Status: old one

All My Life I'm Dancing With Strangers

So this is it!

They spent together some good time.

Before they went to their show, to the sound check actually, Davey and Jade were in MacDonald to buy some latte for girls and coffees for them, Sammy and Meg sat in car.

"So how do you like them?" Samantha asked.

"They are nice…" Megan said thoughtfully.

"Hey, you are speaking about my next husband now!" Samantha said, "Besides, there is also Jade."

Megan glanced at her: "I have no idea what are you speaking about."

"Okay…" Samantha said, then she fell into silence, "By the way," she finally said, "I wish you to come with me to California."

Megan confused: "I… I… Really?"

"Yeah, I mean, do you have something important here?" she asked.

"No…" Megan puzzled even more.

"Then I think you should agree with me." Samantha smiled happily.

Megan simply stared at her for couple moments and then spoke, her voice was full with an unexpected rapture: "Off course I will go with you!"

"It's a deal then!" Samantha said joyfully.

Suddenly they calmed down, because Jade and Davey were back.

"Girls." Davey bespoke them, he gave latte to Sammy.

"Boys." Megan said once tehy were in the car.

She soon started it, and they drove off to take Davey and Jade to hotel, so they could change and go to the show.

"So are you coming to see us tonight?" Davey asked.

"I am!" Megan said excitedly, while doing her best to drive and avert spilling her latte.

"I am not." Samantha said calmly.

Davey glanced at her: "I thought you like to hear me singing."

"I do Davey, but I have to pack all the things for tomorrow, besides, I was angry with you, so I didn't buy the ticket."

"That is not a problem, you are my girlfriend, remember? So that's means that you have a string-pulling when it comes to AFI's or Blaqk Audio shows." Davey confused.

"Davey, I really don't think that I should go, because I have to take care of Angela too, but I know that you will make a great show." She said.

Megan glanced at Jade, who was looking at her, Jade avoided hers look immediately.
"I have to pack my things too," Megan said suddenly.

Jade's eyes widened, and he couldn't hide that, even if he wanted.

"Yes, guys, she is going with us tomorrow." Samantha informed them.

"That's great!" Davey smiled widely, "Right Jade?"

Jade was speechless, he had no idea how to react. He liked Megan and it was obvious, but he was almost assured that this was the only one time when he was able to meet her...

Samantha directed home; Jade and Davey left to show, but Megan drove home to get ready for the concert.


Concert was great as usually. All fans were over the moon, and Davey had to admit that he was pleasantly surprised.

He and Jade were used that fans loved AFI, but it was a bit different now, so all this attention was worth it.

After the show Davey directed to the hotel, but Jade said that he had something better on his mind. It didn't surprise Davey. He already knew what was that better thing was.


"Hi! Great performance!" Megan said hugging Jade.

"I am glad that you liked it!" Jade answered.

He was in a great mood.

"So where shall we go?" Megan asked playfully.

"Clubbing sounds great." Jade said.

"You had Blaqk Audio show just how; do you really have strength for the other round in the club?" Megan confused.

"I am, if I have such an attractive partner." Jade said smiling brightly.

Megan blushed.

Soon after that they wet to her car, and left to the club.

If you wish to know what happened further, then I can tell you that they had a great time. Although, when Jade and Megan reached her house (she still lived with her parents, but they weren’t home tonight), he sat in an armchair, watching that, how Megan put her stuff in her suitcases. Show and dancing had done their work. Soon Jade dozed off.

Megan smiled once she noticed that, now she tried to act as quietly as she could. After she was done, she took cover and covered Jade with it.

Megan left her room and went downstairs; she set the alarm clock on five in morning and fell asleep on couch.

So, as you already see, Jade is a bit more sober-blooded than Davey was with Samantha when he met her for the very first time... that's kind of funny, isn't it?
♠ ♠ ♠
Where did I have all that patience to write it all? This is the longest story which I have ever written...
Oh, right there was another one, that one was 200 pages and it was tragedy...
Don't worry, I erased it, so I will not update it here.