Status: It's being re-written and shiz... but it'll be back!!!!!


Cat Nap

In the dream I woke up with the early Autumn morning sun blessing my tired face. There was no reason to wake up; my eyes just flickered open. I sat up in my bed and through my sleepy eyes I looked around my room. The walls and the objects surrounding me were painted with the dawn colours of dream-like pink and light hazy blue. With the little light I had I saw my beloved things; my bookcase; my desk; my Billie Joe poster; a strange boy curled up on my bed; a stack of manga comics on the floor. I shook my head and looked back at the stranger.

He was the boy from before; with his furry feline midnight ears and fluid jet tail. He was blissfully asleep, a subtle smile on his chisseled lips. His black hair was messy and lopsided and a few locks fell upon his face. He was curled up like a cat and I could hear his subtle purrs. He wasn't naked like last time; he wore a pair of baggy blue jeans and a green belt. He looked cold; a shiver ran through him. I suddenly felt a sense of sadness for him; he was alone and left without warmth or love. He was a lost kitten; forbidden contact and forgotten by the world.

I shuffled about in my duvet and I freed myself of the covers. I crawled across the bed; making my way to the sleeping male. I sat beside him and stroked his hair.
"Meaow" I whispered to him.
"Nya?" He replied as his lids flitted open, "Hello."
"Hello stranger." I giggled, "May I sleep next to you?"
The boy didn't say a word; he just lifted an arm up and gestured with his fingers to lie next to him. I snuggled up against his warm skin and closed my eyes. I felt a protective arm wrap itself around me and he nuzzled my neck with his caressing lips. He kissed all the way up my neck; then he sucked and licked my ear lobe. He took in a deep breath and smelt my hair.
"You're not going to disapeer like last time are you?" I asked him.
"No...and yes." He whispered into my ear. It melted inside my ear and soothed me so I could easily drop asleep.
"How? Please just stay." I pleaded him.
"Mais mon petite chat, je suis juste un artifice de votre imagination, je ne peux pas rester." He seductively purred.
"Stop it with the French please. It's early morning."
"Fine, but I can't stay. I'm a dream remember, you'll forget me by the time you wake up." The stranger explained in a whisper.
"But I don't want to forget." I said almost in tears.
"Shush... Enjoy it whilst I'm here instead of wasting your time crying. Lets just sleep." He whispered delicately in my ear. He kissed my cheek and held me tight. I sighed wiping the silent tears from my eyes. I closed my eyes again and let the night reclaim me.

When I truly woke up I dearly hoped he was there. I was back in the folds of the duvet instead of rightfully being curled up at the end of my bed. The window was open; there was black short hairs on the bed duvet. Someone had been in room and had slept on my bed. Someone genuinly wrapped their arms around me and held me close. I did hear him purr. I did hear him talking to me; his voice was crisp clear and soothing. I did feel his touch; I did feel his extremely fast animal-like heartbeat. But I didn't feel or stroke his ears or tail like I should of done. I kicked myself and swore under my breath.
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10 subscribers!! I'm so happy!!!!! Neko and Yume say thank you. *Yume gives you friend hug and Neko kisses your cheek* =^-^= I wanna say thanks to Emily (Aimee), Sadie (Sara), Jacob (Neko), Bailey as himself (for toying and breaking my heart so many times =[ ), Ben (Fred you haven't met him yet), Molly/Charlotte/Sammy for being total b*tches (Ruka), and Cara for being my shrink and giving me ideas. And then there's me (Yume)!

p.s Please rate/comment/subscribe/hug/kiss/love forever. Preferably in that order.

Love Mollie x