Status: It's being re-written and shiz... but it'll be back!!!!!


Graffiti Joint

"Hey Yume!" said a sweet, seductive, purring voice. I looked up, a large smile beaming on my lips. The physique of Neko was dressed in black baggy jeans as usual, his torso adorned with a red t-shirt. His feet were clad in sneakers; his head was topped with a black Slipknot cap. And then slung from around his tall body a brown satchel hung down near his thigh. Even though he wore rebellious, baggy clothing he always looked like a long-lost pagan god of male beauty. He leaned against my mailbox relaxed and lounging in the sun.
My morning dream hit me again. The feeling of love I had for my feline kisser; it was unbelievable. My dream lover had so much resemblance to the Neko standing before me. The kiss I had with the dream bishounen was real. I could feel his lips, his warmth. I could hear his subtle purr as he made out with me. The way his ears twitched. I wish I made the motion to touch them. If I could feel his lips and his tongue then I should be able to feel the fur on his tail and ears. I suddenly wanted to see my dream boy again. Not just to see, but to also touch, hold, kiss and stroke his ears.

I approached Neko saying hi when I got to him. We set off walking to the skate park holding hands all the way.
"So how was your night?" He asked curious.
"Wonderful" I said dreamily ecstatic, "Why're you asking?"
"I was just wondering if you were ok that's all." Neko replied, "If you were thinking of me."
"I couldn't stop thinking about you" I teased, "Your so mysterious, sometimes I think all I know about you is your name."
"Well I think that's the only safe thing about me you should know." He mumbled.
"What's that supposed to mean? I give you my very first real kiss and then you go and say that we shouldn't be together. I like you. I might even love you but this... You keep on hiding behind a mask! What's under that hat?" I shouted at him.
Neko grabbed my frantic hands as I made a dash for his face. He held my wrists tight and gave me a smile.
"You're such a pessimist Yume, I meant what I said in a good way. Sometimes people have to show half of themselves to make sure they don't frighten the ones they hold dear. You can have me and love me but I think there are things about me that can scare you. Things that might disgust you. I've just met you and I've begun to love you. I don't want to push you away."
"Well don't I feel loved." I joked.
"I love you more than you actually think. You're all I have now." He said before planting a kiss upon my lips.
"Do you have any theories yet?" He whispered in my ear.
"I have a few." I shyly said.
"Go ahead, I'm all ears." He chuckled.

"Well at first I thought you were like a superhero or something." I admitted whilst I started walking again with Neko's arm wrapped around my waist.
"Anyone in particular?" Neko smugly said quite pleased with himself, "I always fancied myself as one of America's comic idiots."
"As I thought about it, you remind me of Catwoman." I said simply whilst blushing.
"CATWOMAN?! Yume, what goes on in your head? Jeez!" Neko burst.
"Was I close?" I asked nonchalantly.
"No" He said slyly, "You gonna have to think a little harder."
"So you're like an animal-infused super human?" I asked sarcastically.
"You could call it that. It's complicated." He said sadly.
"Alright, explain." I asked plainly.
"Not now Yume, I don't wanna talk about it. Maybe later. We're here now."

I looked in Neko's direction and I found we were indeed just outside of the skate park owned by all the kids in our neighborhood. Moshers hung around the walls smoking their two dollar joints and a few Rappers were in the place itself trying to look cool with their over sized, idiotic boom boxes. I rolled my eyes and made a tsch sound.
"Let's go somewhere else. I'm not in the mood for Eminimen doubles pissing me off." I swaggered off with my old skateboard in the crook of my arm; I passed the Moshers and they eyed me up and down like they thought they had a chance with me. When Neko passed them they kinda cowered away and took their eyes off him. Neko wrapped a protective arm around my shoulders and held me close to his warm body. He also seemed ticked off and really bristled. I looked into Neko's eyes and I was greeted with slitted pupils. He almost half-dragged me down the street and I had to almost run to keep up.
"Where are we going?" I squealed.
"Somewhere safer. You have no idea what they were thinking. Do you know a good place?"
"There's always the Graffiti Joint." I replied off the top of my head.
"What's the Graffiti Joint?" He asked with a puzzled expression on his face.
"It's where I like to express myself."