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The Beach.


I have always loved going to the beach and just spending the whole day soaking in the sun and the sea. I was always bugging my friends to spend the day down there with me, but the two hour drive there and back was a bit too much for them.

But today Natalie didn’t have cheerleading, Nathan didn’t have sports practice, Annie didn’t have band, And even I was free from swim practice.

After a week of begging them all, they caved and we packed our stuff.

Our dear, overexcited annie had just gotten her drivers licence and a car for her 16th birthday and had decided that she was driving.

I had used the money from my sweet sixteen to pay for a 2 acre space on the beach and today I was sharing it with my closest friends!

Once we got to the beach poor Natalie kissed the sand, happy to be out of any vehicle where annie was at the wheel, then the two of them ran to the water, not wasting any time.

Nathan and I decided to warm up in the sun before freezing our asses off in the cold sea.

We sat down in the middle of the space I owned and talked for a little while. I had always thought that he was attractive, but recently that little flame had gotten out of control.

He was wearing a gray baseball cap on his head and a white tee shirt with black jeans. I could see a sparkle form in his eyes as the sun began to set, giving off a dim, glowing light.

My bangs kept falling in my eyes and it was getting on my nerves, until he started to brush them off of my face.

“your eyes are much too pretty to cover up” he said it with a smile and whole sincerity.

I blushed lightly and looked down a bit.

Nathan brought his index finger to my chin and pulled it up so that I was looking him in the eye.

He let his hand down and used it to hold himself up on the sand. He leaned in slightly and I followd.

We slowly closed the space between us, both of us smiling.

His lips brushed mine a moment too soon and he exhaled just before pressing them to mine.

His lips where soft and made me want to continue the kiss.

But the things that I felt for him made me want the kiss to last forever.
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its a bit cliche but i still like it!