Status: old one

All My Life I'm Dancing With Strangers

How could you?

Davey wanted to rest a bit, so he went to his favorite café, where we met him for the very first time in this story.

Samantha said that she will stay at home; she was too tired after yesterday.

He ordered black coffee, Davey had bought newspaper, and he started to leaf trough it.

There was the biggest title on the second page: "Blaqk Audio's party"

It had some other smaller titles under it, such like:
"Davey Havok devoted the song to his girlfriend" (he smiled reading that);
"Nils has a girlfriend?";
"Jeffree says that he and Davey are just friends." (It didn't surprise Davey, annoyed- yes- but didn't surprise);
"Adam and Hunter are enjoying their free time!";
And so on.

Davey sat there alone for about fifteen minutes, reading his newspaper, when he was interrupted by some kind of voice.

"Hey, Dave, I didn't expect to see you here!" it was girl's voice.

Davey raised his eyes and smiled: "Cassandra, how are you?"

He rose up and hugged her. Jade and Casey went different ways not long ago, she said that they didn't really had real relationships, and Jade was tired of all those fights. If Sam and Dave had small ones and usually one of them ended up in hospital (well, just David actually), then Jade and Casey were literally killing each other with words, and these kind of relationships were far from good ones...

"I am fine, thank you! How are you?" Casey questioned.

"Fine, I guess, okay, who am I kidding, I am doing great!" Davey laughed.
Casey ordered tea and sat in front of him.

"I heard about Blaqk Audio! I bought the CD yesterday." Cassandra said smiling.

"Already?" Davey confused.

"Yeah, I simply went into the music shop and bought it." Casey said smiling proudly.

"Okay… it came out just yesterday, you know?" Davey said, he drank small a sip off his coffee.

"I know? I know everything about you." Cassandra said looking at the tea cup, which stood in front of her.

"Yeah… Well who doesn't?" Davey joked back, he didn't know why was she so kind today.

To tell the truth, Casey was quite complected being, and Davey had never really understood her. He didn't even like her, but he wasn't from those who expressed these kind of emotions clearly. Davey was used to be nice around people, so he was nice around Casandra too.
They spoke till they both finished their drinks. Davey rose up and said that he had to go. Casey rose up as well. They paid their bills and went out off café.

Casey acted weird.

"I'll see you then…" Davey said, she stood there in front off him and smiled.

"Okay." She said and approached Davey suddenly; she planted her lips on his.
Davey froze; he didn't know how to act.

"Davey?" he suddenly heard the same girlish voice behind him.

It was reflex; he pushed Casey away from him and turned around.

There she stood- Samantha- she stared at him with desperate look. Davey confused.

"Sammy, it is not what it look like" he tried to justify himself.

Whereas Casey simply smiled at her.

Samantha wasn't really a little adorable girl, who would run away crying, she went to Casey, pushing Davey away.

"You Slut!" she yelled and slapped Cassandra into her face without any hesitation.
Cassandra didn't expect that, slap was that strong, that she almost lost her balance.
"By you!" Casey yelled and raised her hand to hit her back.

Davey acted faster, he caught Casey's arm and pushed it to her side, pulling Samantha away with his other hand, while she tried to kick him back.

"Casey better leave!" Davey said at her warningly.

Cassandra mumbled something and turned around to leave. Just after she was gone Davey released Samantha and she now slapped him, then girl turned around, got in Davey's car and drove away. Davey had other car with him; he bought it after Angela's birth.

David got in it and followed after Samantha as fast as he could.


Davey got in the house not long after Samantha was there. He went into it and before he went into the living room, he heard footsteps on stairs and someone slammed the door.
Samantha got into her bedroom and locked the door; then she ran and fell into the bed, spewing with tears.

After couple seconds Davey stood behind the door, he tried to open them, but realized that she had locked them.

"Samantha, I am sorry!" he said, Samantha curled up in a ball, sobbing quietly.

"Sammy, could you just talk to me?" Davey asked, he really wasn't glad about this situation.
Ashlee came into the hall, she held Angela on her arms.

"Is everything okay?"

"Nothing important, just another argument." Davey said, "Could you please leave me?"
Ashlee said nothing, she went back to Angela's room.

"Sammy?" Davey asked once more.

Samantha didn't answer; she had no wish to talk to him.

Davey stood there for couple minutes, but when he didn't get an answer, he decided to act differently.

"Fine, if you don't want to talk to me, so shall it be!" he said and left the door.

Samantha didn't even move she was even too mad to throw with something, so she just staid in her spot calm.


Davey was worried; Samantha sat in that room already for two days. If he even would stand on his head in middle of the living room, she wouldn't come out. Jeffree was away from town, he had to return just today, and he was the last hope for Dave, all other had already tried it.

Jeffree wasn't really happy when Davey announced to him that Samantha had locked herself into her room.

"What did you do again?'' Jeffree asked to Davey after he entered his house.

"What is the most funniest thing– I did nothing- Casey simply kissed me." Davey said.

"Oh, you are irretrievable, David Marchand! You should marry her, but instead, you are kissing other woman." Jeffree yelled while heading upstairs.

Jeffree approached the door, and knocked quietly.

"Sammy? Dear, are you okay?" Jeffree asked with concern.

There was no answer.

Jeffree laid against the door and started to speak in monologue.

"Sammy, you will not win, if you act like that. David had used to attention, he likes when other people approaches him and tells things- although they aren’t pleasant all the time- you should use to that too. Samantha, he loves you, really, trust me that he regrets that kiss by now, but if he don't, then I will make him to regret it." Jeffree said, then he waited for an answer.

Samantha, who listened to Jeffree all the time, now stood up and quietly approached door.

"Sammy, please, could you just come out?" Jeffree pleaded, "I came here, so I could…"

He didn't finish, Samantha opened the door and Jeffree fell on the floor with the loud noise.

"Shit!" he yelled out, but Samantha giggled, her small laughter filled the entire building.

"Hi, Jeffree!" She finally said.

"Oh, that is so hot! I will have bruises now, you know that?" He said standing up.

Then he hugged Samantha, he was really glad to see her.

"Sammy?" Davey stood a bit further, Jeffree gave him miff look, but Davey ignored it.

Samantha withdrew Jeffree and glanced at Davey.

"You know what?" Jeffree said suddenly.

Samantha looked at Jeffree questioningly.

"Davey said that your marriage will be after one month already." Jeffree said smiling.

"Really?" Samantha questioned, she smiled like brightly.

"Really." Jeffree said.

"Oh, David, I am so glad about that!" she skirled and rushed to hug him.

Davey was confused, Samantha wrapped her arms around Davey's neck, but Davey restrained for couple moments, then he embraced her tightly, and glanced at Jeffree with an irritated look.

"You're welcome!" Jeffree made voiceless words with his lips.

Davey wasn't extremely glad about marriage, but he was happy that Samantha was back in his arms.

She pulled back from hug and looked into Davey's eyes: "I love you."

"I love you too, babe." Davey said and kissed her on forehead, after that he pressed her to his chest again and placed his chin on girl's head.

Jeffree was still smiling with flying colors, but Davey looked at him with I'll-kill-you look.
♠ ♠ ♠
LOL, I love Jeffree's character... I suppose that I have given him a bigger attention than I have given to Davey. Oh, well...
Anyways, even hos stupid the next few chapters wouldn't be--- trust me, they have their meaning in the story, 'cause these chapters will add another character to the storyline. So, be patient and don't judge me, okay?
This will be the biggest fight so far... I guess.