Status: old one

All My Life I'm Dancing With Strangers


On the next morning Samantha and Megan took Davey's black car and drove to meet Jeffree. Samantha had called him two hours ago, because she knew how long time Jeffree needed to get ready in the morning act. C'mon, she had seen him without makeup! He really was a man---- very feminine, but still just a man.

She warned him that she will take her friend with her, and said that she is a girl too. Jeffree seemed to be okay with that.

She took those shoes which Davey had bought to him, since Davey had asked her for this favor.


After they stopped near with Jeffree's house and Megan got out she looked at Jeffree's home really carefully.

"Looks like normal person's house for me." She said.

Samantha got out, locked the door and then glanced at Megan, Samantha seemed to be a bit iterated.

"He is normal… okay, maybe a bit eccentric, but he is alike you and me." She said while they both walked to the door.

Samantha rang doorbell and heard loud "Come in!" from inside. She slowly opened the door and went in the house.

"Sammy!" she heard and didn't manage to realize what was going on, when Jeffree sharply approached her and without any warning hugged her tightly, "My, gosh, I missed you so much!"

"… A bit eccentric you say?" Megan mumbled.

Jeffree's hug was too much too tight.

"Jeff, you're killing me…" Samantha breathed out.

"Ups, sometimes I forget how strong I really am…" Jeffree said and releasing her, then his attention switched to Megan, he made weird face expression, because it seemed that he didn't really like her.

Megan didnt' seem to be over the moon too; she stared at him with what-the-hell look and didn't even try to hide it.

"Jeffree- Megan. Megan- Jeffree." Samantha said smiling widely.

"Hi." Jeffree said in expressionlessly.

"Hi." Megan mumbled.

"Okay, so we can go now… oh, here you are, Davey sends those!" Samantha gave to Jeffree bag with shoes.

Jeffree opened the bag and a big smile crossed his face: "Davey always has a good taste when it comes to shoes." He said, then he dropped them on the floor, he grabbed his cell phone, and purse (Megan stared at him confused) and they all directed to Davey's car.


Megan stared at Jeffree with perplexity, because he sat in her place near with Samantha and she had to sit in back seat.

Jeffree talked with Samantha joyfully about that how she had binned in London while giving to Megan couple glances; he realized that Megan was looking at him. Everyone would notice that, 'cause Megan was literally staring at him.

Megan felt uncomfortable. She was the one who wore provocative clothes and always managed to look elegantly, but now she sat in one car with man, who wore the same type of clothes and looked even better than she did. That disgusted her actually.

"Your friend doesn't seem to be very polite." Jeffree suddenly said.

"Oh, she just have to get use to you, and trust me, that is quite a challenge, Jeff." Samantha explained, meanwhile she stopped the car near with the shop.

"I am polite; just… you really do look like a geek to me." Megan muttered while getting out of the car.

Jeffree raised one off his pink eyebrows: "I am weird, freak and Barbie, but, please, never call me geek, that's offensive." Jeffree said almost warningly.

Samantha noticed that Megan didn't like Jeffree, but she took them both by their hands and they went into the shop.

Jeffree and Megan flashed abusive glances each at other, but Samantha tried o ignore that.
Samantha walked trough shop while Jeffree and Megan collected stuff which she could buy. After that all three of them went to the changing room.

Jeffree stood on the one side off the room, but Megan on the other, when Samantha came out with black jeans and hooped emo style top, they both started to comment her look.
"Oh, I love this one!" Jeffree said excitedly.

"Yeah, if you wish to look like everyone else…" Megan muttered.

"C'mon, Meg, I think I look good." Samantha said marveling herself.

"What does she knows about fashion, I think you should take this one!" Jeffree said throwing an evil glance at Megan.

She already realized that Jeffree tried to challenge her.

"That's hot… Okay, put on the next outfit!" Megan said while looking back at Jeffree, who was didn't like to hear "That's hot!" phrase.

Samantha came out in a pink hoodie and short denim skirt.

"Yaay, pink, you have to buy this one!" Jeffree exclaimed.

"Yay, pink…" Megan aped him, gesturing with both hands like Jeffree had done it just a second ago.

"Megan!" Samantha called out, looking at her friend's reflection, she didn't like Megan's attitude.

"What?" Megan said looking at her innocently.

"She is such a bitch!" Jeffree's ego was at risk, so he defended himself.

"Okay, I am not a fag transvestite, so you shouldn't be insulting me now!" Megan answered, her voice was annoyed and disgusted.

"Guys!" Samantha called.

"Sorry…" Megan and Jeffree mumbled.

"Take this one, just not that hoodie, pink is not your color." Megan consulted her.

After five minutes Samantha came out in long-sleeved black upper part, which looked cute, but actually ended somewhere in half-thigh and dark blue jeans.

"This one looks nice! You look a bit like me and definitely taller, just, you should get high-heeled shoes now!" Megan said, then she glanced at Jeffree, expecting for his comment.
"Yeah, well, you definitely look better than she does." He mumbled.

"What did you say?" Megan called out, "You think that I am ugly?"

Jeffree looked at her provocatively: "No, just dumb as pale." He smirked.

Now that was a challenge...

"Okay, that's it!" Megan stormed, she approached Jeffree ad slapped him into his face, Jeffree didn't hesitate and slapped her back.

Samantha jumped around, she didn't believe in what she saw.

"YOU!" Megan yelled holding her hand onto the painful spot, "I will kill you!"

"Who will kill who honey?" Jeffree raised his voice.

Megan was ready; she actually always was ready for a fight. Jeffree actually had no idea that she could beat him in couple minutes, even if he was much taller than she was, because Megan trained in yoga and she was much stronger than Samantha was.

"Pink haired clown!" she almost yelled at him.

"And who are you? Little Red Riding Hood?" Jeffree yelled back.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Samantha couldn't stand it.

Megan and Jeffree looked at her confused.

"What?!" They both asked, none of them seemed to understand her.

Samantha approached Jeffree, and pushed him back into his corner: "You stay here!" then she took Megan's hand and pulled her to the other corner, "But you stand here!"

They tried to say something, but Samantha, who was on her way back to the changing cabin, stopped and without facing any of she hissed three words: "Shut your mouths!"

Then she turned around: "You both will stay here, if you even hate each other to bone, you are my best friends, and you will have to respect each other, Megan--- " She said turning to Megan, who was still staring at Jeffree with an evil glance.

"Fine!" Megan exclaimed while crossing her hands on her chest.

"Jeffree?" Samantha looked at the young Star.

"Okay, okay, calm down!" He sounded frightened, he knew what Samantha was like when she was mad.

Then Samantha went into the cabin.

"Plastic doll…" Mrgan mumbled.

"Synthetic gingery…" Jeffree hissed back at her.

"Hey!" Samantha called from her cabin, "I am not deaf, you know?"

Jeffree and Megan fell silent instantly.

That entire shopping seemed to be a nightmare for Samantha; because she had to listen to that how Jeffree and Megan called each other in names when they thought that she wasn't listening.


After afflicting 3 hours Samantha took both friends back to their houses. Megan sat near with her and said nothing, but Jeffree crabbed in back seat.

When they stopped near with Jeffree's house Megan remained in car, but Samantha decided to accompany Jeffree.

Jeffree went into the living-room and sat back into the couch.

"I am so sorry about Megan, she really isn't such a bitch, I don't know what is wrong with her." Samantha said, Jeffree looked at her and smiled.

"Calm down, Sammy, she is okay, just too much alike me." Jeffree said.

"Well, next time I will take just you, because she acted too pigheaded today." Sammy muttered.

"Okay, but I don't mind if she came with us." He said calmly.

"So you really wish to die then?" Samantha raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, you think she could hurt me?" Jeffree laughed back at her.

Samantha didn't answer; she just smiled, then she directed to the outdoor: "Bye, Barbie!"
"See ya tomorrow at the designer!" Jeffree called after her.

Samantha turned around giving him a confused look.

"You already know?"

"I, I captain!" Jeffree smirked.

"Oh, okay… you should come after me then." Samantha confused even more.
"I will… ten o'clock?" Jeffree offered.

"That's fine with me!" Sammy said, then she really did go to the door, she opened them, "See ya then!"

"Bye, doll!" Jeffree called after her.


"You are such pumpkin-head!" Samantha said once she got into the car.

"What did I do?" Megan confused.

"Jeffree is a good friend of mine, you know?" Samantha started the car.

"Oh, you are in friends with fags now?" Megan raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"Girl, everyone thinks that Davey is fag, not looking at fact that I am with him!" Samantha said ironically.

"But…" Megan tried to refuse.

"Jeffree is weird, I agree with you, I thought the same, when is saw him for the very first time, but he is a great person, and he helped me a lot. I really respect him, and I don't wish to loose his friendship only because of you." Samantha explained.

"He called me synthetic gingery," Megan said with an offense in her voice.

"Well, you called him a plastic doll." Samantha reminded to her.

"Oh, you know he loved that!" Megan said ironically, "Girl, he is more plastic than I could ever be!"

"That's true, but it's still doesn't sound like a compliment." Samantha giggled.

They kept in silence for awhile.

"So, is Davey really gay?" Megan questioned suddenly.

"Tell me that once more and I will break every damn bone in your body!" Samantha almost hissed.

"Fine. Sorry!" Megan apologized, "But is he?"

"No!" Samantha exclaimed, she seemed to be a bot confused.

"And is he good?" Megan questioned, she was a curious person, so this question was just in place.

"What do you mean?" Samantha confused.

"I mean--- in bed?" Megan asked.

"Megan!" Samantha blushed, "I will not discuss with you my personal life!"
Megan smiled: "So he is good!"

Samantha was red as strawberry.

“Wow! That good?” Megan amused.

Sammy threw a glare into her direction. Meg smirked.


If you ask me, if Samantha and Megan went shopping and Davey was gone to photo session, who watched after Angela, then here is your answer…

"Hunter, we are home!" Samantha called once they had entered the foyer; both girls were laden with purchases.

"Hush!" Hunter hissed when he appeared in the foyer, he smiled, "I just how put her to sleep."

"Oh, that's sweet!" Megan said in lovable tone.

"Yeah…" Hunter said while checking Megan's figure.

"Okay, that's enough, better take these!" Samantha laughed, giving purchases to Hunter.
Samantha had to go trough that all too, and she still noticed that Davey's friends looked at her with weird looks.

Hunter took her purchases and directed upstairs.

"He is cute!" Megan said quietly, she put her bags on the floor, "Hun," she called after him, Hunter turned around, and she smiled sweetly, "Could you take these bags to Samantha's room after you come downstairs again?"

"Sure!" Hunter said.

Samantha went into living-room and saw that Angela was sleeping in her baby bed near with couch. Davey had bought it before going to London.

"She is so cute!" Megan whispered.

Samantha smiled.

After that they left to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Well, if Samantha was vegetarian now, then Megan still ate meat, so Davey still had to buy all the groceries which disgusted him...

After about ten minutes Hunter joined them.

"Where is Adam?" Samantha asked, because she hadn't met him yet.

"Oh, I think that he is somewhere in Mexico." Hunter confused.

"Somewhere? Why he is there?" Samantha also puzzled.

"I don't know, he said that he had to do something, then he got in the plain and gone he was." Hunter explained while taking one vegan muffin when she placed those on table.

"Okay…" Samantha said thoughtfully.

"Ew! What is this stuff?" Megan winced, she wasn't a lover of these kind of things.

"It's a vegan food dear, Jade eats those." Samantha smirked.

"Oh…" Megan confused, then she her muffin again, "It is not that bad…"

Samantha and Hunter laughed.

Davey came in house quietly; he always came in like that, if he was in a good mood, Jade was with him. Soon they found them in the kitchen.

"Hey, Samantha!" Davey approached and kissed her immediately.

"Hey…" Samantha smiled.

"Hunter." Davey said, meanwhile Jade simply clapped him on shoulder, letting him choke with his soda.

"Hey you guys!" Megan said happily.

"Hi, babe!" Jade smiled.

"How was the shopping?" Davey asked curiously.

"Jeffree is an idiot!" Megan muttered.

"Okay…" Davey said thoughtfully, "He is not a saint, but I couldn't call him an idiot..."

Samantha smiled sadly: "They fought."

"You go girl!" Jade said happily giving high-fife to her.

Davey, Hunter and Samantha glanced at them weirdly. Jade blushed, but Meg looked at them expressionlessly. She knew exactly what they were thinking...
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, they both are her best friends... (?)