Status: Finished. :]

Like We Used To


I helped everybody get their bags to their rooms then made up an excuse to go find John and Kennedy. I pulled out my phone once I was in the elevator and dialed the number. He picked up after the second ring. “John?”

“Where are you?”

“In the elevator,” I answered. “I couldn’t text you because I was driving… What floor are you on?” The doors to the elevator closed and it started moving before I could press a button. “HOLY SHIT! John! I’m going to die!”

“Get out of the elevator when you can!” John demanded.

“Why?” I asked.

“Garrett was going to the pool,” John told me.

The elevator stopped and the doors started to open. “Oh shit,” I muttered. I looked down as I saw him. I stepped out of the elevator.

“Merrick?” John asked. “Zane?”

“What room?” I asked softly, as I felt Garrett staring at me. He hadn’t moved.

“I’ll come find you,” he told me before hanging up. The elevator doors closed.

“Do you need help finding someone?” Garrett asked.

“I-I… No. He’s coming to find me.” I avoided turning. I was starting to get the feeling that he knew.

“Merrick,” he whispered. I slowly turned and smiled sheepishly.

“Hi, Garrett,” I whispered back. Without warning he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest. I had to hug him back—I’d missed him. A lot.

“Zane?” I heard John call. “Oh shit.”

“Why’d you leave?” Garrett asked softly. My eyes were watering and I knew I didn’t have long to explain. I shook my head and let my arms fall to my sides.

“Come on, let’s get back to the room,” John suggested.

Garrett kept his arm around my waist as we followed John. John opened the door and led us to the couch. I sat and waited, knowing everybody else would probably be joining. I rested my head against Garrett’s shoulder. This isn’t right…. I’m with Nick.

“MERRICK!” Kennedy exclaimed as he ran into the room. I stood and hugged him before sitting beside Garrett again.

“Who’s Merrick?” the same squeaky voice from the phone asked. I looked over as a redhead walked in. Her hair was up in a ponytail, but her bangs hung freely. Her black glasses hid her hazel eyes. She wasn’t much taller than me.

I raised my hand. “I am.”

“Hey! Did you know Garrett likes you?” she asked, grinning.

“Savana, I’m pretty sure she knows,” John told her. It looked like he was trying not to laugh. “Um, Merrick, this is my girlfriend, Savana. Savana, this is Garrett’s… Umm… This is Merrick.”

“Garrett’s what?” Savana asked as she sat on the floor in front of the TV.

Garrett rested his head against my shoulder now. “So… Why did you leave?” Garrett asked quietly.

I sighed then started explaining. The paranoia, the phone calls, even the threatening email or two I’d gotten. It had all been too much for me to handle—especially since if they couldn’t hurt me, they might’ve hurt Garrett. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I knew he was killed because somebody wanted revenge against my father…

Savana’s eyes were watering when I finished. I nervously picked at my nails waiting for somebody to say something. My phone rang and I quickly answered it without looking at who it was. “Where are you?” Nick asked.

“I was exploring this place… Sorry I took so long. I got lost once or twice. I’m coming back soon, though,” I promised.

“Okay. I was starting to get worried,” Nick told me. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. Bye.” I hung up and stuck the phone in my pocket again.

“Who was that?” Kennedy asked.

“Boyfriend,” I muttered. Garrett cringed. “I have to go…” I stood and smiled. “It was nice seeing you guys.”

“I want a hug!” Savana demanded, jumping up from her spot on the floor. She ran over and hugged me. John and Kennedy followed. Garrett stood and walked out of the room before I could get a hug from him though.

“Bye,” I mumbled before I left the room. I walked down the hallway and to the elevator. Garrett was waiting with his arms crossed over his chest. “Do I get a hug from you, too?” I asked. He smiled before wrapping his arms around me.

“I still love you, Merrick,” he whispered as he dropped his arms. The elevator opened and we both stepped into it. I pressed the button for my floor and then looked down. He was waiting for me to tell him that I still loved him too; I was sure of it.

“I… have a boyfriend, Garrett,” I frowned.

“Do you love him?” I froze. I hadn’t been expecting that. Of course I loved Nick! Right? I love Nick, right?! He could see the panic showing in my eyes. He used the opportunity against me and pressed his lips to mine for a brief moment. Butterflies filled my stomach and my cheeks flushed tomato red. “Tell me you didn’t feel anything and I’ll leave you alone.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliffhanger, much? Yes!
Don't kill me.

Is it just me, or is this chapter kinda short.....?

Anyway, I got glasses today and I'm super excited because now I can actually see what I'm reading. And I finished US History with an average of 96. I'm really proud of myself. :]

So I'm gonna go get ahead on my writing and not post them till I feel like it. ;]

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