Status: old one

All My Life I'm Dancing With Strangers

Why do you want that?

Davey was at Jeffree's place at eight o'clock. He made such a noise pushing doorbell that Jeffree, when he opened the door, wished to kill him.

"Where is she?" Davey even didn't say "Hi" to Jeffree.

"Nice to see you too, dear!" Jeffree said obviously miff.

"Is she really so mad at me?" Davey questioned impatiently.

Jeffree went to kitchen; he had to get his coffee.

"Where is she?" Davey asked once more.

"How much caffeine did you take this morning?" Jeffree asked to him, rubbing sleep out from his own eyes, he had no makeup, so he really did look weird.

"None, I haven't slept at all." Davey said, he sat in the chair, he tripped with his fingernails against the table's surface, but Jeffree switched on the coffee-maker and watched how nervous Davey was.

"I think that she is still asleep." Jeffree confused.

"I will wake her up then!" Davey stood up and looked at stairs; she might be in Jeffree's guest room.

"I don't think that it would be a good idea, Dave!" Jeffree said, he got two cups one for him and one for Davey.

"And that is because?" Davey asked to Jeffree looking at him questioningly.

"Because she said that she will go back to London." Jeffree said blankly.

Davey froze, then he powerlessly fell back into a chair near with table.

"She said so?" Davey questioned quietly.

"Yes, and I think that she meant it on the dead, Davey." Jeffree filled both cups with coffee saying that he put them on table and then directed after sugar.

"She was so upset?" Davey glanced how Jeffree put the sugar on the table and sat in front of him.

"Yeah… I mean, you could at least answer on the phone call yesterday." Jeffree said, he put sugar into his coffee, he started to mix it slowly.

"I didn't have my phone with me… I am such an idiot!" Davey said, he fell on table, covering his face with his palms.

"Don't you wheedle to yourself," Jeffree said, "she even said to me that she is way too young for you… or at least she meant something like that." Jeffree said, then he took a sip of coffee, and soon after taht he cursed himself, because it was way too hot.

"But she isn't, she is perfect… well, maybe she isn’t an angel, but no one is." Davey said, he rose up, and then looked at Jeffree graciously.

"Then pray to God. Maybe she will change her mind…" Jeffree said, but then they both stiffed, because they both heard noise upstairs, noise, what made the door.

"Well, here we go!" Jeffree sighed.

Davey stood up and went to meet her, because he heard footsteps on stairs.

Samantha went downstairs and saw Davey he stood in kitchen's door, looking at her.

Jeffree, who sat in kitchen, took his nail-trimmer which lied on counter and tried not to listen to scene which was coming closer with every breath taken by Davey and Samantha.

"Hi, Sammy," Davey said quietly, she stopped, glancing at him, then girl averted, she remained silent.

Samantha passed Davey and went into kitchen.

"Good-morning, Jeffree!" She greeted him.

"'Morning, dear!" Jeffree raised his eyes for couple moments, smiled, but after that he returned back to his nails.

"So you will ignore me?" Davey asked to her.

"Jeffree, where are your cups?" Samantha questioned, not even giving Davey one single glance.

"On that shelf above the counter, dear." Jeffree smiled at Samantha.

Samantha took one cup and filled it with coffee, then she turned around, girl leaned against the counter and finally looked at Davey, Davey stood resting against the doorpost.

"Finally." He said was obviously annoyed, "Samantha, could we talk?"

"I have no wish to talk to you." Samantha said blankly, "Besides, we have nothing to discuss, my dear."

"Oh, really?" Davey rose one of his eyebrows.

Samantha simply rolled her eyes: "Really."

"Jeffree, could you please leave us in private?" Davey turned to his friend.

Jeffree gave to Davey a confused look, because he really didn't want to leave, he knew that this could be interesting drama.

Jeffree wasn't really glad about that, but he stood up and looked at Davey, then at Samantha: "Fine, just no corpses in my house, or I will stop talking to both of you!"

Then Jeffree left, Davey went and sat on the chair near with table.

"Okay, now we will talk." Davey said strictly.

Samantha looked at him provocative: "Great, diva will read me a lecture!"

Davey tried to ignore Samantha's affronts: "Sammy, why didn't you come home yesterday?"
Samantha turned around and looked into the wall: "Jeffree took care of me."

"C'mon, you maybe are wearing his sportswear, but we both know that he is gay, so you will not convince me about the contrary!" Davey said laughing slightly.

"HEY! I HEARD THAT!" Jeffree yelled from the living room.

"Shut the fuck up, Jeff!" Davey yelled back.

"I never said that we had sex, besides, Jeffree helped me more that you could ever imagine, and at least he isn't such jerk as you are." She said turning around to face hima again.

"So I am a jerk, cretin, and idiot and so on, but have you ever thought that you aren't exactly perfection yourself?" Davey said calmly.

"I know that," Samantha said and smiled, "But still, I am better than you are."

"And why is that so?" Davey asked to her miff.

"It is because I am not such egoist! Because I am not so selfish and because I don't leave close people behind the door." Samantha gave him her reasons.

"Okay, it was my fault, but yet, I think that you are overplaying that." Davey said irritated.
"Oh, I am overplaying?" Samantha said louder, "Well, my love, you will not have to worry about that anymore, because I am leaving you."

Now she was almost screaming, tears filled her eyes.

"You have no rights to do that!" Davey yelled at her and stood up, "That is my child, and I have my duties to take care of him, even if you don't like that!"

Samantha looked at him, her eyes burned with hatred, then she hissed: "That is not your child, David…"

Davey grew pale: "What did you say?"

"I said," She said loudly, "that this is not your child!"

Davey stared at her, then he said miff: "You… you… you (he gave out simple scream)… Don’t you dare to tell me such lies?"

Samantha stared back at him, tears rolled down her cheeks, Davey stood gazing at her.
"I will go home." She finally said quietly, then girl put the coffee cup on counter and left the kitchen.

"Samantha!" Davey called after her, "Don't you dare to walk away from me!"

Samantha kept wallking, Davey turned around and fallowed after her fast, he grabbed girls arm, she glanced at him confused.

"Let me go!"

"No!" Davey said and looked right in her eyes, they stood in living room, and Jeffree now looked at them with an obvious interest.

"Let me go!" she yelled at him and pulled her hand out from Davey's grasp.

Davey caught her in his arms and tried to pacify girl, while she tried to push him away, Davey finally dominate and when he did that, he decided to kiss her.

"Davey, STOP THAT!" She pushed him away and slapped him hardly accross his face.

Davey apostatized some steps and then looked at her: "Why are you like that?" he asked confused.

"Because it's not what I want…" she hissed.

"Samantha!" Davey said to her.

"I hate you, why don't you understand that?" she yelled at him.

Davey finally lost his restraint: "So you hate me? Fine, I don't mind that!" he yelled back at her.
Samantha confused, she stood there for some seconds, and then she turned away and went to the stairs speedily. She covered her face with both palms.

"That's right!" Davey called after her, "And stay away from me!"

Samantha stopped and turned around, she glanced at Davey then her eyes run trough Jeffree's living room.

Jeffree paled while whispering quietly: "I will feel sorry about that…"

Samantha approached the table swiftly, she took the vase from it, Davey widened his eyes, and in next second it already flew into Davey's direction.

Davey barely avoiced it: "Have you lost your mind?" he yelled at Samantha.
"Yes!" She said looking around again, then she took the clock from the shelf; "I lost it when I met you!" she reached out to throw it at Davey.

"No not the clock!" Jeffree called out loudly, but it was too late, clock flew into direction where Davey stood, he bent down and it hit the wall.

"Samantha, stop the!" Jeffree yelled, but she took his photo which was placed in a heavy frame and raised it above her head.

"Samantha, I warn you!" Jeffree called out, he tried to approach her slowly.
"Jeffree, I can throw it at you as well!" Samantha warned him back.

"Samantha, don't you dare!" Davey said and backed to wall, where he hid behind Jeffree's back.

"Dare what?" she yelled and photo flew into his direction again.

Samantha kept throwing all the small stuff at Davey, when Jeffree warned her once more he had to avoid from some stuff too. Meanwhile Samantha took small sculpture from table.
Jeffree stood up from behind the sofa where he was hiding: "Samantha not the sculpture!" he said carefully.

"Sammy, calm down!" Davey stood up near with Jeffree, although he still was trying to hide behind Jeffree.

Samantha raised the sculpture, she was ready to throw it.

Jeffree finally lost his continence: "STOP!''

He yelled out as loud as he could and all in the room froze, Samantha got so scared, that the small sculpture fell from her hand to the floor and snapped in thousand peaces peaces.
Jeffree closed his eyes when it snapped on the floor when he opened them he grew pale, because that small sculpture was one of the most expensive things in his living-room. Then his eyes filled with anger: "You both are totally crazy!" he yelled, "This is my house, my property…"

He looked around and then kept yelling: "Those were my stuff, Samantha, have you no respect for anything? Why can you just get along? Why can't you both just be normal?"
Suddenly Samantha burst with tears, it happeend so suddenly that Davey felt sorry for her at that same moment. She turned around and then girl hastened to the door, but in halfway she lost her balance and passed out on Jeffree's carpet.

"Great! Samantha don't you dare to act now!" Jeffree shouted after her, Davey gave him a scared look and then looked at girl, who was laying on the floor now, Jeffree kept silence for couple moments, and then he mumbled weakly, "Sammy?"

They get no response, Davey paled: "Dear? Samantha?" After that he ran to Samantha and knelt besides her.

"Is she?" Jeffree questioned.

"She lost her consciousness," Davey said, he lifted her on his arms carefully, after what he carried her upstairs, because the living-room looked like a battle field.

Davey laid Samantha on Jeffree's bed, because it was the closest room.

Jeffree stood in door worried as hell, while Davey smoothed the hair away from girls face and took her hand in his: "Sammy," he said almost whispering, "Samantha wake up, please!"

Girl moved scarcely and then opened her eyelids slowly.
"Thank God…" Davey whispered, he pushed his long hair wisp behind his ear, "You scared us!"

Samantha stared at him, but she didn't say a thing; Davey turned to Jeffree and looked at him with a questioning look.

"Don't you stand there? Bring her some water!" he said to him, Jeffree disappeared and Davey heard it how fast he ran down the stairs.

He looked at Samantha; girl still didn't say a thing. Jeffree returned with a glass of water and gave it to her, she sat up and drank a bit, then gave glass back to Jeffree and looked at him sadly.

"Jeff, could you leave us for a sec?" she said quietly.

Jeffree nodded and exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Now there was jsut Davey and her. David averted her, he did't wish to hear her thoughts, not now, when she was so confused.

"Davey?" she said quietly, Davey faced her, but his eyes were filled with the pure sadness.
Samantha smiled weakly and reached after his face, she took his hair wisp from behind his ear and preened it carefully, now it looked properly and didn't cover his eye.

Davey took her hand and kissed it gently, then he looked into girls eyes: "Sammy, please don't go to London, we can make it…"

"I have to." She said quietly, "We are so screwed up that we cannot go any further; I mean you are not really a relationship person, Davey, and I am not the one who can keep you with me too."

Davey looked at her desperately: "But we can try to do it better, we can try to fight less…"
Samantha staid quiet for couple seconds, her face was expressionless, then she raised other hand and caressed Davey's cheek, it went to his shoulders and caress broke on his chest.

"We have to end this comedy, Davey this is not that life whihc you deserve." She said.
"But…" Davey whispered.

"We have to stop it!" she said strictly and took off her ring, pushing it into Davey's palm.
David was silent for some time, he stared at the ring, then at Samantha, back to ring, then he simply folded his fingers and closed eyes for a short while.

Meanwhile Jeffree stood in other side of door, he listened to every word, he wasn't senseless. Jeffre’s eyes filled with sadness as well and one single tear rolled down his cheek, he swept it away and kept listening.

Davey stood up and directed to door, he did that slowly and before he exited the room, he turned around.

"I will help you after the child's birth, you know?"

Samantha didn't look at him.

"I will buy you ticket a back to London. Jeffree will bring your stuff… Farewell Samantha…" Davey exited the room, Jeffree was gone, he moseyed before Davey left Samantha.

Samantha wanted to fallow Davey, but she didn't do that.

Davey went downstairs. Jeffree stood resting against the door doorpost.

"So this is it?" Jeffree questioned and looked at Davey, he avoided Jeffree's eyes, "You are leaving?"

"Jeffree, I have no meaning to linger here, she made her decision…" Davey said quietly.
"You know, Dave, you really are a jerk." Jeffree said.

Davey now looked at him.

"Will you take care of her till she leaves California?" Davey questioned.
"Who else would do that?" Jeffree said ironically.

"Okay… I will send her stuff with Jade, or you can come after them." Davey said.
Jeffree looked t him raising his eyebrows with surprise.

"Fine then Jade will brig them!" Davey said as he opened the door, after that he went out and slammed them behind him.

Jeffree stood there without any reaction. Then he simply walked into the room, he took his nail-trimmer and started to file his nails, because he had no idea what else he could do.
He knew that Samantha will not speak to him, so he didn't go upstairs.


It was late evening when Jeffree heard doorbell, he had cleaned the living room, and it looked almost the same again. Samantha was still upstairs; she went to the room, which Jeffree gave her the last night.

Jeffree directed to door and opened it; it was Jade, with Samantha's stuff. He wasn't happy.
"Jade, come in!" Jeffree said, backing away form the door.

Jade went into living room and put both suitcases on the floor.

"Could you tell me what went wrong?" Jade asked him.

"Davey didn't tell you?" Jeffree asked, he fell into a sofa.

"No, he yelled that he hates all the living beings, screamed at me like there is no tomorrow and threw all Samantha's stuff on my head, Jeff, I have never packed woman clothes into suitcases, so I am a bit pissed off too." Jade said irritated.

"Well, Davey is a devil sometimes." Jeffree said smiling.

"But what happened? Why did he "asked" me to bring her stuff to your house? "Jade made that quotation-marks gesture again.

"They broke up." Jeffree said simply.

"They did what?" Jade was surprised.

"We broke up!" they were interrupted by girlish voice, Jade jumped around, but Jeffree glanced at her, surprised that she was so calm.

"But… But…" Jade tried to say something.

"Oh, stop that Jade, I am fine." Sam said, she came downstairs to take her suitcases.
"No, missy!" Jeffree said and stood up, "Barbie will help you, because you are still pregnant. All the same- with Davey or without him- still mommy."

Jeffree took both suitcases, he mumbled something, but carried them upstairs equally.
Jade looked at Samantha, she stared back at him, she still wore Jeffree's sportswear, but Jade find nothing amusing in it.

"You okay?" he finally questioned.

"Perfecto." She answered smiling widely.

"What are you going to do?" Jade confused.

"I will go back home." She smiled.

"Oh… That's a shame." Jade mumbled.

"Not at all. I mean – I at least know that Davey is a father of my child and that he isn't really vacant to this fact." She said assured.

"Trust me, he really cares aobut this child!" Jeffree was back.

"I know… I mean, he is nice after all." Samantha said.

"He is… and he suffers for your leaving." Jade said confused.

"I know he does, but it just didn't work out, so I will not enforce him to stay with me." She said.
They all kept silence.

"Well, good-night, guys." She said suddenly and directed to her room.
"Good-night, dear," Jeffree mumbled.

"Sleep thigh!" Jade called after her.

When Samantha was gone, Jade looked at Jeffree, who was still looking after her.
"Do you think that she will be fine?" Jade questioned with concern.

"She is stronger than you think." Jeffree smiled, "She can go trough fire and return uninjured."

Soon after that Jade left and Jeffree went to sleep.

Samantha sat in her room and thought about that, how close she was to Davey Havok, and how he disappointed her. But she knew that it wasn't just his fault...