Status: Finished. :]

Like We Used To


An awkward silence filled the air as Garrett stared into my eyes, waiting for an answer. “Garrett,” I mumbled. I didn’t know how I could answer. I didn’t want to lie, but at the same time I didn’t want to betray Nick. The doors opened. “This is my floor.” I gave him a quick hug, regretting it instantly, and dashed out the door. I patted my pockets looking for a key.

“Dammit,” I cursed. I knocked on the door. “Nick! I forgot my key!” The door opened a minute later.

“Where were you?” Nick asked.

“Exploring,” I grinned, hoping he couldn’t see through my lie.

I heard loud knocking on the door. “Nick,” I groaned, “door.” All that continued was more loud knocking. I opened one eye and didn’t see anyone. “Nick?” Knock. “Niiiiiiiiiick?” Knock, knock. I drew in a deep breath, “NICK!”

“Open the damn door!” A female voice called out.

It sounded familiar so I got up and made my way to the door. I open it to see the smiling face of Savana. “Ummm, hi?” I questioned not really sure if she was sent here or if she came on her own. Maybe she was a secret spy from Garrett.

“Hi!” She said in her squeaky voice as she made her way through the door. “I was really bored and John wasn’t any help. So I decided to come and annoy you.”

“Thanks? Are you a spy?” I decided to go with blunt. I didn’t think she would mind.

“You mean for Christmas? No.” This girl is weird.

“You mean Halloween?” Surely she couldn’t be weirder than me.

“Yeah, that too.” I’ve been wrong before.“So what do you want to do?”

“Ummm, I don’t know.” I tried to think of something a normal person would say. “We could go… shopping?” I mentally cringed as soon as I said it.

Her eyes widen. “NO! I absolutely loathe shopping! Anything but that!” she begged.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I think we’re going to be great friends. Actually, I have to go find Nick and the guys. You can come with me if you like.”

She had a sly smile on her face. “I wouldn’t worry about them,” She said as she rocked back and forth.

“Why? What did you do to them?” I didn’t think she would hurt anyone.

“I didn’t do anything, but let’s just say they got a phone call saying their van blew up and all that was left was a spark plug.” She smiled innocently when she was finished. “I just got an idea!” Savana squealed. She grabbed my hand and dashed to the elevator. She pressed the button for her floor and once the elevator stopped, she ran to her room with me following behind her.

“What are we doing?” I whined as she made me sit on the couch. She ran into another room and came back with an armful of something white.

“Video games!” she squealed as she set up Wii. She handed the remote to me. “What game do you want to play? I only have Resident Evil 4 and Harvest Moon.” I opened my mouth, about to protest. “Okay! Resident Evil 4, it is!”

I cringed when the game started. “What do I do again?” I asked.

“See that house?” Savana asked, pointing. I nodded slowly as I turned the guy—I think his name was Leon. “Go to it.”

“Won’t something try to kill me?” I squeaked.

I screamed when the door opened. “Good lord,” Garrett muttered. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Yeah, something will try to kill you,” Savana chuckled. “That’s why you have to kill it first.” I stared at Leon for a minute, decided whether I should make him move or not. “Give me the control.”

“Oh! Is she playing Resident Evil 4?” Garrett asked as he came in and sat to my right. I nodded slowly again. “I love this game!”

I made Leon slowly walk towards the house but froze when I got to the door. “What now?” I asked.

“Go in,” Garrett told me.


“Give me the control!” Savana demanded. Garrett stole the control from my hands and made Leon run into the house. “Dammit! Garrett that wasn’t cool! You’re gonna get her killed!” It changed to a cut scene when he walked around a corner. I screamed when the guy in the cut scene grabbed an axe.

“Wimp,” Savana muttered when I cringed.

“What’s going on?” John demanded as he walked out. He rubbed his eyes. “Resident Evil 4? Already?”

Savana nodded. “Its fun.”

“Holy shit,” Garrett cursed. He dropped the control and pointed at the screen. “That thing just cut my head off with a chainsaw!”

“If it were up to me,” I started. “We’d still be at the beginning of the game.”

“If you listened to me and jumped into that house then this wouldn’t have happened. Now give me the damn control, Garrett!” Savana exclaimed.

“He cut my head off,” Garrett repeated. By now, Kennedy, Pat, and Jared had come in—after hearing all my screaming…

“My turn!” Kennedy called. Garrett handed him the control. He started, ran to the tree to look into the town, and started muttering, “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” Kennedy then threw the control at Pat.

“I don’t want it!” Pat yelled. Jared quickly took the control from Pat and ran straight into the town to be chased by the human-like things.

“Idiot,” Savana muttered under her breath as I cowered into Garrett’s chest. Bad idea... “Why does nobody listen to me?”

“Savana?” I asked as Jared gave the control to John. “When would the guys be getting back after they figured out the van didn’t explode?”

“Five minutes after I got you out of your room.”

“What time is it?”

“You’ve been here for about three hours,” Garrett told me.

“I gotta go… I forgot to grab my phone. Nick is probably worried…” I got up and ran for the door just as John shouted Holy fuck! Die mother fucker!

I realized only after I’d gotten back to the right floor that I didn’t have a key to the room… Again. I sighed as I knocked on the door. “Niiiick,” I called.

“You have the wrong room,” Justin called through the door.

“Dammit,” I cursed as the next door over opened and Nick started to walk out. “Nick!” I jumped on him, hugging him tightly.

“What’s gotten into you?” he asked. “I can’t keep track of you since we got here!”

“I woke up and you were gone!” I mumbled into his shoulder. He took me back into the room. “So I was looking around again.”

“You didn’t sleep enough, did you?” he asked. I shook my head. “Well, it’s close to lunch time now. Would you care to join me?” He smiled.

“I’d love to.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was inspired by video games that freak us out late at night.

So yeah, this chapter is pretty random. And Resident Evil 4 is.....
My friend helped me write this chapter. I think it came out pretty well.
But you tell me, kay? ;]

So leave tons of comments and subscribe and tell your friends about this story. :D <333
