Status: new. i'm super excited for this one.


Become A Social Ghost

[title credit goes to We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands Tonight by The Academy Is...]

Telling James and Elle about my latest catch was particularly hard, considering one of our closest friends might as well have been in love with the childish blonde. I invited them on a long walk around town. The slight chill had be grabbing a jacket, my mind whirling. How the hell was I supposed to tell my two best friends I was dating Kyle without them hating me?

Sighing, I grabbed a package of black licorice and locked the door behind me, waving to the morning doorman on the way out. I met James and Elle in the small park two blocks from my apartment complex. They were sitting together on a picnic table, bickering about something stupid.

"Where's the sisterly love, guys?" I questioned as I sat down next to James. They rolled their eyes simultaneously.

"So, what's the ground breaking news you've been ranting about?" Elle grilled, raising an eyebrow at me. I mumbled something, wish I could slide under the table and disappear. James, noticing my suddenly crimson face and shifty eyes, gave me a curious stare.

"Okay, well... uh... here's the thing..."

Anxiously, I tugged at the sleeves of my jacket, tracing the grains of wood with my eyes. I wasn't at all sure what to say. One might think it's easy for a girl like me, but Kyle was another story.

"Spit it out, jeez Lila!" James prompted, smacking my shoulder. I put my forehead in my hands and decided on the easy way, like ripping off a band-aid.

"I'm dating Kyle!" I burst out, defeated. Elle and James both gasped, eyes wide as saucers. Shamefully, I put my head down on the rough wooden table, face burning.

"Hey guys! I came as soon as James called me. So what's the news?" someone said behind me. I didn't have to look up to know that it was Ben. I sent a deathly glare to James, who merely gave me an apologetic shrug.

No one spoke for a while as Ben sat down next to Elle, his eyebrows furrowed. My chest rose and fell in time with my deep breaths, guilt washing over me like a tidal wave. Finally, I took Ben's hand in mine.

"I'm, uh... dating Kyle."

"Kyle Burns?"

I nodded, hearing Ben stand up and walk away a few paces before turning around and coming back. His face was contorted into a scowl that didn't suit him at all. He furiously slammed his palms down on the table, making all three of us jump.

"You know, Lila? I thought you were my friend, but maybe all of those fan girls are right. Maybe you should stop toying with people's emotions. You know how I feel about him! How could you?"

Pushing back tears, I tried to think of a good answer.

"Ben, please. Kyle is really going through a tough time and he needed someone, and things just got really out of hand..."

"You slept with him?" Ben's burning gaze morphed from anger into shock.

"No! Gah, just... listen, please, I'm just trying to be a good friend to him. The least you can do is not make this harder for me than it already is," I explained. Ben shook his head, but sat down again anyway.

"Ben, she's right. You of all people know it's not going to last. And besides, it's useless trying to hold on to him when he's convinced he's straight," James reasoned. Defeated, Ben closed his eyes.

Elle stared blankly at the table, her face uncomprehending.

"Um... wow."
♠ ♠ ♠
shorter than i thought it was going to be...

but the plot thickens!

Lilac's Outfit
Jame's Outfit
Elle's Outfit
Ben's Outfit

let me know what you think! ^-^
