Status: complete

Ergo, I Love You

Ergo, I love you.

College isn’t as bad as she thought it would be. In fact, it was better than she could have imagined. No one bothered her, no one thought anything of her which was the way she wanted it.

The same went for him. High school sucked for him. People hated him, with the exception of his best friend and people picked on and harassed him. But now no one bothered him, no one bullied him, and his best friend was even his roommate.

They also shared one other thing – each other. They met six months ago in October during their first semester here at the college. She was sitting reading one of his favorite books by herself on a bench. He walked over to her before his courage could fade and started talking to her. They enjoyed each other’s company and he asked to see her again when it was time for her to leave for class.

Now it was the night of their six month anniversary. It was his first real relationship and her second but longest. They lay with each other in her bed in her dorm room. She had paid her roommate 20 bucks to get lost until curfew. She wanted time alone with Merton in order to “celebrate” their relationship. And “celebrate” they did. Now they just lie in bed holding each other and resting.

“Megan, why do you love me?” Merton asked.

Megan knew he wasn’t asking to get his ego stroked. He just couldn’t understand how anyone could love him.

“Oh, Merton. I don’t know, I just do.” She said as she kissed his head.
“But why?” he stressed as he pulled the covers up to cover his exposed chest. He was beginning to feel shy about his body.

She grabbed his hand and laced her fingers with his. “Merton J. Dingle, not only are you very, very cute, but you are also the smartest person I know. You know more right now than I could, or most people for that matter, could know in a lifetime. You’re funny, quirky, and you’re always there to help. You are brave even if you think you’re not. And unlike other guys, you’re not an asshole. You don’t fit in with the ‘In Crowd’ and you don’t let it bother you. You always make me feel good and better about my life. Ergo, I love you.”

Merton blushed and kissed her. “I think I love you more for saying ‘ergo’.”

Megan laughed lightly and kissed him again.

“I love you Megan. I really do.” Merton said and pulled her closer to him.
“I know, Merton. I love you too.”