I guess I would just have to get used to Trevor's different personalities. He walked right over to me and sat down next to me.

"Hey Trevor." I said.

"Hey. Have you seen Alec or Dylan?" he asked.

"Nope, I can't even find my own friends."


I laughed,"But their our dumbasses."

"True. Gives them no authority to ditch us though."

"True also. I don't care right now though, Jemma wanted to continue some conversation that I wanted to end anyways."

"What were you talking about?"

"Me being stuck with you as a partner in Chemistry."

"Am I really that bad."

"You were going to kill me in there." I said sarcastically.

He put his hand over his heart,"That hurt. You can't die, I'd die with you."

"Aww, thanks. To bad were going different directions."

He scowled,"Shut up."

"Make me." I teased.

He went into thought then said," I'll kiss you."

"Hell no you won't."

"Why not? Afraid it will lead to something more?"

"No! I'm not wasting my first kiss on you thats why!"

"You'd love it though!"

"Yeah, when hell freezes over twice."

"Your just scared to admit it."

"Sure, lets go with that."

What happened next I wasn't expecting. Trevor had me on my back, and him on top of me. I squirmed, but he had a good grip on me. Asshole. He leaned his face closer to mine and I tried to move my head, but I couldn't. I actually sort of like this position...wait WHAT!?!?! Bad thoughts Sara, bad thoughts!!!

"Get off!" I said.

"Your only saying that because your enjoying it so much it hurts." he smirked.

"Your about to enjoy the hurt I'm going to bring your face when we get up."

"What makes you think were getting up anytime soon?" he whispered in my ear.

"Please get off."



He inched closer so I could feel his breath on my face. Great, he's tempting me. Its not like I already don't wanna make out with him! Wait, what did I just think, tell me I didn't just think that!?!?! Fuck...

"Your much, much prettier up close." he said his eyes looking into mine.

"Thanks?" I said.

"Now, where was I? Oh yeah.."

He straddled my hips pulling me closer to him. Sorry to say this to myself, but I really liked how he was playing this out. I knew he wanted to kiss me and I really wanted too, but he's defiantly not going to be with me forever. He moved closer so our foreheads were touching, he was so close to my lips. I wanted to cry some but the crying was taken over by me actually enjoying this.

"Say that you want me. You want me to kiss you. You want me to love you. You want to love me-" he was cut off.

A few whistles and snickers were heard from the side of us. It was the ditcher's Jemma, Aimee, Alec and Dylan. Sons of bitches.

"We leave you guys alone for one lunch period and you guys start getting into heated make-out sessions that could lead somewhere else!" Jemma yelled smiling,"You naughty children!"

"But...We...Weren't....." I started.

Trevor looked a little pissed that they interrupted what he was doing. I sort of was, but I didn't let it show. It would be another thing to be tortured by Jemma later.

"We didn't do anything." Trevor said," I have to go. Later Sara."

He got up and left. My heart hurt a bit, sort of regretting not letting him kiss me. If I could I would yell my head off at all of them and go after Trevor, but no. I got up and just left. No questions asked. Only 2 thoughts stuck with me all day and that night.

Did I like Trevor? And was it to early to like him?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it took 2 days. School and stuffs like that.
I'll update again soon, hope you liked this chapter.
Love you ppls!!
