Status: It's being re-written and shiz... but it'll be back!!!!!



Neko planted a quick kiss on my cheek and gave me a beaming smile.
"Shall we escape to lessons?" I teased.
"If we must, we must." He sighed.
Neko was the first one to spring up off of the floor and he pulled me up and dusted me down. We walked hand in hand and Neko often walked behind me resting his head on my shoulder. He would wrap his pale arms around my body as we traveled. It felt unbelievably good to feel his warm skin against mine. It made me smile on the inside and out.
The astounding news of bitchy Ruka getting defeated and bad-mouthed by a new guy (the same guy which was now holding my hand like we were meant to be) had quickly flown through school. So as we walked down the corridors you could really see the popularity split in our school. The emo guys and rockers were behind us a 100% but the material girls and Jocks just stared at us like we were muck. It made me feel a bit edgy thinking I'm already on their wanted list and I don't want to go any further into anything else. But my unease was calmed down with each pat on the back or hi-five we received.

One particular, very shy but very cute scene girl dressed up in Converse and stripy socks with a bright pink top on went up to Neko and held her hand aloft. He took it like a prince would do and kissed it. The tutu clad "Emo Princess" slightly bowed and said:
"Welcome, dear Sir, from now on you and your maiden are invited into the scene community as honorary members."
"My dear it would be my pleasure." He said with a flourish as he gave a bow to the emo girl. I gave a curtsy in gratitude. The girl ran off and we rounded the corner in a fit of silent giggles.

Soon enough we saw the signed doors of our separate classes and a sudden sadness came over us. We had a final hug and our loving hearts began to sink. French and German went boringly and painfully slow and I knew what to expect in Art.
It was exam time and everyone's mind was wrapped around the concept that silence meant shut mouths as well as sunken hearts. But that didn't stop me from having a note conversation with the guy next to me. Bailey sat beside me. Tall, gangly but always a laugh to be with, Bailey always had his guitar with him and he knew most of the chords. He had longish, curly, blond rocker hair and bright lagoon blue eyes. I predicted that when he had the opportunity, he would get a tattoo that was both shocking and suggestive. He was your usual, provocative, rebellious, kinda sexy rock and roll teenager that pulled on every hormonal girls heartstrings. Many people had mistaken him for my big brother even though I'm an only child. He was my shoulder to cry on, he was always there for me and he knew how to cheer me up. In a way I was his little sister. We had grown up together, our mom's were best friends, we've even stayed in the same school since kindergarten. He lent or even gave me beloved hardcore CDs and most of my iPod was suggestions from him. I couldn't imagine life without Bailey saying hi to me on a morning or making me smile. I had once admittedly fallen in love with him but now it was just an intimate friendship. I had always had the desire to kiss him but it seemed vague and wrong to do now.

I had Neko, wasn't that enough? I already had an even more beautiful boy than Bailey already kissing me, protecting me, loving me but I wanted more. I had a greedy heart and it wanted more than I could possibly have. My heart was preparing me I thought. I knew in the deepest darkest most secret depth of my soul Neko would leave me. I knew he would move on. I knew he would be caught by another girl's eyes and he would dessert me. I knew in my heart that a simple human like me cannot hold onto a teenage god's hand forever. My heart knew what was going to come. I could understand that it didn't want to be lonely but to think of a back-up plan involving Bailey it was just cruel. My emotions were setting out two options for me; Neko forever or Neko for now. I knew which route I wanted to take but my instincts denied it. Could I love Bailey? Could I love him the same way as Neko?

I groaned as I stared into Baileys beautiful captivating eyes. I was a bitch. My feelings were tormenting me. My emotions just wouldn't make up their minds. I was a bitch. I was a bitch with a head that wouldn't make it's mind up. Thankfully in a kind of cliché way, I was saved by the bell. I rushed out to my next lesson which was Geography and I got settled amongst the other pupils around me. I had the class with Mrs Hendall, an owl-like woman with tortoise shell glasses and brown thin hair. Map drawing wasn't exactly exciting so I was surprised that I hadn't fallen asleep. The bell rang for the last and final time that Friday and I was soon on my usual bright yellow school bus that was going home-bound.