Status: It's being re-written and shiz... but it'll be back!!!!!



The bus had stopped outside of high school and everyone around me was leaving the vehicle. Neko stood up with his hand gesturing towards me. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and took his hand. I shuffled my Converse clad feet into the aisle and I let Neko lead in front. He walked agilely, smooth and swiftly even though his legs were covered in black baggy denim. He too wore Chuck All Stars and they were black and white. For some strange reason it reminded me of a white tiger. I skipped subtly down the aisle still holding his hand and once off of the bus he turned to me.

"You have a good day okay. I'll see you later." Neko purred. He let go of my hand and took hold of my shoulders gently.
"Just ignore them. You are far more superior than them. It's in your soul." He whispered. He then let go of me physically but kept holding my hearts hand. He walked to his first class but turned around and gave me a smile and a wave.
"See you later Yume!" He called out. It made me smile and my mood was immediately uplifted.

Did that just happen? Did he kiss me? His lips were so soft....I hardly even know him and I'm already falling. His eyes. His amazing emerald eyes. Did they really become so feline?

I walked through Lab 7's doors near enough skipping and I sat at my lab table. My lab partner, Aimee had already got her large notebook and pen out and I did the same.

The way he smelt me. It was like instinct. I wonder if he is like that with other girls. Maybe it's just me....

"Yume, Yume, Yume!" I realised it was Aimee trying to break me out of my day dream.
"Yeah?" It was hard to make any other noise because of my dreamy state.
"Is it true go out with the new guy?!" Aimee asked like she was on crack.
"What new guy?" I protested.
"The fit looking one with the biceps and the triceps and the oh la la abs! The one who was talking to you on the bus." She squealed in her excited voice. (me: boy, rumours get around this school quick!)
"Him? He's just a...."

A mysterious, beautiful, boy who acts differently and has the most gorgeous pair of eyes I've ever seen.

"A hunk of prime American beefcake! He has the hots for you, I can tell! The way he protected you from Ruka. You'll be holding hands next!" Aimee squealed.

"Can I have some hush please!" Mr Howan ordered. The lecture soon began. It was about group 1 of the Periodic Table and how they reacted with water. The lesson dragged on and I soon found myself doodling. I drew a pair of eyes again and again in my Anime style.They were the same pair of eyes but drawn with different expressions. There were happy, bright, laughing sometimes. Then there were angry, sad, crying. Some were human, others like an animals, wild and feral.

The bell rang and Mr Howan's lecture came to a sudden halt. I quickly packed my bag and headed out the door. It was a sunny summer day so I walked out onto the field and slung my pack next to the big oak tree I liked to sit under. I sat against the tree's trunk and plugged myself into my iPod. I let the rock music play just drift not caring if it was my favourite or not.

He's so different than other boys I've met. I wonder if he likes me. Truly likes me. The way he walks... so graceful. His smile. His breathtaking smile. I want to see him again. I want him to hold me again. I want his eyes. His emerald cat-like eyes. I want them to be mine.

The bell rang and I nearly jumped out of my skin. And it pleases me now to say my wishes would all come true.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to Emily, my best friend. She is CyanideCorpse on Mibba and she will love you if you check out her poetry. Love Mollie

p.s Just pimping my bizatch