Your Guardian Angel

Happy Days

(November POV)

I am now 9 months far and Gerard and the guys even the girls helped me the whole time.I love the house.It is so big and big enough for the baby.I was in my room and I got a contraction.My water did break and Gerard picked me up bridal style and carried me down the stairs even though he has a bad knee he did it for me.He drived like a mad man while I was screaming in pain.We did get to the hospital.They brought me to a room and got me to change.I did then sat on the bed and got more pains I just now wanted it over.Gerard came in wearing the proper clothes and kissed me on the forehead.He got me some icecubes in the hallway they did help me stay calm.The doctor popped in and told me I was ready to give labour and I was so relieved.

(Gerard POV)

I carried my girlfriend down the stairs it did hurt my fucking knees but I need to help her.I drived so fast I was amazed I didn't get a speeding ticket.She was always grabbing my hand or my hair.I think I am going to lose my hair from just her.I could tell she didn't like this at all.She did calm down when I got her icecubes very weird but whatever.She now is going to the labour room were going to have a baby in about 10-20 minutes so happy my family is complete.

(Frank POV)

I have been call Gee's phone but no anwser.Then I thought November went into labour.So I called all the guys and told them I think Gerard and November are at the hospital.We all went and ask the desk person and they told me they just but her in a room she is in labour now.We were relieved and we waited til Gerard walked out 10 minutes later.