Status: First story on here.

Taking or Breaking

Shopping Bites

It was Friday, and thank god it was. Wednesday and Thursday had gone okay, except Jemma pushing the Trevor and me thing from Tuesday and Aimee trying to convince me into going to the dance. Dylan and Alec were seeming to be getting on Trevor's nerves about Tuesday also.

Since it was Friday I had to go dress shopping with the evil people. Yes, that is a lame name, but I really don't care at the moment since your not the one going dress shopping with jerks. Jemma was running around the store with Aimee picking out dresses for me. I now know how my barbies felt when I got clothes for them. Poor barbie.

"Pleeeeease, try it on!" Jemma begged.

She wanted me to try on a stupid frilly purple one that was uglier than hell. Jemma sighed and lifted up a pink one to try on. I shook my head no, I mean I don't mind pink but I really don't like it. Jemma didn't want to take that for an answer though.

"Your not coming out until you put it on!" Jemma pushed me into the changing room. Bitch.

"Fine!" I grunted.

I put on the pink dress and felt like a slut when I looked in the mirror. It stopped at my high thigh and it was strapless and it showed way to much cleavage. Slut dress. I came out and Jemma's face was priceless.

"Okay never let me grab something pink and short again...I'm scarred for life now." Jemma said.

"I can't believe you grabbed that before the blonde bimbo's got it. They would love it." Aimee said.

"Just give me another dress to change out of." I grumbled.

Jemma handed me a yellow one. I slipped out of the pink one as fast as I could and got in the yellow one. It was also strapless and went to the floor. It was really bright though, and it puffed out too much in the back. Another dress that makes me look fat and makes me look like the sun. I walked out of the dressing room and heard snickering.

"Wow, you really have a sense of bright colors Sara." Some slutty girl from school snickered.

"Yeah. Gonna were that lemon to the dance? Or just go hang out with the rest of the fruits you know?" her equally slutty friend said.

"Fuck off Cassie and Beth." Jemma said.

"Hell no. I need to find a dress so I can go to the dance with Adien." Cassie said.

"What so you can fuck him later?"



"Whatever! Later losers."

When they started to walk off I remembered the slutty pink dress. I picked it up and called Cassie's name. That name sucked in my opinion.

"Cassie!" I yelled," Adien might like this one!"

Cassie gave her a look,"Give me that! Ugh, it looks so much better on me than you fat ass."

"My what?!?!"

"You heard me fat ass. Not to mention flat chested."

My jaw dropped,"You did not just say that you bitch."

"At least this bitch has boob and a curvy ass."

"The only thing thats good for is getting fucked!"

"Well at least I'm getting something instead of nothing."

"That something must be an STD!"

Cassie looked pissed, my own blood was boiling. She lunged at me taking me to the floor trying to scratch my face. I took my casted arm and whacked her upside the head with it. We rolled over and over hitting and punching at one another until Aimee, Jemma and Beth split us up.

"Bitch!" Cassie yelled.

"Slut!" I yelled back.

"Fat ass!"


Beth dragged Cassie off to the bathroom before she could utter another word to me. I started to calm down and headed back into the dressing room. I slipped out of the wrinkled, but not ripped, neon yellow dress and sat on the little bench.

"Sara? You want to try on one more dress of your choice?" Aimee asked.

"Sure.." I mumbled.

I put on my uniform that I didn't get to change out of yet. I fixed my hair with my hands and looked at some of my scratches. I had some cuts on my face starting to bleed and some bruises forming on my arms. Those were going to hurt later. I got out and walked around the store.

I looked through most of the sections until I came to one dress that caught my eye. It was a strapless black and white dress. It had a white front and the rest was black with black little flowers down the sides of the white. It was beautiful.

I grabbed it and ran back to the dressing room. Jemma and Aimee were looking at dresses close by so they would see me if I came out. I stripped out of my school clothes for the second time today and slipped into the dress. It hugged me down to my hips then pillowed out from there. I walked out of the dressing room and heard a gasp and a squeak.

"You look beautiful!" Jemma squealed.

"We should have let you looked for dresses first." Aimee smiled."

"Thanks for taking me shopping guys." I smiled a real genuine smile.

"Welcome!" they replied together.

"Wow, Sara you manged to find yet another dress that looks better on a cow than you!" Cassie's voice interrupted us.

I turned to face her. She had a bit more damage than me and had her nose wrapped. Good, I hope I broke it. She was where the dress I gave to her, and some stupid heels.

"Lets just go Sara.." Aimee said, Jemma nodded then glared at Cassie.

I went back into the dressing room and changed back into normal school clothes. I am so changing when I get home. I put the dress on its hanger and slipped my shoes on. I came back out and Jemma took the dresses to go pay for it while Aimee made sure I didn't attack Cassie or Beth.

"Okay lets go! We still have to buy masks." Jemma said.

"Wait one minute." I said.

I walked over to Cassie and Beth for the last time. Cassie smirked at me like the bitch she was, the little cock-sucker. I pulled my fist back on my good arm and nailed her right in the face. Preferably, her nose again.

I smiled a victorious smile as I left with a smiling and laughing Jemma and Aimee. Hey, someone had to put the the bitch, slut, whore, cock-sucker in her place. All those words fit her so do many more words. I got into the car and we took of to some little boutique Aimee knew about.

When we got there it looked like a normal little store, pretty average. On the inside though it was really dark and creepy with one person working the cashier spot. It was so old lady with like a lazy eye that followed you around like something was watching you.

"Aimee, when did you come here?" I asked when were towards the back.

"Halloween last year for a mask." she replied.

"Oh that was the most awesome Halloween ever!" Jemma said.

"What were you guys?" I asked.

"I was a light fairy and Aimee was the dark fairy. We ended up wrestling in someones front yard for a show." Jemma said smiling like a goof.

" where are the masks?"

"Over here!" Aimee yelled over the racks.

We got over to her and there were bunches of masks on the wall. I was mostly interested in the black and whit ones, while Jemma was looking at red ones, and Aimee at blue ones. 15 minutes later Jemma found hers and was sitting on the ground recommending ones for me. 5 minutes after that Aimee found hers and they were both looking at ones for me.

"I can't find one!" I whined.

"Yes, you can! There is plenty of beautiful masks here!" Aimee said.

"Ugh." I sighed.

The a creepy voice spoke,"I might have one for you girly."

It was the old woman motioning me to come. Girly? Isn't that what creepy old women say in movies before they kill the girl. Lets hope she won't kill me, I'd like to live to have kids first. I followed here into an even farther back room.

"Here.." she handed me a mask,"Its the right one, trust me."

With that she vanished back to the front. I looked at the mask, it was white with black eyes and a black flower on the side. There was some colorful jems all around the edge of it and swirls of glitter. The last thing I noticed was the jem on the forehead of it. Overall it was very beautiful.

I headed back to Jemma and Aimee, and showed them the mask that the lady gave me. Jemma adored it and Aimee thought it was gorgeous. Jemma paid, yet again, out of my will and we left back to the car. I told her to drop me off at home so I could pack for another sleep over at Jemma's.

I was still happy with the fact that I punched that bitch when we got to Jemma's. Aimee couldn't sleepover tonight, only hang out, due having to baby sit her younger brother for her parents. Only me and Jemma were there tonight, because Dylan and Trevor were at Alec's.

"Dylan and Trevor could be brothers for all I know." Jemma shuddered at the thought.

"That would suck." I said.

"I'm tired, shopping wears me out." Jemma said starting to fall asleep on the couch.

"Same here sister..." I yawned.

Darkness took me over and I passed out, somehow dreaming of Trevor for the third time this week since Tuesday.

***Next Morning***

I was woken up to Jemma screaming her head off. What the hell was going on?!? I looked over to Jemma who was wet and shivering. I heard laughing too so obviously the guys dumped water on her. Poor Jemma...


I grunted,"Shut up please people...."

"Morning Sara." Dylan said. Trevor didn't say anything.

"Ow..." I said."My face and arms hurt..."

"Maybe you should have pissed off that bitch." Jemma said still shivering.

"She asked for it."

"Could someone fill us in please before I kill you both." Dylan said.

"Cassie and Beth came to the dress shop we were at yesterday and were being themselves. Sara gave her some slutty dress and Cassie said some stuff and Sara said some stuff then Cassie pounced on Sara, thus forming the scratches and bruises on her arms and face. Cassie came back later as we were leaving and Sara punched her square in the nose, probably breaking it." Jemma managed in almost one breath.

"Go Sara!" Dylan and Trevor said.

I smiled and got up adjusting my short and tank that I was in. Jemma got up and we started out the door with the guys following us. Dylan and Aimee ended up running off leaving me with Trevor. When we got to the bottom of the stairs he pushed me against the wall both his arms on my sides locking me in.

"I need to know something." he stated.

"What? If your still pissed about that whole them interrupting you on Tuesday I understand, cause I was pretty pissed myself because-" I said.

"Shut up Sara." he smirked."My question was, did you want me to kiss you?"

Crap. I just babbled like an idiot and he's also got me in a weird position like Tuesday. I don't want to answer and face the truth. I DID want him to kiss me, and he was so close. I should just tell him the truth, but that might make him think he can kiss me now. I am NOT wasting my first kiss yet.

"Nope." I popped the p in his face.

He didn't buy my answer.

"Tell me the truth or I will kiss you this time. Nothing stopping me." he said.

"Fine! I DID want to kiss you, but it was just a hormonic reaction, nothing more!" I said.

He looked a little hurt at what I said and he moved his arms away. He walked off towards the kitchen leaving me there thinking. What did I just do? I lied, that what. I lied to the guy who I had trusted with my secret so far, who had saved me, and cared a bit about me.

I'm such a bitch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay pictures of Dress and Mask:: --Mask --Dress

Hope you liked this chapter, and sorry if it has too much bad language.
I also like violence so you might see more of that later...:P
