Sequel: A Family Feud
Status: Completed.

I'm His Enemy's Little Sister, and We're in Love

Allie Ashforth starts to fall for her older brother's, Adam, number one enemy within her first week in high school. Josh Livington. Adam and Josh have a bad history of fights, but Allie is unaware of this. Will Adam be enough to keep Allie away from Josh?

  1. High School Horror Begins
    Allie's first day of high school, the first day she meets Josh.
  2. Scared to Fall
    Allie is terrified of falling into the school pool, but is that the only thing she's afraid of falling into?
  3. Running Away From Stress
    Allie has too much stress on her shoulders, and who would think one of the problems is the person to help her carry the load.
  4. Falling
    Is Allie starting to fall for Josh?
  5. Peace at Last?
    Things seem to finally be falling together.
  6. No More Secrets
    Allie's have too hard of a time keeping secrets from Adam, especially this one with Josh.
  7. Hiding Things
    The Romeo and Juliet play is coming up soon.
  8. Scene One: First Kiss
    Who doesn't love drama?
  9. Not So Picture Perfect
    A picture truly is worth a thousand words.
  10. The Plan (Part I)
    Allie's plan to get the camera.
  11. The Plan (Part II)
    Katie has got a plan up her sleeve too.
  12. Fights
    Oh my God. . . Adam, what did you do?
  13. I Want the Truth
    I was sick of the lies. I was sick of not knowing the truth. I want the truth, and that was what I was going to get.
  14. Too Honest
    There are times when you can be too honest about things.
  15. Realization
    I was coming to realize everything just now, and it was too late. Far, far too late.
  16. The Ugly Truth
    Sometimes, the truth just isn't all that pretty.
  17. Hear Me Out
    Ready for Josh's side of the story?
  18. Betrayal
    "He killed our dad, Allison! If you still want to date that, then you can get the hell out of our family."
  19. An Accident
    Accidents can be deadly.
  20. Put on Trial
    Bad actions have fatal consequences.
  21. Judges and Juries
    Bad actions have fatal consequences.
  22. Together At Last
    Josh and Allie are finally together, but there's rules to everything.