Status: Working on

Behind every pretty face

Chapter Two (Grade Nine) A scary effect

I tapped on my key board softly, a melody singing through it's lips. Well. We all know piano don't have lips, but it sounded as it it were singing to me. I sighed, closing my music book and tossing it onto the floor.

I smirked as I picked up another keyboard book.

I shut off my light and turned on my little red lamps beside my key board and plugged in my amp. The little red lamp gave off the 'scary' effect. I giggled how stupid I was for doing this. But hey, I had to let out my anger some way right?

My father had just come home high again tonight, and my mother yelled at him. My younger sister was terrified and I went up stairs. She cried for hours, but I didn't want anything to do with them. My mom yelled at me for not calming her down.

My brother who 20 and still at home settled it all by announcing Dairy Queen for the family. I denied the invitation. I didn't want to be anywhere around them. So did my mom. Well, she denied me going is what I mean.

My brother promised me to bring home my favorites. A cherry slushy and fries. I smiled and thanked him, kissing him on the cheek as he grabbed the keys and left.

I opened up my music book, finding my favorite eerie song and slammed on the keys. A melody sung quietly and then it became more intense.

The song grew louder and deeper, my fingers twisting the words of music together. A deep part in my heart laughed as I laughed, and we played our anger twisting it into music.

I heard loud banging coming up my stairs, screaming and crying floating out of my mom's throat.

"Robert! You never use your manners when we go out! Your so disgusting! You burp, and spit, and flirt with the waitresses! You pig!"

I heard my door swing open and I gasped, looking up quickly, eyes wide. My song came to an abrupt stop and I looked at my mom. Mascara running and eyebrows raised. "Stop your noise! Go to bed! Study!"

She turned on my light and I cringed from the brightness, my eyes not adjusted yet.

"See? You are such a vampire! I wouldn't be surprised if soon you drank tomato juice just for the heck of it. So coool! Tomorrow I'll find Tara dead in bed with blood every where!"

My little sister Tara peeked over at mom over the stair case, her lip out in fright.

"Mom! Stop it! Your scaring her!" I growled, my eyebrows pulling together in worry as I motioned for my sister to come to me. She ran past mom and into my arms as I cradled her.

"Is that what you want Tara?! Is she your mom?! I brought you into this world, and I can kick you out!"

Tara looked at her and started to cry again.

My mom ugh'd loudly, almost a cry, and rolled her eyes. She slammed the door and I let Tara ruin my shirt in tears.

I sang quietly to her, a classic lullaby for us. One I used to sing to her as a baby. Tara was only four, but she was as brave as a twelve year old. Even though she cried a lot, she went through way too much.