Status: It's being re-written and shiz... but it'll be back!!!!!



I began to pout my lips but they were soon disappointed. Neko tilted his head slowly to the left. He drew a line from with his nose from my chin to my jaw bone. He then stroked his nose up and down the side of my throat. All the while he did this he took in short rasping breaths through his nose until his lungs were full and then he would exhale onto my neck. The breathed air was warm and smelt of forests and autumn leaves.

He traced his nose back up my jaw line and rubbed his left cheek against mine. My heart was racing but Neko’s peculiar behavior felt familiar in a strange way. He kept rubbing my cheek with his and I closed my eyes. Then something cold and soft touched the apple of my left cheek. My eyelids fluttered open and I could feel myself blushing.

“You kissed me!” I breathed. I couldn't believe it. I looked up at Neko’s face and found a smile on his lips. His smile wasn't cheeky; it was pleasant and child like. He was still in his dominating pose with his right hand on my knee. He soon straightened out into a more human position in the seat he was meant to be sitting on and rested his hands casually. The movement of overpowering-yet-intimate to teenage protocol was so swift it was almost like instinct. And I soon found out why.

The empty school bus had stopped and was filling up with the clique of Sunset Street. The first one to come on was a blond haired bimbo; tanned, long legged and an absolute royal bitch. "Aw, I see our little outsider has found someone to play with. Isn't it cute?" She teased harshly.
"I see your head has got bigger over the summer, Ruka. And probably the size of your boyfriends dick. Slut." I retaliated. Neko's hand now was on my knee and I could feel his fingers tensioned.

"What did you just call me?" Barbie-Bitch asked.
"I called you a big-headed blond haired slut. And so are your boob-head friends over there." I replied rebelliously. Barbie-Bitch shifted her weight to her left foot, put her hand on her hip and leaned forward over Neko and towards me. Neko's tensioned hand was now twitching furiously. Barbie-Bitch reached her right hand out towards my face. I began to hyperventilate and I flinched.

A movement so smooth, so quick, so graceful, so furious, it took me a second to render it. Neko was shielding me with his agile body, his right hand wrapped tightly around Ruka's wrist. I started to see a little amount of blood bleed around Neko's claw-like nails.
"If you dare hurt Yume ever again, so help me, it'll be the last time you will ever breathe!" He furiously snarled with venomous tones. His once purring voice had suddenly become a blood-curdling snarl a jaguar could be jealous of. And for once in my life, I was scared of him.

Neko's grip on Ruka's wrist tightened so much that her balled fist soon became a drooped ragdoll hand. She snatched her hand back and gave me and Neko an evil glare. She stormed up to the back of the bus where she sat down.

Neko returned back into a human pose of crossed legs and an arm around my shoulders. He was still defensive and slightly bristled. He looked into my eyes and I stared back. His emerald eyes were different from when I first saw them. The irises were still were round but the pupils became wild feral slits. His eyes were of a cats and they looked so beautiful.

"Distract me...please" He said. His voice was harsh and snarling and I was genuinely scared. What if he turned on me?
"Um... when you were smelling me our whatever you were doing, it felt a strange way." I said meekly.
"It did? Well it was nice for me too." he said, his tone still irritated.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because you smell nice." He replied trying to sound pleasant, struggling over his anger.
"What do I smell of?" I asked kinda curious.
"You smell of... flowers and vanilla. I also got the hint of strawberries and chocolate chip cookies. Do you like them?"
"I love cookies. You can smell all that? Wow." I said amazed.
"Wow indeed. What do I smell of? Just out of interest." He asked a lot calmer now.
"I smelt an earthy smell, like forests and leaves. Are you wearing perfume?" I replied.
"Not a drop. You?" He asked teasing.
"Not a drop." I said playfully, "It's just you smell real... gorgeous."
"So do you. You little minx!" Neko said as he twirled a piece of my blond hair.
"How can you do that?" I asked Neko.
"It's a gift I suppose..." He mumbled. His gaze moved away from my face and he looked around at the now full school bus. I didn't realise that everyone in a two meter radius was looking at us gawking. They were whispering, gossiping, creating rumours. Roll on the prejudice I thought. The two girls behind us had been intently listening to our conversation and were giggling contentedly. This was why ignorance and iPods were created.